Why are you antisemitic Sup Forums?
The_Donald has come to show you the light
because were the best and you hate us cuz you aint us but dont worry friend browse a bit and you will be a white national socialist with honour and loyalty in no time
I'm not, I just hate niggers
Even based Sleepy Ben Carson? Remember his Hillary Clinton - Saul Alinsky - Lucifer speech tho? The most woke thing I have ever heard.
nazi larping shills don't represent Sup Forums and most people believe the holocaust happened
Why are you antisemitic Sup Forums?
Cow fucker!
Worse than fucking JIDF I swear
Report every reddit.
when is the_donald going to rage quit Sup Forums too?
let me know when you reach the bargaining stage.
When we say the holocaust didn't happen, we are not being antisemitic, we are just being honest
Hitler did nothing wrong
remidner that these plebitards who pretend not being plebitards take baits like these and this is why more shills and plebitards think theyve found a place here
Wow lol
for very personal reasons and it is none of your business I don't fucking know you cunt.
How many times you had sex ?
My private life is none of your business.
Seems like some of Sup Forums just tryin to be edgy. The memes are funny, but I don't take most of them seriously.
>jews are white
>nazis are white
>thus jews are nazis
This. People can laugh at the memes but if you unironically hate the Jews you probably don't belong here.
Jews hurt me user.
I honestly think you reddit scum should go back.
Why are the niggers in your country? Ask yourself that. They're just apes that don't know better, but who's really responsible for white people to tolerate them and not deport them?
Because of the jew driven cabals and "think"-tanks who rush mindless globalism all over the western world.
Because whenever there is someone fucking us over as a contninent it's always a fucking jew behind it.
They are scared of us,they know that if we wake up they will fucking ecplise from this world. Why the hell would they make a new state in the middle of arab barbanians? They are less afraid of the sand monkeys than they are afraid of us. We will prevail though. Just you watch. There will be no fucking jews in power once we're done with this world.
How else will I show the world.
Would you like me to force it into the news and into the Public ?
what a surprise, who could have known that you cucks are actually brainwashed plants who will suck Schlomo's dick in real life
I don't have any patricular hatred towards regular jews though.
Your not even trying are you?
Here's a question... Jews or Muslims. Choose one.
>mfw strangers telling me to get over something deeply personal they have no Idea what it is.
Do you guys even know that there are people that are victims of jews ?
Or are you going to blame the victim for the crimes against them ?
because they're not very smart and blaming the jews is easy because the evil elites ARE mostly jewish so it makes sense
You're a shill though, its not hard to tell.
Both of them will be genocided. They will pay for their transgressions.
I am not blaming any elites I am enraged because of an individual they just so happen to be Jewish.
You guys are the ones saying I am blaming all of them because of your brain is trying to connect the dots.
Hi share blue!
I agree. Globalists are bad, Jew or not. The real enemy is the mudslimes!
Yes goy we love the Jews here
Id rather just keep the west free of middle eastern wars and influence
That's a nice picture there but this is what you don't realize,Sup Forums will always be anti degenerate. Those degeneracy threads you see every now and again? That's just reddit fags trying to false flag. You think we're falling for that? Don't be ridiculous.
People are making fun of Nazis by larping here.
Most of us would dive in dick first when meeting a pretty Jewish chick willing to fug.
Stop saying Jews then, they aren't the problem and you continuing to namedrop them only hurts the cause overall here.
the christ killing kikes are the cause of the individuals actions mother fucker.
How can I be antisemitic if the Khazars ain't semitic?
okay now you're being ironic, no way you can actually believe that unless you're a nazi larper shill
"Why I left Judaism"
pic related for you, Uh huh so I cannot speak with Jews and have personal interactions with them because im some larger than life figure for you.
Go eat shit and die.
Same desu.
jews arent the biggest issue in society
we have bigger snakes to push away from our garden
so we must clean our room and dive into the underworld to save our father
How about neither. Let them bury eachother in a sand pit.
Fuck off kike, back to redcuck
>trying this hard
You're in the wrong place shlomo
>satanic jews don't exist and you weren't taken to court by your wife your just imagining things goto sleep.
How about I make you goto sleep forever.
Pic related is your level of logic.
Exactly, places like Israel are actually aligned closer to Sup Forums than any other. Why people here are so anti-jew ill never understand. In reality Israel is based.
So true.
Search Results
noun: sect; plural noun: sects
a group of people with somewhat different religious beliefs (typically regarded as heretical) from those of a larger group to which they belong.
synonyms: (religious) cult, religious group, faith community, denomination, persuasion, religious order; More
splinter group, faction, schism, schismatic group/religion/church, heretical movement
"he joined a rather weird religious sect"
a group that has separated from an established Church; a nonconformist Church.
