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>Nothing on spain

Maybe they should've put those resources to good use in the thousands of years they were free to use them.

>implying ALL the resources are gone

Pfft, there's still shitloads of diamonds, lumber, and ape-powered labor up to whoever has the balls to acquire them. Probably China.


It's the part of Africa we haven't gotten to yet

I blame the British East India Company and the Diamond monopoly.

no. catch aids and die, nigger.

Spain excavated South America

>Implying you're not Africa tier
Stop begging outside my grocery store btw

>even the ocean doesn't want to go to africa

pay debts

Fuck you.

>Implying you are not the new Africa

Sven plhs.

Indeed Romania is not. I've been here half a year and I've seen a grand total of 5 niggers. Guessing that's not the same in the cuckshed that you currently inhabit.

Do you even have food for today?

niggers lost...
i apologize for nothing!



I'm sorry we were sloppy and missed Madagascar

Africa still has a shitload more of everything, not our fault the whole continent is retarded niggers that can't even unify or come together under a common goal

Shit answer. They were right all along and we need to respect the earth and our spirit. I bet they lived happier lives in dirt than all of us.

Would'nt the water just floooooosh into the hole?

what they seem to forget that africa STILL has a shit load of resources. The most on this fucking planet. If they were white and asian and got their shit together, we'd literally be fucked.

I apologize
- for ending slavery
- for the transfer of technological developments to underdeveloped people
- for the medical care of uncivilized peoples
- for equality between black and white
-for the introduction of human rights worldwide
-for the introduction of the rule of law worldwide

Future generations of white will hopefully reverse this error and leave the rest of humanity to itself.

I fucking WISH we left Africa and all the niggers from it in a giant hole in the ground.

>lived there already, longer in fact
>had ample time to establish everything the europeans had PLUS MORE
>do nothing instead
>europeans come back south after evolving a bit
>establish cities and farms for you
>you chase them out
>let the cities crumble
>kill each other because "muh tribal borders weren't respected"
>implying your cultures are actually incompatible with each other, let alone European cultures
>woops, contradiction in the narrative

i'm so sorry
we, whites, shall pay reparations
once again, sorry

This. White piggus must pay reparations.

"I undertook the the works in Congo in the interest of civilisation and for the well-being of Belgium." - Leopold II


Learn how to mine gold, niggers. Where's the giant individual pile over Poland?

This is disgusting propaganda, we'd never leave three whole coins behind wtf

Whites asians and slavs need to just say fuck it and take Africa from the boons,split it up three ways, rape the fuck out of it and make use of what the nogs couldnt.

>not even the oceans want to flood africa

nice one lad


they should be happy they still exist,west europe shouldve taken everything including the continent itself

Colonization was the best thing that ever happened to that god forsaken continent. White men brought civilization, railroads and cities to Africa. They fed and clothed the nigger, in exchange for hard honest work, when it would have been better to kill everyone with skin darker than a paper bag. The white men left Africa with the gift of civilization, but niggers have no sense of responsability or morality.

Underrated leaf bantz!

working on it

Oh, that kind of German.
Back to r3ddit with that backwards way of thinking..

It's better this way

Why is it that Africans didnt take advantage of any of their resources?
Why didnt they develop architecture like every other human culture in the world did?
Why are they still more primitive than 2000 year old Europe and Asia?

>whites took all of Africa's resources
>but somehow Chinese are soft colonizing Africa and taking more resources from it
How is this even possible? Chinese kung fu magic?

im sorry...that my country could never exploit the shithole that is africa


>Nothing on spain
>A shittone of gold on Eastern Europe which didn't even colonize overseas


arabs owned the african savages too

Same desu

Hey Bojan
Think a little bit further, what do you think
what happens when we leave the boys to themselves?

They will plead us within a generation to come back.

>you will never become a good business man

>1 post by this ID
full force today

What the fuck did we do? We had like one tiny colony in Africa we didn't use.

and for losing the war

don't forget that

Yeah and fuck you for not using it the way it was intended

Don't want to shock you, but you actually imported a bunch of nogs and forced them to work on your plantations. It's a part of history that's rarely talked about but there was slavery in America.

We are not responsible for the West

'cept the niggers no longer want the shit-skins' scimitar...

now that they can have sino shekels instead...

