How do we solve the obesity epidemic?
How do we solve the obesity epidemic?
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Make a fat tax like in Japan. Japan has like a 3% obesity rating or something.
Remove obamacare and dem programs
oh, i'm an expert on this topic.
You have to make them want to lose weight for themselves. If they're trying to diet or whatever for any other reason, it's never going to work. And a lot of these people want an overnight trick. It's a long game that takes years once you've gotten to be that big.
take the ice cream away from trump for starters
Contrary to popular belief, junk is not the main cause of obesity. It is sugar. For years, sugar lobby in America funded fraud research to denigrate fat as the cause of obesity. All diet plans were designed to cut fats. Now it has come to attention that sugar is poison and fat is not so bad after all.
Fake science and media's manufacturing consent skill led to America's obesity epidemic.
public health education interventions
Boy do I have an offer just for you, you can lose all your weight in just one month. You'll lose it so fast you don't even see it.
>healthy lunch program in schools
>gym membership covered by medicare/medicaid for every fat fuck and diabete
>sugar TAX
Contrary to popular belief, street is not for poo
Prosecute people who feed them. you can't get to being so fat you are immobile unless someone is buying you food and bringing it to you.
Sugar and fat taxes.
No healthcare for the obese.
Let them all die out
Stop giving free health Care to fat asses who constantly desecrate their body with junk, they will die off or get fit
Stop fuckin eating
There's absolutely no way to fix it outside of some kind of global food shortage.
Just stop eating greasy and sugary trash.
That, and tax the fat fucks like the Japs
yes there is you retard
I imagine if Americans only ate Indian food and had constant diarrhea their whole lives, obesity wouldn't be an issue.
Are there any countries where insurance companies are allowed to ask for yearly physicals and adjust their price if someone is actively undermining their own health?
>limiting food stamps for foods that don't immediately cause diabetes
>make them actually move their lard ass to go to work like the rest of us.
Every Big Mac order comes with a free bullet to the head.
Also, teach kids a healthy relationship to physical activity and diet at a young age. As a fatass I can say that my weight-problem started when I was about eight years old and even though I at one point managed to lose almost all of the excessive weight I slowly slid back into my norm of being a lazy fuck and thus gained it all back. Allthough the onset of depression had a whole lot to do with the refattening I could've still have stopped it in its tracks by realising the trap I set for myself instead of just postponing the needed life style change like the massive procrastinator that I am.
ban them from eating desu
>Greying at 30
dafuq? Did Saargon just eat a Pokemon card?
Put down the fuggin Twinkies lard ass!
putting that card in my mouth would make me gag and throw up, even watching him do it is making me uncomfy
> Kill fattest people.
> Feed them to other fat people.
The problem will eventually take care of itself.
End all corn and sugar subsidies.
By ignoring the obese's medical needs until they die and letting them serve as a warning to others would be lard asses.
Kill them and turn them into petroleum products.
I think the US military is trying to fatten people up so that if there's another oil crisis and fatties start dropping dead in the streets they can still fuel the f18s and fend off the russians.
Yeah, if soda costs 3 cents more a gallon no one will drink it again.
we soylent green now
Ban the sale of metaformen.
It will solve itself in no time.
Fpbp. Was going to say tax them instead of giving them money for being fat. What the fuck is wrong with America, encuraging the obese. Fortunately they will all die soon.
pay for their healthcare
>gym membership covered by medicare/medicaid for every fat fuck and diabete
A better plan would be to have free gym memberships for the whole population and then charge people for the membership if they didn't use it or had a compensory activity. That way people would have an economical insentive, reinforced into a societal norm while also promoting a healthy lifestyle to the populace.
Restaurants should not be allowed to serve fat people. Child services should apprehend fat children and the parents should be sentenced to jail.
raw food diet.
lost over hundred pounds on it.
This. Pic related is me, if you want to have the easiest time of your life losing weight, DO THE KETOGENIC DIET. That means cutting almost entirely carbs. I lost what you see in a year, without doing a single speck of exercise.
Hes 40 also getting grey hairs in your 20s is normal.
another way you did it was you kicked your son to the curb and got a dog.
what diet is the kid doing?