"two of the older sects—the Congregationalists and the Baptists—were able to increase their membership dramatically"
synonyms: (religious) cult, religious group, faith community, denomination, persuasion, religious order; More
splinter group, faction, schism, schismatic group/religion/church, heretical movement
"he joined a rather weird religious sect"
a philosophical or political group, especially one regarded as extreme or dangerous.
"the radical sect Friends of the Earth campaigned against aerosols containing CFC gases"
You can say you don't like globalism or whatever but you really shouldn't be going after muh joos because you have no idea what you're talking about and only regurgitating shill narratives because its edgy. Back the fuck off.
we arn't anti-israeli or even anti judaism they can kill the palestinians I don't give a shit but don't you fucking dare say peoples personal experiences with them are just antisemitism.
>You are just antisemitic you saw a Jew kill a baby.
I don't give a fuck about globalism or nationalism I am leaving this place but I am not having my name dragged through the mud and my shit taken because I didn't want to worship molek with my crazy ex.
jews are super nice as long you dont let them near money
its like gremlins and eating past midnight
by this place I mean Earth not Sup Forums
>I will livestream my space adventures.
This desu.
What are you even? Honest question.
That's just a meme I have plenty of jewish friends that are very generous with money. Dragging them through the mud only hurts the greater cause and feeds into the shills.
Reddit destroyed /r9k/
It will destroy Sup Forums
don't be a jack ass the meme is a meme for a reason, talking about money is rude.
>Why are you antisemitic Sup Forums?
Because respect is a two-way street.
No its a false stereotype used unironically by low IQ individuals.
only pol can destroy pol
redditors dont like chan layout
give this guy a bitcoin.
Exactly. We hate mudslime allah snackbars, they hate em too!
thanks for asking this, you prove that you follow the orange puppet no questions asked.
uh huh because I had a marriage destroyed because of jewish lawyers and that I am a goy and they have religious rites that supercede my own rights, I am antisemitic in your mind.
Got cha pal hopefully your loved ones get into a fatal car accident.
Yup, the focus should be on the muslims and the globalists. Jews have nothing to do with any of our problems and shills are using them as a distraction and a way to derail the movement.
i'm not
You were the reason your marriage was destroyed not by the lawyers that happened to be jewish. Straighten the fuck up retard and stop blaming your problems on people who have nothing to do with it.
you realize they killed my wife you dumb fuck ?
Because I read about what the fucking kikes did in Weimar Germany, and it sickens me to my core. I have actually begun to wish that the holocaust had actually happened.
Hitler was a bloody hero.
Sieg Heil!
>its always the men's fault
the eternal tradcuck strikes again
Holy shit, the amount of newfags on this board nowadays
>this is what redditors actually believe
Holy fuck
hitler was to autistic to pull it off
i have high hopes for Baron 2042
the final solution
>da joos killed my wife
you gotta be kidding me
Fuck off you shill sperg
>complain about redditor
>IMG_XXXX filename
>AnCom Flag anywhere but turbo trash tier
This is some meta level trolling.
I think I've seen enough, this man is a certified gay cunt.
No you fucking kike. You are a redditor, you will always be the goddamn enemy on Sup Forums. Nothing will ever change that, no matter what board. Tumblr, reddit, all scum.
I refuse to change my standards for niggers and yids and "refugees" streaming in from any other shithole.
>murder doesn't exist and the perps won't have leverage in court because they deal in child sex trafficking and are friends with the judge and sue you after murdering your wife.
Yeah mother fucker I know how you feel just can't believe it then reality smacks you in the face and you have your wife's ashes and kids to take care of.
It is a stereotype that holds true. Jews hold an immense amount of wealth and disproportionately in society. As long as they don't try to steel my money we good. They are a good ally to have.
>jews are all the problems
>redditors are all the problems
blah blah blah
you are the problem, your time has come to an end go somewhere else
Hitler made the mistake of trusting the kike serving eternal anglos. He thought of the brits very highly and it cost him dearly.
haha yeah brotha they hate us cuz they anus
Never you fucking faggot.
I hope you see you're as bad as dunecoon immigrants in europe or spics in the US. You are scum and natives will always hate you.
In the immortal worlds of Australia,
I'm not antisemite in the slightest, but slaughtering all semites may not be such a bad idea, if you give it some thought.
Pol is always in opposition. I wonder how soon this board will become "True Red Alt-left" aka Bolshevism
Stop saying Jews then, they aren't the problem?
Forsaken sounds a little bit like foreskin, no wonder you're confused..
You have legit autism
Seek medical attention