>Corruption everywhere.
>Too many uneducated people.
>Too much poverty.
>The fucking church is considered to be a authority in this country.
It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
>Corruption everywhere.
>Too many uneducated people.
>Too much poverty.
>The fucking church is considered to be a authority in this country.
It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
Other urls found in this thread:
The church is really a bitch in this country.
"educated people" are the reason the west is collapsing.
You shouldn't be able to get a degree unless your IQ is 130 or above.
I wish the church was an authority here. The Church is the only thing preventing gay marriwge and 26 genders
I wish underaged aussies would've been banned from this site.
Literally crying about moral authority in public policy, claiming I am underage.
Why do you have the hottest cam girls?
its 71 genders bigot
Come on Romania give us your enlightened reasons why you're an atheist? Hardmode: they can't be the type of questions that can be googled easily. You've got to think for yourself.
>It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
maybe it's time to go kys you dumb gippo. If you think the solution for everything is running away from your problems, then you my friend have some serious issues. Also, you should say a big "thank you" to the Orthodox Church, for preserving the culture and unifying the people under one banner for hundreds of years, or else you would've been speaking hungarian, turkish or a slav language, you piece of ungrateful shit.
I bet you're one of those faggots that will march on the streets today for the Pride Parade. I just fucking wish the ND will bash some heads in today, just for the sake of true degeneracy.
I am an Orthodox Christian and I want to leave the US and go to Romania :) You are my favorite Europeans
>It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
Stop thinking like 3rd world shitskin and do something to fix your own country.
ahah we have similar problems with giant holes in our streets
>It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
oh look, another gypsy we have to feed through our welfare system...
>it's time to emigrate
We're full
Go to Germany you'll only improve it by existing there
We are not in the middle ages anymore to consider the church to be a authority or a part of national identity anymore, there's romanians of different religions or irreligions.
Those losers from ND can't do shit, neither to the Gay Pride since it's guarded by police neither to change something in Romania since they are too small and filled with undercover SRI agents.
Stop shouting retarded tandrums like "kys", you're just proving that you're a retarded kid.
I'd rather live in a country run by the church than one run by invaders and the traitors that enable them.
Sounds a lot like Italy. No wonder we have so many of you shitskins here
Come to germany bro
free money, housing, healthcare, food
and german girls absolutely go crazy over foreign accents.
Mareșale Antonescu, unde naiba ești???
>ID: Wurt
praise wurt, snip a gyp
>unironically thinking there are more gippos that muzzies in Germany right now
You might be in for one hell of a trip, Hans.
Gippo population: 100.000-300.000 (0.1% of total pop)
Mudshits population: 2.1 - 4.7 million, without taking into consideration the refugees, these were the official stats beforehand
Let that sink in.
> Corruption everywhere
The result of nepotism and romania's culture of "connections" and drooling over social status. The country is getting better with every DIICOT and ANAF raid.
>Too many uneducated people
They have all left to the West. High IQ people don't want to stick around with low paying wages, they'd rather go make 20-30,000 euro a year in Germany than half of that in romania for the same job. Brexit will hopefully drive Romanians back to their homeland and make Romania great again. (come home white man) Romanians have been programmed to hate Brexit but they're too stupid to realize that it will drive jobs back to Romania and repopulate it.
>Too much poverty
Romania has the highest gdp growth out of all of Europe, also one of the only countries that had positive gdp growth during the 08-2015 recession. Only the cities are seeing this growth(new apartments/stores/businesses), the villages and small cities are crumbling due to young people leaving.
>Fucking church
Only reason you're not owned by jews yet. You should appreciate it instead of insulting it.
Commieforniafag here. Our potholes are way worse than that. Poser.
or return to india
Pro tip, respond by calling him a nigger instead
>there's romanians of different religions or irreligions
Orthodox Christianity (81%)
Protestantism (6.2%)
Catholicism (5.1%)
Other (1.5%)
Tell me again why should a majority pander to the needs of a minority? We are not in the middle ages, true, but the if you look at the spread of degeneracy in the Western society, you would realize that however archaic and backwards the Orthodox Church is, it acts like a shield against the neo-liberal ideas that are being dictated from Bruxelles. Romania is a secular state by the way, not a theocratic one - as much as you want to believe that the Church holds so much power, they don't, not anymore. The political parties grant them subsidies and tax-free rented land (for 100 years) just for the political gains, given the fact that they can usually mobilize more than 3 million people pretty much whenever.
