you have 48 seconds to tell me a good thing about democracy
It's on its way out.
It doesn't exist
nice one Denmark! Truly FPBP
It's made my country better than your shithole
If only every country on earth could be a corrupt shithole like the United States, Brazil, China, England, and pretty much every other South American country.
it allows me to ignore poor people
It's easily replaceable.
>the jews took 1900 years to create the perfect system for them to stay in power forever
>people actually think we will destroy this system anywhere in the next 500 years
> Not corrupt
Pick one Ausfag. How's the lubricant helping out while you're being fucked by big coal and that fat Jabba the Hutt looking whore who basically runs your country into the ground because she's born into coal wealth? Also, enjoy your shit tier internet service, the dangerous wildlife, the receding corals, the ultraviolet exposure, the ridiculously overpriced economy, etc.
Inb4 But Murica blows too! Yeah, no shit America sucks but don't go saying your country is better than another when you have a Fuck ton of your own kangaroo problems. Get fucked
>Also, enjoy your shit tier internet service, the dangerous wildlife, the receding corals, the ultraviolet exposure, the ridiculously overpriced economy, etc.
nice proxy
It's a efficient way to make the goyim believe they are free. No matter how hard we fuck them they still """""""voted""""""" for it!
Wouldn't you like to know burger boy?
No other country on the planet has democracy. It is for Switzerland and only for Switzerland.
All other "democratic" countries wrongly believe an international plutocracy competing over their economic zones they call "borders" are democracy, and that representation of their own interests through nationalism is evil and foolish.
>all jews worldwide use Switzerland banks
>Switzerland allow their country to be the center of international jewry as long as the take a fair share
>The jews use Switzerland banks to fund globalist plans everywhere in the world
That's the definition of why democracy is bad.
barely anyone tries to kill you for saying you hate it
fuck off arthur donald
That's true nationalist democracy. Trade with all, alliance with none, sacred self-interest. They're still a direct democracy and slave to no one, profiting from all. Again, the niche they occupy is filled by them and has room for no more.
Protesting. Maybe you should try it, so you can win too.
as soon as the jews migrate their bank accounts to another country Switzerland will have no protection against muslim invasion. Plus I bet there will be hundreds of politicians waiting for that opportunity to create a system based on Canada and Sweden.
The only reason why the jews didn't allow Switzerland to become Sweden is because they need a stable environment to conduct their business
The problem with protesting is they quash you, or if you really chimp out, they shit-can the old guy and put up a new puppet, preserving the status quo. When elections didn't do the trick, only revolution can save the country.
What if people vote for killing anyone who says democracy sucks?
Oh really? Is that why they hid metric shit-tons of gold and assets for the Nazis, and still are beyond all reproach? Switzerland knows the banking system and neutrality guarantees them independence from larger economies. That's why they can have democracy, because they aren't an economic satrapy to foreign nations.
Not saying it's perfect, but voting is pointless. They only going to ban migration if they see visually people rebel. Gays been protesting for very long and sponsored many billions to get integrated into your every daily life. If you just disagree with words, that ain't going to make a difference.
It gives a bigger chance for the right person to get into the right place compared to dictatorship.
>because they aren't an economic satrapy to foreign nations.
you say that at the same time you agreed that their only source of income is jewish banking.
>nuclear launch code is 6 numbers long
I know it's a joke but still
>Name one good thing
That it shows how it doesn't work and is easy to control by (((them))). Same with Communism.
It's why (((they))) are targeting the middle east for "democratic reforms" because they are natural authoritarians only to replace the nationalists with Islamists and destabilize the region for Israel's benefit. They know no other way and Baathism which is basically Arab version of German National Socialism is fully opposed to (((them))). Its why they removed Hussein in 2003,Gadaffi in 2011 and trying to finish Assad since 2011. All 3 were/are Baathist.
fpbp. I also agree.
You get to choose the one you wish to lead you.
Shekel for the Goy
the sky is the limit anons
don't let your Me-Me's be Dream-ies
Lmao. The dude's country is NZ, not Australia.
