When will it happen?
Peak degeneracy
The day before the Nazis took over.
There is always room for a little more
wtf usa
God. What even is this?
these people are not hurting are they? why do you care? are you a closet homosexual?
hotels put up with a lot of weird shit
What the fuck am I looking at here?
Cripple nigger BDSM Trekkie faggot and Mad Max bitch style slave red shirt at helium inhaling competition.
It has already happened
>pic related
Never, it will continue as long as humans exist, you think it's bad now, but it will get worse, though there might be bumps in the road. Enjoy the ride.
Weimar republic. Do you know what happened after Weimar republic?
Where can I find the full video of this?
Goddamn degeneracy.
Where's hitler when u need him
Yes yes. :P
The cripple isnt a nigger he's just in klingon makeup
But they are star treks niggers so he's on thin ice
People are very creative. Just when you think you have seen it all, some faggot will push it even further.
There is always something you can do to make it worse.
>tfw feels good to be in a patriarchy where you can rape and beat the shit out of your wife.
the future your grandfather chose when he invaded nazi-liberated Europe
Female Milo and one of the cast from willow.
The wheel chair's life is already fucked, might as well try to conform and get a pet with daddy issues. I bet Milo is fucking awesome in bed
>ITT: progress
You edgelords are on the wrong side of history. What, a drag queen reading to kids is going to turn them gay?
Where she's from, the birds sing a pretty song.
What the fuck am I looking at ?
>9 years old
But seriously why is drag degenerate? It's just comedy. Even medieval people did it.
This isn't Star Trek I remember
hotwheel's life went pretty low after he sold his imageboard
You need a +90% gnostic-atheist population, socialism or communism need to be preferred by society. Culture and tradition should be close to being non-existent because religion should be around 1%, agnostics would probably be the second largest group.
That 1% of religious people will probably be LARPers that do not actually believe in the religion but want to continue tradition (which they ironically make the religion weaker as no one would believe in it).
You need a population that has gone through academia, since idealism seems to grow on those that are "educated." This should result in people being apologetic to communism, because it "technically can work."
This is of course, without the introduction of a revival (such as those of Christianity), or assuming another more militant religion like Islam doesn't take over and starts to murder everyone.
For those that are saying all of this is BS, just look at Europe, it's already heading there and it is already more degenerate than the U.S. I would focus on Britain, France, and Germany. Ireland is also a good example, just look at the younger, secular, "educated," etc. population.
Just give it 50-100 years, and you'll see what I am talking about. Although by then most of you will be dead, or seniors arguing on Sup Forums that the 1% of Christians left in Europe are actually the ones causing the problems.
This isn't a bad thing.
It's not an issue for them to have fun, they should be able to do what they like, but it is an issue if and when this is promoted - whether by them or others - as something that is normal, healthy or encouragable.
i.e. being gay is fine, but parading about being gay is not fine.
march 4th 2018 in canada. a muslims will molest a dog during a ghey pride parade on a street pagiit had covered in shit while some faggy euro vision song plays on ipods across canada and it will tear the universe apart with its faggotry as liberals applaud such "bravery"
Isn't love beautiful?
Drag is very big here for some reason, but it's mostly the coloureds that do it. Then again Cape Town is known as one of the gay capitals of the world.
On the moon, but he's coming back soon...
We're hitting degeneracy levels that shouldn't even be possible.
It's that new super-diverse Star Trek series they're about to come out with that has a tranny captain. The few white males they allow have to be fags.
There will reach a point when the majority of popular society will frown upon a degenerate downward spiral and have it stop so they can take a step back and throw up a bit, but statistically, there will have to be a small portion of the population that keeps taking it further
Because the fags infested it and made it an LGBT thing. Now it's permeated with the same degeneracy you find in the gay community. The two are now synonymous.
Looks like a good potential mother to my children.
those kids look terrifed
>this guy has a gf
>I don't
There is a huge difference between seeing something as a joke that is only done on stage, and people who are unironically walking around as a midget nigger/ retarded slave on a leash pair.
A huge fucking difference.
We don't have half the degeneracy late Rome had so there's still some leeway. Call me again when we have hundreds of blonde little girls getting raped by trained baboons before a cheering crowd in an arena (Romans had that).
Tried England?
We are at the peak, however the slope is increasing among the the height
Yeah but shes a midget, so you cant be too mad
I do want to see it.
you have seen nothing yet
Cripeling them selfes to show tolerance towards criples.
Trying to have sex with a wolf or a tiger to show how fluid you are.