My gf triggering liberals in Whole Foods
My gf triggering liberals in Whole Foods
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Need a front shot so I can fap later.
we get it
you're a liberal and you hate MAGA hats
Is she a mechanic?
Wow great blog post reddit
fuck yourselves with cacti
>a woman being an attention
>a beta posting in on the chins
Both of you should an hero
They're momentarily pissed but they get the last laugh if you give your devildollars to the store.
Niggers in Whole Foods!!!!
They had to serve us and be friendly. Both things they would prefer not to do but were forced to. We won.
why do you shop in Whole Foods?
thanks for your great post! so relevant xDDDDD
reddit tier attention whoring
>cap backwards
nigger tier kys
but qt gf congrats
alternatively, fuck off to or one of the other hobby boards first, so you can at least try to learn Sup Forums culture, THEN you can come back to Sup Forums and discuss gassing the kikes
She's asian. Produce white babies or kys.
So this is this reddit thing everyone was talking about
Don't do that.
you on the_donald btw? hit me up
If you go to cheap grocery stores in America then you're surrounded by niggers, poor people, and degenerates
Not OP but I frequent there because it's next to my place.
They got your money. You leave with overpriced shit.
Your loss bucko.
ha ha good 1 OP
You know we can hack her email acount from this picture alone, right? Her face can be reconstructed from the different reflections in the jars. And we can pinpoint down which supermarket this is within minutes and then know her name, social security number, age, sexual orientation and even have her full genetic printout.
Depending on where you are I hope you're prepared for a fight
>supporting any politician ever
>actually fell for (((voting))) in the 21st century
JUST's pretty fucking pathetic to get off by antagonizing children
keeping the 99% divided with Right and Left identity politics is literally exactly what THEY want
congratulations for being a god damn puppet
>no political point
back to the r_thecuckold please
yup. r/the_zionald is filled with nothing but "check out this BASED shitskin in a maga hat!" threads. It's fucking cancer.
This too. Racemixers get the fucking rope. We need white mothers and white babies. Not degenerate race-mixers who are brainwashed by ZOG propaganda to think creating half-breed abominations is a good thing
Try it faggot
Zuzanna huh?
OP is full of shit. Get fucked.
how do i upvote this?
cute !
Did I say I took the picture you fucking idiot? Her dad took the pic and it got popular. I just reposted it.
to the front page!
op you're a god damn liar! that was top post of the_donald when the father of this girl uploaded the picture
Based xD
*Upvoting internally*
Need more hair, and heels
is that the only reason? I shopped in WF last time I was over too.
so edgy
Its originally from r/The_Donald. Whoever has access there and checks the profile history might be able to trace them. Its invite only.
Fags went full somethingawful and closed themselves to echochamber status.
How tights her cunt mate?
Does she do doggy?
i want reddit to leave
Tell me he didn't get hurt
My 1st thought. Looks like Anne Frank.
>MAGA hat
>not Hugo Boss uniform
weak attempt
I don't know what is funnier, the post itself, or the fact that people on Sup Forums are going to get mad that this is super t_D tier humor
>"Lol dude like why vote? Hillary would have been better than Trump anyway lmao! I'm like have you even seen his approval rating? You should totally be a nihilist centrist like (((me)))!"
kys. where have all these shills came from? I've seen more subtle street preachers.
Lel this post is so BASED xD!!!! When will people realise that the democrats re the real racists? This forum should totally implement a update and gold feature because I'd give you both for this great post!
i was an organic farmer until i realized i hated my target market with a passion.
You sound upset
and upvote??
>tfw you're so pure and aryan you don't even know what these reddit degeneracy terms mean
>His life is so empty and void that he makes his gf wear a maga hat in wholefoods but not only that takes a picture and then posts it on a Chinese basket weaving forum.
We've been here for too long.
>op dragged his little sister to the grocery store in a silly hat and made her stand still so he could take a picture for Sup Forums karma
My creation called "Reddit visits Sup Forums" for posterity
>looks sickly
>dilated pupils, dead eyed 1000 cock stare
>bf whoring her out online
Degenerate junkie meth head couple confirmed
>jealous no redpilled pale gf
have fun with your fat native roastie, faggot.
He just has a spoon there in the office, not even a dining area.
>gluten free
Hipster faggot detected.
"Stretched ear gauges not getting attention, better wear a MAGA hat."
Get some meat, rice eggs and whole milk you cookie cutter skeleton faggot.
>wear Trump hat
>people get upset
How do you even begin to justify sperging out over this? These are the same people who think the burka is a-okay.
assuming this is aoc compliant i'd tap it, but i'd shape/pluck her eyebrows in her sleep.
It's for his coffee/tea/kombucha.
>triggered libcuck gives him a guaranteed reply
every time
His girlfriend is so pale because he never takes her out and he will never experience the fun of tan lines.
>90% chance that she's a jew
0/10 would rather cut my dick off before sticking it into a jewess
oh come on. even a 1488er like me as a few side jewfus i would go for.
She's not a damn Jew
that's Rassenschande user...
>dead eyed 1000 cock stare
Holy fuck, I laughed so hard, my nose started bleeding
>tfw live in a community that doesn't have liberals
>Everyone has MAGA bumper stickers
I'm the only Lolertarian, though, but sure is nice to be surrounded by conservatives.
I'm doubting mate, make sure you check it out before marrying her
The nose... Does her family name end with "-stein" by any chance?
she is brown.
AKA op took a creep shsho t of some girl and is now LARPing as her boyfriend.
Cute but not white
I'd conquer it
good larp
hahah.. great
I have a Trump 2016 sweatshirt and during the fall I would wear it around Amherst/Northampton, MA
the looks and comments I got were great :)
Nah, they probably just think it's ironic.
Probably going to be an influx here. You've been warned.
Dank post how do i upvote am new here
Kek! what utter bollox
No, trigger whole foods by explaining how vaccines and GMOs are safe, with full academic citations.
how do I reply to posts?
Yeah I heard. We're getting our very own refugee crisis. Which would be bad enough by itself, but we also have a RECORD NUMBER OF SHILLS since the Seth Rich story broke. Haven't been shilled this hard since the Podesta emails dropped.
It's going to be fucking hell here for the next while. But at the same time, we have to do our best to redpill these redditfags and get them up to speed. They're mostly already halfway there. They just need to be redpilled on the Jewish Question and why we need white nationalism and not "BASED black guy" civic nationalism. Which shouldn't be impossible. Only reason they were bluepilled is because the mods didn't let them talk about these things.
She's not even White.