My mum had a pool party last saturday with tons of kids. Had sunny D as a drink for them and none of them liked it because it wasnt sweet enough, i remember as a kid in the 90s that it tasted very sweet to me. Literally in 2 decades kids drinks have doubled down on sweetness because of damn corn and sugar subsidies.
Will my son also turn into a dog?
Cut the cigarette tax.
Anyone over 50% body fat loses human rights.
Should solve the issue pretty quickly.
When you turn away from the jewish lies of avoiding fat to lose weight, it leaks into every other aspect of your life. As you become loyal to your body it becomes loyal to you and so does your whiny children turn into the most loyal of companions.
It depends on the age of the children.
Your tolerance for sweet foods decreases as you age, young children have basically no limit on how sweet a food can be before they wont eat it.
Also foods change over time, coloring's, flavors sweeteners etc. If there is more than like 5 year gap between when you thought it was too sweet and when the kids had it, there's a pretty decent chance the product had been reworked 2-3 times (product life cycle is about 0.8-1.2 years for a non-core brand name product).
It may very well be a lot less sweet, or taste a lot less sweet than it used to.
i got a bottle of sunny d once a few years ago and it was exactly as i remember it, extremely sweet and makes your teeth and mouth feel really weird
I'm glad living in Japan where we rarely see these hambeats and when we do they are ridiculed and stared down like the abominations they are.
>merrica gibs monies to people for being fat
I wish to refuse to believe this shit.
By killing all white people who make less than $50K per year. They are trash and must be culled.
You can get fat enough to qualify for disability.
Ketogenic diets result in all-cause mortality increases.
Red meats especially (and a lot of white meats) are linked with correctional and stomach cancers and general all cause mortality increases. fiber (That you miss out by cutting carbs) is a really really good way to lower all cause mortality and has been proven to increase weight loss and lifespan. Like gratz on losing the weight, but there are better things for your long term heath than a ketogenic diet.
Being a healthy weight is good, ketogenic (and many other diet methods) not so much.
From some light googling it looks like they publicly re-formulated in 2001,2009 and 2010.
Knowing the industry there were probably a few changes in-between as well.
For every one(1) point you're BMI is over 30 is $10 added onto your health insurance.
Way too expensive. In addition to gym staff, an entire arm of collections, analytics, and outreach would be required.
Let them die the fuck off, they haven't changed in their 30+ years of existence, why would they start now?
This post is correct, sugar has been proven to cause many metabolic diseases. it's the fructose in sugar that is the problem.
Didn't you watch his latest video? He's worried no one will watch his Francis videos anymore since he's soon to weigh 200lbs after his surgery. YES HE SAID THIS, THIS IS WHAT HE ACTUALLY BELIEVES WILL MAGICALLY HAPPEN AFTER HIS SURGERY. After losing 5lbs in 10 years of dieting.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but science finds out established "facts" were wrong all the time. I did what I did for 2 years top max (I now eat without much restrictions) and managed to lose a colossal 200 pounds. I was healthy outside of the weight and young (which I'll assume most of the obese Sup Forums users are) so I can't recommend this specific method to older folk who might have more serious health problems but considering what you can achieve in a year it's a drop in the bucket.
kill all fats
Stop people from promoting the fucking, love yourself the way you are and tell people how gross they are. They don't realize how useless it is to be obese or overweight. And lazy, it's too easy to eat a bunch of good tasting shit compared to planning and eatting right and working out.
Have the next global war. It will fix itself.
This. Reduce the amount of added Sugar in almost everything and obesity will drop by itself already.
the fat epidemic is caused by highly processed food, packed with sugar and fat.
The solution is to encourage Americans to
1. stop eating fast food, and processed packaged food
2. cook their own food (this burns quite a few calories, actually)
3. eat a very low fat, reduced sugar, high carb diet. Beans and bread - good, rice and pasta - bad. non fat dairy - good. lean poultry - good, beef and pork - bad.
4. don't snack.
5. consider eating only twice a day, instead of 3 times a day.
Labor camps.
can someone tell me how to downvote this bodyshaming post
who is this fat fuck?