Before calling me a retarded kid, which you are by thinking the way you think, you best be looking forward for the day of the rope, you dumb shit. Stop being a cringy atheist fedora fag and go kys in that sinkhole you live in.
>pic related, your father being beaten like the cuck he is
Mudslims at least can poo in loo...
gippos - like feral niggers - can't be civilized
>It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
Please don't come here, we are full of gipsy.
>unironically defending the subhumans that are ravaging his homeland and forcefully changing his entire culture and identity
wew lad
>decent country
Pick one.
The solution.
what's that flag, Germany?
Why are all prostitutes from Romania?
fuck off sandnigger
there is a clear hierarchy
german / caucasian / western european > slavs > arabs > arab muslims > slav muslim > gippo > nigger > nigger muslim
let him rest his eternal soul, he would die in horror at the sight of modern (((Romania)))
>say the person whose ancestors immigrated to the US to exploit the natural resources to have more moniez
just sit back and wait, Hans.
I hate that every time i come back to Romania, all my friends expect me to be an arrogant asshole because i live in nyc. I've cut ties with a lot of friends in Romania because they're stuck in a hollywood fantasy. All young Romanians are literally blue pilled beyond repair (iphones, movies, office jobs)
1. no women will marry anyone who doesn't earn good money here.
2. its not like most of them getting deported again.
You forgot Jews > Asians > everything you mentioned
Is this real
Kek, you don't win nothing by telling me to kys, you're the fucked up kid that started to insult me first because you don't like people that aren't like you: nationalist religious losers that vote with so called nationalist parties that are controlled by PSD or support dead ideologies like the Miscarea Legionara one that is completely forgotten by the general population, most romanians didn't heard about the polish guy Codreanu or about Miscarea Legionara.
Beyond that shithole called Bucharest where you live there's a lot of romanians of different religions here in Banat, pentecostals, baptists, atheists, agnostics etc. they don't need this orthodox bullshit to consider themselves romanians like you guys from Bucharest where 95% of people are orthodox.
By the way, that cock Marian Munteanu that is allied with ND was also a liberal student at the Mineriade in 1990.
>The fucking church is considered to be a authority in this country
Hey, want a brand new president? we're kinda swapping em a lot and maybe the old one could serve you well.
I'm not, Pierre. Our country was already utter shit before Le Pen's defeat, the next 5 years will just mark the complete downfall of it if we don't do anything. France as a decent country is gone now, we all have to admit it somehow.
>All young Romanians are literally blue pilled beyond repair (iphones, movies, office jobs)
Sadly true, most of the younger generations that live in urban areas (Bucuresti, Cluj, Timisoara etc) are bluepilled to the point of cucking themselves over and over again without even realizing it. That's why most of them are heavily pro-EU, heavily for increased EU federalization and basically pro-everything that comes out of Bruxelles.
These spineless fucks will be the end of us, I tell you. Liberal to the core, promoting degeneracy galore and spreading socialist ideas, whilst completely pro-active in their discourse that they hate communism - it's truly a mindboggling sight to see every single day. It's no wonder you have mongrels such as OP spewing his shit like this, he truly believes in what he's saying.
My grandpa used to have a saying, may god bless his soul - "All true Romanians died during WW2 or in the aftermath. All of what you see now around you are but simpleminded mongrels that have been massively brainwashed by the commies, nothing more nothing less.
>he would die in horror at the sight of modern (((Romania)))
I bet that road was freshly paved that month
Don't worry trianon will be reversed in your lifetime.
yeah but there's
>uneducated - literally illiterate
>educated - high iq, rational, general knowledge,
>"educated" - low iq, idealistic, basically indoctrinated
I'm actually amazed at the level of stupidity that you are displaying, gippo. First off, I'm not supporting any existing Romanian political parties. There's no such thing as "right-winged" parties in Romania - PNL, USR, UDMR, PMP are center-left both socially and economically, while PSD are actually center-right after their last re-branding; PRU, ND and generally the BINE alliance are nothing less but neocommie cronies that have been put there in order to suppress the populist surge that has been going around in Europe for a year or so - Bogdan Diaconu is a former PSD secretary and his party, PRU, is filled with former PSD and UNPR members; Munteanu is a cringy shady motherfucker that has nothing to do with the right.