Suck uranium nigger

yes -- but ignoring history, does not make it go away

photoshop a merchant and anglo, pic is perfect

do not remind me of that
fuuuuuuuck ......

Eat shit nigger.

They had better roads, electricity and rail than Ireland under the colonies and still fucked it up.

All they had to do was take over and be civil. But no.

"if I steal the wires/rail tracks and scrap them I CAN DRINK ALL WEEK". Typical bigger mindset.

Then South America and the Caribbean should have gold if that's the standard.

I love it how Portugal (and to a lesser extent Spain) managed to exploit and colonize lots of countries and still get away with it


Because you guys are broke. Nogs tend to fuck off if they can't get gibs.

>the narrative that whites are the only evils in history isn't actually true.
Again. Shocker! Everyone has been exploited and have exploited on different scales.

t. nigger


You're welcome

Africa is still rich in natural resources, at this point you can't even blame colonists and all this crap.

It's on them now

Africa still has everything it used to, and more. They just didn't value any of the materials europeans and americans took from Africa in the way we did.

True that.
Still, SJW's could still focus us.


Instead of coins, it should be damn dirty apes

Why do they want to come to Europe then instead of living in their shit mud huts?


This. Niggers are literally enslaving their own kind (again) in diamond mines. Look up what's happening in Angola

Theres also nothing on the UK

*shits on your worthless face*

>Implying you're not Africa tier

Shouldn't you be prep the bull? Your wifes son is gonna get angry at beat you for not taking care of Abul before he fills your wife with his cum.

When was Africa (other than Egypt who aren ot niggers) or Carthage (who, by coincidence, are also not niggers) ever been remotely rich and not tribal?

more accurate map

>Leftists in charge of history

I think i have a jew nose

That aid needs to be cut so the niggers can cull to manageable levels.



>nothing on the ME
One of the largest colonial forces in history was the Ottoman empire. The most valuable oil company in the world is Saudi Aramco.


Africa may be one of the riches contients on earth
But Niggers are the lazies, OP's Picture is bullshit

Europeans BOUGHT slaves from AFRICANs in AFRICA, Often times the European Merchents were jews, no European ship forcely took Africans, it was a legal exchange.

My speech, a speech
Medicine and food are only available with good behavior.

Conditioning is the only solution

Leftists don't understand human capital.
When they construct their political and social "theories", their formulas are full of what I call "mystery boxes".
A mystery box is something that is deliberately vague that you can fill with anything that will be convenient to the theory. "Socio-economic factors" would be a good example of this.

Person 1: Man, Africans really haven't done shit with their resources.

Libtard: That's because of "socio-economic factors".

Personal accountability and the obvious relationship between intelligence and innovation/planning are completely alien to them. Throwing "financial resources" at a problem should, in theory, fix everything.

To a non retard, designing and developing things require stages and ingredients such as identifying problems, brain storming solutions, deciding on best solutions, creating prototype/beta testing, deciding on solution, raise capital/find resources for mass creation/distribution for solution.

In the liberal mind problem solving like this:

Problem + money at problem = problem solved.

The notion that Africa is actually a MASSIVELY RESOURCE RICH CONTINENT is inconceivable to them because it means that the people living there might just be accountable for the quality of life in Africa.

There is a cure for laziness.


First cut the aid so all surplus niggers die. Then you can do small scale education and conditioning and eventually they'll build something themselves.

>whitey snatched up all the smart nogs leaving behind the dumbies, hence africa.

thats what dipshit libcucks actually believe

Chinese dig in areas full of possible tectonic movement by which they can destroy the arrable land by the volcanoes, earthquakes they will cause by that

You play the right music
> Note: Poland will be the future allies

What exactly did those cruel Europeans steal?
Renewable resource, though currently endangered and illegal so of little value/consequence today.
Renewable. Europe's left farms behind which could have been basis for Africa economy. Africans destroyed them.
Literally grows on/in trees, just make more
Renewable, currently overpopulated. Estimated value: $0.00
Less than 1% actually taken, Very little was actually extracted during colonial period, much more remains. Congo holds 24 trillion if they could stop eating each other long enough to mine.

The colonists gave more to Africa than they took