The height of our culture.
(Restrained) capitalism wins.
Americans are degenerate subhumans and need to wiped off the map.
If you do it once or twice a year, it's a totally hilarious idea.
But most people do it erry day or several times a week at least. And that's a fucking problem.
Jesus I wasn't hungry before but I am now.
Looks delicious.
Shit tier novelty burger. You can find burgers with more meat and fixings that don't have to be deconstructed before eating.
Gluttony and lust are not things to be proud of.
But satan is a businessman, so I guess I get it.
Yeah we know they're a problem. Why do you think we call them niggers?
I'm legally not allowed to answer this rhetorical question. checkmate hate speech
i thought he played furpuck
Watched that thing on eggy's stream.
Foolish goys get what's coming to them.
More heart attacks for boomers the better.
This is what freedom looks like.
i would literally never eat at a fast food restaurant. literally the height of degeneracy
I'm fine with it but I won't go there. I already found burger heaven and i'm not sharing it
It's just another Vegas gimmick. Delicious if you're drunk, the waitresses are annoying as shit though.
I would never eat there more than once, just for the novelty.
I would try it out at least once, giving the chance.
its true that its not healthy, but he doesn't make it a secret, he right tells you in the face it could kill you
It's based as fuck. If you don't like this, fuck you.
He kills fat people on purpose and they thank him for his service.
The owner actually made it to mock fat people. He wants they to go there and come to the realization that they're freak shows. He also wants skinny people to see all the fat fucks and be disgusted.
>I already found burger heaven and i'm not sharing it
is it dick between two buns? because you sound like you like to eat dicks between buns
>uber Vegan hates fatties
>mixes hot chicks and fat foods
>fatties come there to die
Fucking genius marketing.
superior mirror placement
other fast food companies will put a salad on the menu and pay heidi klum to do commercials for them
they are at least honest about their business, i respect that
I agree. I think they intend to get the blood pressure as high as possible
to some " me" food is one of the few pleasures and the only thing people look forward to say to day its depressing but a reality
>over 350lbs dine free
How does he stay in business? Isn't this common weight in the USA?
>to some " me" food is one of the few pleasures and the only thing people look forward to say to day its depressing but a reality
Why would it give you a heart attack? It's just meat, bread, cheese and salad.
>say to day
I bet all these fat fucks are PAY fags aswell
Anyone else see this earlier on eggy's stream?
Freedom of choice
3 of the 4 ingredients are not really healthy to behin with. it didn't help that he friend them in pure grease and made a big tower out of it
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
kek that midget in the ambulance
You dumb fucks couldn't even wipe a species of bird off the map. What makes you think you can take us on?
Never been, but people are free to put what they wish in their bodies.
heart attack grill literally tries their best to legally kill fatties
its genius
I know you're memeing, but in reality there'd have to be a significant number who are that size and would eat there every day if it's free
The guy who founded heart attack grill is actually based as fuck.
He originally was a nutritionist and tried devoting his life to helping people lose weight. When he realized it was a fruitless effort he decided that "shock therapy" was the only way to wake people up to the dangers of obesity.
Repeat visits over a short period of time might fuck you up.
I dunno maybe the portion size puts pressure on you internal organs?
You can't even make the bald eagle go extinct. And it has feathers btw, shit name
fuck off with this embarrassing youtube comment shit, nobody cares how stupid and uninformed you are
guy deserves a movie about him
Anything to kill off fat people faster will improve society.
American's are degenerate.
I'm also a degenerate.
Quadruple bypass burger for one please.
nice username you fucking weeb, shut the fuck up for about 5 years
> to some "me" food (having sessions to binge on comfort/pleasure food for just you) is the only thing they look forward to say to day [ day to day (typo] it's depressing but a reality
its trash son no need to translate trash, this nigger needs to take is unintelligible cuck babble back to his shithole country
I assume its owner is a Jew, as this kind of "fun" destructive decadence is almost always kikery.
Take the buns out and you actually have a decent keto breakfast out of that burger.
You need to know the background of the founder of this restaurant.
He is a militant vegan. He hates fat people with a passion. So he made this restaurant to kill them. He wants them to eat like a pig and have those hot chicks rub themselves up against him to make him horny so he gets a heart attack and dies.
Yeah I'm pretty shit.
I'm glad it exists. That shit is fucking delicious.
He opened a Gym at first but lost money. He got mad and decided to kill fat people instead.
>This is what freedom looks like.
great eugenics program
Based theme restaurant, I would visit this eatery and don the hospital gown.
Sounds very Jewish. If you support it you are kike-ish imo.
You might be an idiot. Ask yourself what that meme even means.
That's exactly the right message, Rachel.
He doesn't have noble intentions. He is just trying to make money. When he says otherwise he is lying.
He's never said otherwise
This guy reminds me of Joker form the Dark Knight.