>polish guy Codreanu
Learn your history, little boy. Then proceed to kys
>a lot of romanians of different religions here in Banat, pentecostals, baptists, atheists, agnostics etc
I'll show you the stats again, maybe you're truly autistic:
Orthodox Christianity (81%)
Protestantism (6.2%)
Catholicism (5.1%)
Other (1.5%)
2014 census, by the way. Now proceed to go kys again, one time won't be enough for ya'. Also, do you even know the total population of Bucharest? How can that be representative of the whole country? Your arguments are as cancerous as your beliefs, sadly.
>at the Mineriade in 1990.
I'm surprised you can talk about things that you learned in high-school. Please, tell me more you underage newfag.
My grandfather died fighting alongside the Nazis. He's rolling in his grave to see his country turn into a materialistic shithole
>you should say a big "thank you" to the Orthodox Church
how about a small thank you because they suck at an institutiona level, they sum up everything to gibs and muh Patriarch at every Sunday ministry.
Same shit here in Halifax what of it?
>noua dreaptă
Trebuie noi să facem o mișcare nu să îi lăsăm pe fagii ăia, nici nu îi auzi să vorbească de problema țigănească
ești cretin dacă vrei să fugi ca un laș
stai și luptă nu mai fi încornorat
USR-voting half-hungarian half-gypo faggot detected. GET OUT OF MY COUTNRY
actually we ahve a march for family normalcy these days in the capital Bucharest
You're literally everything that's wrong with this contry. Daca vrei o viata mai buna stai si fa-o in tara ta
citeste ce am scris aici Sunt foarte constient ca nu avem nici o miscare nationalista in Romania, nici macar un chapter de Miscare Identitara (care acum este prezenta cam in toate tarile din Europa de Est, inafara de Romania si Bulgaria).
Hai sa vedem cat de prost esti, daca tot dai din gura despre Biserica:
În anul 2013, atât în cadrul aşezămintelor social-filantropice, cât şi prin intermediul programelor și proiectelor sociale, au primit asistenţă specializată 61.711 de beneficiari, astfel:
>22.945 copii din aşezămintele sociale ale Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, dar mai ales din familii sărace şi fără posibilităţi de întreţinere, sau cu părinţii aflaţi la muncă în alte ţări
>4.920 persoane cu dizabilităţi, cu deficienţe de vorbire, vedere şi auz, consumatori de droguri sau alte tipuri de dependenţe, persoane infectate cu HIV/SIDA;
>15.086 persoane vârstnice din aşezămintele de protecţie socială bisericeşti, din centrele sociale de tranzit şi adăposturi de noapte, bătrâni singuri, nedeplasabili, abandonaţi de familie şi care prezentau grave probleme de sănătate;
>13.110 şomeri, adulți în dificultate, victime ale traficului de persoane, victime ale violenței familiale, deţinuţi eliberaţi, victime ale calamităților naturale;
>152.542 de ajutoare financiare directe, în valoare de 17.957.098 lei;
>418.376 ajutoare materiale, constând în alimente, îmbrăcăminte, rechizite, produse igienico-sanitare, medicamente, electrocasnice ş.a., în valoare de 15.341.700 lei;
Acum dute si sugi pula la meetingul pentru homosexuali si intreaba-i cu cat contribuie ei anual pentru ajutoare sociale, daca vrei sa o luam asa. Sunteti toti spalati pe creier ba, protestati ca se construieste Catedrala Neamului, dar nu ziceti nimic ca se construieste Moschee finantata de Turcia in centrul Bucurestiului - pe nici unu nu v-am auzit sa ridicati o voce.
>Our country is shit!
>Let's go elsewhere to be shit there instead of fixing it!
We are full, fuck off.
>sunt romanii care il sustin pe antonescu si pe codreanu neironic
>sunt romanii care il sustin pe ceausescu si pe comunisti neironic
Ambele tabere parasiti aceasta planeta va rog
come to Canada if you enjoy a different brand of shit.
USR ii o bucata mare de cacat. Majoritatea parlamentarilor ce nu or fost de acord cu familia formata din barbat + femeie au fost de la USR. Inainte nu credeam ca is sorosisti dar acum cred.
Asta nu face psdu si pnlu bune in vreun fel, putem spera numa ca din BINEle ala iese ceva bun.
