She. Fucking. Won. Period.
She. Fucking. Won. Period
Other urls found in this thread:
Cant wait till she takes over once Trump is gone
Somebody doesn't understand the electoral college.
>falling for lowtier 0/10 repost bait
hahahhaahahahaah no she fucking didnt you fucking stoned ass faggot
USA is not a fucking democracyy its a REPUBLIC
there are rules its not a fucking who has the biggest number its who has the widest support
sommeone doesnt understand how the rule book works you fucking shill
She didn't win the presidency :^)
shut up, toothpaste flag
you dont know how the election works
Sure, she can be president of Puerto Rico or something.
Clinton had the most faithless electors in OVER A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS.
And that was AFTER this pathetic paid-for kike bullshit.
ahahahahah get fucked
sHe. fUcKinG. wOn. pEriOD.
Friendly reminder that if you take away the MILLIONS of illegal Russian votes she would have won the electoral vote, too.
>illegal ivans vs illegal pedros
ctr/shareblue fec documents
Trump would've campaigned differently if the game had been checkers instead of chess.
Above message for sincere visitors. Saged bait thread.
Low energy bait
yeah you are right, st petersburg was transformed into a fucking american city and voted for trump in proportions of 150%
you fucking retard there is no link , there is no connection and even if it was a connection russia did what? gave away some emails?
so now transparency is a bad thing?
fucking shill go kill yourself
She won a period?
She didn't win the Electoral College, you shill.
That not possible the election can't be rigged. I know so because Hillary said so.
>Hillary had a bigger number of supporters but Trump still had the widest support
Du-te ma si ia-ti uleiul si faina de la PSD si lasa americanii in pace.
>support trump
>ulei si faina de la PSD
Sigur dute inapoi in coliba din care ai venit plebeule
>Reddit still replies to these threads.
Holy shit all of you can kill yourselves
You're right! See picrelated.
Nu are nicio relevanta ca ii zice social democrat, la noi PSD-ul e partidul care vorbeste pentru taranii carora le curg balele din gura, la fel ca Trump in America.
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100% factual
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
Now they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 20 countries
>The JQ:
How's life on Fiji
nys shariablue
If she won then why is Trump president you shill?
Muh participation trophy.