Post here if you're black

Post here if you're black.

I just want to see how many black people are Sup Forums users.

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Reporting in

Get outta here you fucking niggers.
Us shitskins are better than u fukers.
Go back to Negro land and take your AIDs with you

>Post here if you're black.

No don't.

I believe even asian shitskins like us are far more superior than the nigger

hi buakaw



fuck you niggers

I've 3 black slaves does that count?

Ooga booga

>1.4% Sub-Saharan.
>Faps & hires skinny, sexy black girls that act white

Can I post?

Asians are not shitskins.
Thailand is a great country, where else would else 10% fags go to fuck traps for nothing?

Fucking nigger

i'm a sandnigger does that count

Black leader, reporting


abodigital reporting in

flag checks out, also damn it felt good growing up in a country without niggers and shitskins

we waz kangz reporting

Technically, we're all Africans.

Pic related, me

All niggers must hang

Falashmura - Jewish Ethiopian

Black trump supporter here ama

Well we are, we wuz kangz. Apparently.

This is very much true

about 5 nogs in my school thats what I get for being born in North Dublin

Why would any nigger want to hang around Sup Forums for? Don't you have somewhere to go and be excessively loud? You haven't stolen anything or broken anything to day either. So, chop chop! Nigger to it.

I like fried chicken, watermelon, grape soda, rap music, and white girls.

Can I post?


When you see this, does it make you want to scream GIBSMEDAT?

Tbh I don't hate blacks I just don't want them in my country


Swedish dad and Italian mom.

what a cuck, falling for the classic divide and conquer tactics. you have more in common with africans than you think.

How do we get back to Africa? I mean as western educated blacks, even a high school education, we have more knowledge than most African blacks. Why don't we just go to our homeland and build the place up?

Because even high school/college educated blacks still are not civilisation builders.


Let's make a bankroll a return to Africa program, and not just as a charity but for profit, and we get the training to turn Africa into a developed country

Reddit leave.

Good job Pajeet.


Blacks CANNOT learn. Look at what they have done to Zimbabwe/Rhodesia and South Africa.

Not a day goes by when I don't want to kill all shitskins. Even fucking niggers are better than you sub-human degenerate filth

I'm north African and its always annoying as fuck to see north Africa included in shitty pro-black imagery depicted in OP's post.

Imagine being a Welsh man but getting the whole of Europe tattooed on your body to celebrate your celtic ancestry. Makes little sense. Stop acting like Africa is unified or cares for one another. I hate niggers more than whites and being associated with them makes my blood boil.

This is actually pretty true, I'm of Nigerian ancestry myself, but that doesn't mean I don't despise most other North Africans and the disgusting muslim fucks that have taken over my already shitty country. Being a Chrisitian black in Nigeria right now is essentially a fucking death sentence because you violent muslim fucks. Not like it gets any better going south of Africa either.

But we could go teach African blacks how to run things correctly. Especially if we had western bankrolling. Somebody got to do it. Better me and other blacks do it, with western backing, than the Chinese

Spic reporting in

Im not black but I want Aftica land gove it to me

>leaving out Madagascar

Also AMA

What will you do when the day of the rope comes?

All africa belongs to spanish nation

What's up, niggers?

Fucking Russian stop hacking elections and shit

If I ever could hack them, m8.

Yet seriously, what will you do when shit hits the fan in SA?

Richest 2 citites in africa are spanish, spain shall be masters of Africa

Black user here.

black expat here

I love how these threads are dead on arrival.

blacks tell me I look 'half nigga' on account of my hair.


I will take back my ancestors land from the opressor

But you said you are black.

Who is oppressor?
You black?

I'm not black, but I'm an African.


>Post here if you're black.
Stupid whites as ever s m h


Stop larping you filthy wigger or i'll hack your ass.

You think you can beat aftikaners and borrs?


Same up money and buy acres of land or we white nation just conquer africa because africa is at war with us.

North africa is not black

By that you mean shitting in the streets ?

Fucking bigots.

a fucking potato

Do you realize that this very thing has been tried with colonization and it fucked everything up? they don't want to learn, they can't, they just destroy anything good.


ok, so why not bring them to the US and make them work for free until they pay back the ticket of the boat ride

what do you want

>North africa is not black
you act black though.

Moroccans in the UK act like a stereotypical American nigger.

Touching girls without their consent.
Listening to shitty rap music.
Coming across as stupid as fuck.

Why do you give Europe your garbage?

Save up money buy farm land develop country etc..
Blacks dont want to leave us or work just live off whitey country

Which part of this lovely country are you in?

With 208 billion dollars us can buy all blacks 5 acres of farmland in africa + 24 billion for plane tickets.


I am laffin, never post here again fucking dirty half Dutchie nigger blood.

Because this garbage is being actively brought in. The worst embark on journey to acquire gibs, decent people stay. I'm quite sure you'll find
any part of Morocco itself more quiet than London.

92 billion for the farm land*
Dollar is strong as fuck sbd land is chesp id buy before aftica develops

The ones who leave their country for gibs and rape are obviously going to be bottom of the barrel. You're not going to get university-educated Moroccans nor North African lawyers, businessmen, doctors, etc. coming to your country en masse... most of those probably don't want to leave their homes and friends. You're getting greedy, opportunistic trash instead.

Of course. We outnumber them by far.

You are probably from the cape.

Tell me when exactly have 2 million
Euro soldiers been defeated by afticans

You're an idiot they're just like you at this point with the amount they've fucked your baboon women they have black blood worry about the eternal poo in loo who owns every business in Durban you fucking chimpanzee




i'm white but I've been called a "nigger" on Sup Forums so many times that I feel I have earned my place in this thread.


>You are probably from the cape.
What makes you say that?

To be fair the Ethiopians fucked up the Italians with noting but sticks and stones. But in today's times Africans don't stand a chance against Europeans.

All the top quality fine black queens are being eternally RICED because the dumb sub saharan descendants of Egyptian dick washers are staring at the white man instead of the real issue.

even you have wiggers no ethnicity is excluded from this phenomenon

>black thread
>no argentinians
I call bs

I'm black. My mother is originally from Nigeria. Pic for proof.

Also Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon which states that the shit skin Lamenites had darker skin so the whole world will know of their nig nog ways. Today we know them as Taco-niggers.