Ba eu nu inteleg de ce plm va pasa daca se fut doi barbati in cur sau nu. Chiar nu pricep ce va fute grija.
if you are young, have tits and at least decently attractive then I already got a job for you here in Germany
de ce nu o părăsești mai întâi jidan prost?
de ce vrei să lași degenerați pedofili să umble liniștiți pe stradă?
only white people allowed here Juanito ''Converso'' Jesus Castillo
I can't have a decent conversation with kys retards like you. Stay a cringy wannabe legionar that is witnessing how his society is changing while his ideology became less and less popular until it really looks like a cringy ideology.
You can stay if you like this shithole, those ones that need a decent life aren't cowards, this shithole is fucked beyond repair.
The church is still filled with corrupted priests, that are overpricing every religious service they are doing (funeraly, baptism, wedding) this is very anti-christian and is pissing off the people, that why everybody is criticising the church.
Not all tax payers are orthodox, seems fair to dislike the built of the cathedral from tax money.
>we are not in the middle ages anymore
Current-year-tier bad joke. The middle ages aren't as dark as they are taught by some (((people))) and Church power is certainly something desirable.
gata copii
Mara go back to sleep
citeste aici , boule, si vezi daca iese ceva "bine" din BINE. Prosti mai sunteti, doamne, cand va aud cum picati ca galustele tot la neocomunisti in brate.
>sunt romani aici care sustin valorile (((europene))) dictate de la Bruxelles
Boule, problema nu e ca vrem sa interzicem ce are voie un om sa faca si ce nu - orice om e liber sa isi traiasca viata asa cum vrea el. Problema e ca acesti degenerati vor sa isi impuna stilul de viata asupra unei populatii majoritare care nu numai ca nu vrea sa aiba de-aface cu asa ceva, ci este pur si simplu scarbita de valorile impinse de catre turma de vibratoare si bete infipte in cur. De ce sa imi dicteze mie ce sa cred o minoritate care nu reprezinta nici macar 1% din totalul populatiei Romaniei? De ce sa creada ca trebuie sa fie reprezentati, cand ei inseamna un nimic?
Nimeni nu spune sa intri peste om in casa si sa il verific, doamne fereste. Dar in momentul in care toti degeneratii ies pe strada si imping niste valori abjecte asupra copiilor mei si ai tai, atunci avem o mare problema.
>if i was in Canada I would
>be 3 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS
Coaie daca ii sustii pe nazisti esti autist de-a bineala. Ca si rusii, germanii de atunci ne-au tras in piept de prea multe ori. Sa zici ca fascistii au facut lucruri bune in tara asta e o idiotenie completa.
Si in legatura cu poponarii, pe multi nici nu ii stii daca sunt sau nu pana nu iti spun ei. Si din nou, de ce mi-ar pasa ce fac aia la ei in pat? Nu e ca si cum daca lasam cele cateva mii de gay sa se casatoreasca vom devenii toti poponari.
>Stay a cringy wannabe legionar that is witnessing how his society is changing while his ideology became less and less popular
>less and less popular
kek, rabinule cred ca trendul este exact invers :))
free jobs in paris
>only reason you're not owned by Jews
Are you fucking retarded? The country was sold and its still being sold to this date. Jews are not much part of it because 550k of them died.
Communism was pushed by Eastern European Jews AND the orthodox churches through Moscow
Entirely unacceptable for a White nation.
you're stupid as fuck, you should lurk on this site 1 year before posting, here read you fucking blue-pilled fag-lover
Dont you guys also sniff paint out of bags
Știi, nu ne pasa efectiv de astfel de degenerați cu comportamentele lor deviante. Atâta tot ca nu ii normal. Sa promovezi o afecțiune psihologica este imoral și denota numai faptul ca și tu ești bolnav la rândul tau.
Dacă ar fi după mine, eu i-aș închide pe toți aia cu toată şarada aia a lor din București.
Dacă vor sa se futa in cur unii pe alții, fie. Bine ca nu o să ajungă să își răspândească căcatul ala de material genetic la generațiile viitoare. Cine a spus ca selecția naturala încă nu mai este de actualitate?
Dracu sa îi ia de poponari și de țigani împuțiți. Sa moara naibii ca sa rămână numai oameni buni în lumea asta.
