Get ready for impeachment.
Get ready for impeachment
Thats a tweet!
Not gonna hold my breath tbqh
I hope this african-american woman is right.
Tweet doesn't exist nigger.
Have an upboat my based nigger.
Get ready for Alzheimer's Maxine, you Ronald McDonald looking sheboon cunt. Bernie couldn't win and he wasn't positive Guam was going to capsize if we stationed too many Navy servicemen there.
i fucking hate getting my hands greasy for no reason.
do i have a ocd? my skin is fucking cringing
Because she has such a great track record
>Get ready for impeachment attempt #236234923423
>It's gunna happen this time guys
>trust me
>a trusted anonymous source told me (some drunk guy on 5th ave)
James Brown Wig
I hate it too. Handling raw bacon is the worst because normal soap won't wash off the oilyness.
Pick one.
I use Dawn dish detergent in that situation.
that fat piece of shit
I pick BasedNigger.
Trump getting inbeached the 500th time this year.
I don't have that with grease on hands but I get it with sunscreen/lotion on other parts of the body
Get up ah
Get on up
Like a tax return
Get on up
These are the same people who said he wasn't a serious candidate
Then he was a serious candidate, but he won't win the GOP nomination
Then he won the GOP nomination, but he won't win the election
Then he won the election, but he won't actually be inaugurated
Now he is inaugurated, is the most powerful person on planet Earth, WWIII hasn't started, the economy hasn't collapsed, but he's totally gonna be impeached we're not lying or in denial this time
Impeachment is happening, no doubt. That doesn't mean conviction, though. I actually welcome it so he'll be found not guilty and everyone gets BTFO.
>b-but I heard 6 million died in the holocaust!
Normies swallow 6 gorillion because they never critically examine such a grisly topic, believing (((Hollywood))) and Allied history is 100% factual
>b-but what about the Nuremberg trials! Some Nazis admitted war crimes, so it must be true Hitler had a Final Solution to kill all the Jews!
Rudolph Hoess confessed 25 million were killed at Aushwitz, does that sound believable? Allies tortured German POWs. At Dachau Nazis had their testicles kicked in and crushed beyond repair
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) said 4 million died in gas chambers. Today, the death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes), though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>b-but it wasn't just Auschwitz!
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) said 2 million were killed in gas chambers.
Now they say The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>b-but the Reinhard death camps: Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec!
There is little to support the claim that tens of thousands, let alone 1.3 MILLION died
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>b-but Nazis made lampshades out of tattooed Jewish inmates!
The lampshade myth comes from a propaganda film made to de-Nazify Germany by a US Psych Warfare unit
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>b-but I've seen Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah!
Watch the following
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
>o-ok, let's suppose you're right. Why does it matter?!
It matters because no one can criticize the Jews without being labeled an anti-semite. Denial is ILLEGAL in 20 countries
>The JQ:
wtf how is it tommorow ? are you a time traveler?
When it happens, It's gonna be so satisfying to see drumpflets backpedal and deny they ever ridiculed people who thought he was gonna be impeached.