>There are still people retarded enough to think 9/11 was an inside job
>The fact that all these "wide-eyed geniuses" only browse Sup Forums isn't enough to convince them maybe they're on the wrong side
>There are still people retarded enough to think 9/11 was an inside job
>The fact that all these "wide-eyed geniuses" only browse Sup Forums isn't enough to convince them maybe they're on the wrong side
Yeah. Let's just ignore Mossad agents being on the corresponding floors setting stuff up beforehand, or the fact that Mossad is also seen standing around in NYC waiting for 9/11 to happen, or the dancing israelis, or the fact that ID requests for all the alleged 9/11 hijackers were submitted twice.
Days are numbered
Dont forget to bump the seth rich threads lads
jews did 9/11
Yeah! Muslims did it
What is this???
i-it obviously collapsed in on itself in a controlled demolition because of o-office fires, user...
They are probably too young to actually remember it, and how the US govt was totally fucking clueless for what seemed like days. Any conspiracy would have looked better than that shitshow.
There is reason to believe Mossad let it happen. But the whole """controlled demolition""" """bush did 9/11""" stuff is totally retarded.
empty bite
>2 planes crash into 2 towers
>3 towers go down exactly like a controlled demolition.
Makes perfect sense moron. Even Trump didn't believe it at that time:youtube.com
Someone who believes the official narrative, explain building 7.
good goy
but everyone and their mom know 9/11 was a Hoax all along.
The Planes were CGI. you gotta be mentally retarded to not see the shitty early 2000s CGI.
Watch this vid before you squeak off to much. Get back to me after, and tell me if you still feel the same way user.
Mossad was operating on the 93rd floor (iirc) where the plane crashed into the building, under the cover of being "art students" or whatever the fuck. They had massive portions of the floor to themselves. They most likely set up thermite in specific areas, so that when the plane crashed into it, it would burn in such a way to collapse the structure in a controlled/balanced manner. Their plans were coordinated in Building 7, which is why they demolished the building after the fact.
>where the plane crashed into the building
there wasw no planes, it was bombs inside the building.
>there was no planes
Yes there were, a lot of people save seen them. That doesn't mean it was the planes who made the structure collapse
>Yes there were, a lot of people save seen them
nope there was no planes, only MSM employees ever reported to have seen them.
Normal people only noticed explosions.
>Non (((CNN))) Eye Witnesses all telling they didn't see any Planes
What video is this from?
Very interesting. Though, it's highly unlikely all MSM could edit the planes hitting the towers at the same time. There is even videos of people walking around the street, and the planes are there.
not falling for your b8 faggot
>767 on 9/11 couldn't have reached such speeds at sealevel without falling apart
>CGI Ghost Planes
>No planes explained in detail
>Explanation how they faked the Videos
every footage that came out afterwards either came from MSM employees or anonymous sources.
and every other footage was faked.
there really was no planes, the TV station all used the same Matrix to edit in the plane.
He's right about the "wide-eyed geniuses" part though