>links post made by some autistic user
Sigur m-ai facut sa gandesc din greu wow.
are si references in pula mea la final, se vede ca doar ai aruncat un ochi pe ele si pentru ca iti afecteaza disonanta cognitiva te-ai lezat imediat
pic related
>coaie daca ii sustii pe nazisti esti autist de-a bineala.
vai de capul tau de prost prajit pe creier. Uita-te cum a aparut miscarea legionara, si in ce an - nu a avut nimic de a face cu miscarea nazista, a aparut chiar inaintea ei. Si tu esti genul de persoana care spune ca fascismul = nazism? Idiotul pulii mele, ridica o carte de istorie si citeste-o, poate inveti de ce au murit sute de mii de romani pe frontul de Est pentru un ideal mai mare decat cel de tara - distrugerea bolshevismului, care reprezenta cea mai mare amenintare la adresa Europei (cum s-a si adeverit dupa razboi).
>Nu e ca si cum daca lasam cele cateva mii de gay sa se casatoreasca vom devenii toti poponari.
Au voie sa aiba parteneriat civil, retardatule, ei vor sa aiba dreptul si la casatorie oficiala pentru a putea adopta copii - pentru asta se tot lupta de cativa ani. Uita-te la studii facute in-afara, sa vezi ce impact major are o familie de poponari pe un copil adoptat, care ajunga sa creasca intr-un mediu in care abuzul creste, neglijenta creste, si pe langa asta degenerarea se imprastie mai departe intr-un ciclu continuu.
Plecati in mortii vostrii inapoi pe reddit, futu-va in gura de liberali obositi.
>poponarii se marit
>adopta copi
>copii cresc cu probleme de identitate
>avem miscare trans gender
>travestiti devin acceptati
>Romania devine Neo-Canada
Like the turks didn't spike your ass, muh Vlad
atunci mută-te din țară lașule, îți faci neamul de râs pentru 30 de șhekeli
e prima oară când șilezi pe site-ul ăsta?
Revive the Iron Guard
Eu nu inteleg ce iti pasa tie daca eu vreau sa ii ciuruiesc. Daca nu ar fi mare lucru r trebui sa nu iti pese.
Gluma la o parte, sodomitii stii cum isi incep ei viata depravata? Molestand copii si ei insusi sunt molestati de cand is copii. Sodomia merge mana in mana cu pedofilia. Daca nici asta nu te convinge, documenteaza-te sa vezi ce rau isi fac unii altora/singuri si cum in alte circumstante nu evita din a molesta fiinte nevinovate.
>Are you fucking X
Romanian spotted. Can't hold a conversation without calling people "boule" or "cacatule"/ "retardatule". God forbid anyone has a different idea
>We sold everything
Not to the jews. Most of it is owned by other Europeans
>Still being sold to this date
Most business owners are Romanian. You want a red pill? Come to the US. Ask to see the owner of 100 businesses in new york. 90 of them will be Jews
>Orthodox churches are a jewish plot
To what? Exterminate jews? Christianity is the only reason you're still alive. If Jews own Christianity, then why did Hitler exterminate Jews under the Christian banner?
Klaus Johannis will make Romania great again.
>It's time to emigrate to a decent country.
No, don't come here
is was the other way around moor
>decent country
Nu ai plecat inca?
>In a new study based on Google News reports, controversial family values crusader Paul Cameron says he has found evidence that wherever social and political attitudes towards homosexuality are more positive, sex crimes against minors with a homosexual element are more numerous.
>Cameron’s research team analyzed 3,000 news reports taken from Google News about sexual molestations reported from countries such as China, Taiwan, Russia, Moldova, the United Kingdom, Italy, the European Union in toto, Canada and the U.S.
>Cameron says the study revealed a clear and positive correlation between how acceptable homosexuality was across the range of countries and the proportion of sexual crimes that were homosexual.
mai vrei?
>A recent Otago University study has found that homosexual or bisexual individuals are more likely to have undergone a variety of of traumas in childhood, including sexual assault, rape, violence, and witnessing violence in the home.
>"People who either identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, or have had a same-sex encounter or relationship, tend to come from more disturbed backgrounds," said Research Associate Professor Elisabeth Wells.
Mars acasa cu pedofilii tai
How the fuck did this stupid meme of an insult spread in Romania. When i hear my romanian friends say "coaie" to each other i just want to beat them with a night stick.
I'm not a coward, and again, you can stay in this country where you don't have any opportunity and in the end you become the loser.