Greece is living in the height of democracy. Pretty much their only right wing party is hated by everyone and also very small and the biggest ''opposition'' to the left is a party that supports Merkel and Macron. They are living the dream
It make us all equal
Fuck off New Zealand
No, they made themselves an investment for the world's wealthy, Semitic or otherwise. They never lost their national sovereignty, gun rights, democracy. That's remarkable.
>They never lost their national sovereignty
you have a very weird definition of nationalism I'll tell you that
The system is a dying one. It is forcing people to become a minority within their own countries, and it lets idiots have power over intellectuals or picks weakness over strength.
Eventually, the country supporting said garbage will either:
1. Immediately crash and descend into anarchy.
2. Descend into a civil war, and have genocides upon genocides of purges as society is basically given a massive enema to clean itself out, "humane feelings" be damned.
3. It never ends. Que the noteventhedeadknowpiecefromthisevil.jpg.
Overall, let's hope war begins within a decade, I am tired of my countries bullshit.
Democracy and full freedom was a mistake.
Most fucking shit system in existence which led to modern degeneracy and decay of society.
Socrates was fucking right.
Id rather live in Stalinist communist then this fucking (((western))) """freedom""".
>Democracy and full freedom was a mistake.
But the common people is asking for more rights, more freedom, more democracy... why stop it?
Having an actual chance of not being ruled by useless, inept, psycho dictadors that have a severe case of "small dick behavior":
Lazy people give up on democracy, you just hate normies and useful idiots, but how about we train them instead?
The redhead isn't too bad. Women are supposed to be soft.
Democracy would be good if all people were politically literate.
It's shit because vote of an idiot who watches football and drinks beer all day counts as yours.
Also retarded people can vote and are easily exploitable.
Gee, post that picture again and ask the same question, why don't you you fucking ingrate.
You think I want to raise my children in a society where they are given top priority?
Oh....wait.....not only are they, but I will never manage to have children.
Fuck this planet.
Surprise, the Slav gets it. Seems only they can save the western world now, at this point. Hell, even invading it would be a better choice.
There's nothing good about democracy. Plato and Hobbes, not Locke and Stuart mill. Praise the philosopher king!
Nice strawmans. Excuse me while I go and starve because I am not valued by my beloved liberal democracy, while trannies get reduced operation costs.
Kill yourself, you wannabe-white faggot.
People will blame a large group of people for everything that's wrong instead of just one person.
Trump and Hitler can get elected.
Your pic is one of the main reasons why democracy must be abolished.
I don't want to destroy your dreams but Stalin was preparing his society for living in ultimate degeneracy we are living now
A strict ''moral'' communist regime can't last very long and in fact in Russia it ended 24 hours after Stalin died. The introduction of western degeneracy started in the 60s and exploded in 1991 when the wall fell.
Democracy generally spares each generation the horrors of mass bloodshed and the tumult that arose from whenever a king passed or an upstart noble wanted to revolt. It's probably the most "stable" system but the tradeoff is that the stable environment it creates is one of utmost mediocrity and, as we see today, certainly a slide towards national suicide. Nobody can get anything done because of internecine resistance in Congress, an unelected Judiciary putting brakes to whatever it feels like, and term limits that would have set Frederick the Great or Augustus to 8 years max.
It's ultimately a feeble system, too. The Roman Republic (though not exactly Democratic) had voters and such and prided themselves on their political system, thinking it the pinnacle of governance and that its system of checks and balances would safeguard it for all time. Then Sulla came along, installed himself as dictator, and nailed death warrants for his enemies in the Forum.
hi murdoch.
It's an easy way to control the masses by giving them false hope of (((representation)))
So basically, we need strong men to enforce good morals, and train future generations to keep those traditions in check. Because man's greatest enemy is himself.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks for validating my opinion :^)
the roman republic is what we have now: senators and politicians conspiring against the people for a few gold coins
it ultimately facilitates its own demise.
I'll take the tyrant over the false beloved smiling asshole who claims he'll make your dreams come true. At least the tyrant is honest, wants to create a nation of strength and might.
>inb4 tyrants ruin countries
Stupid people run nations stupidly. Strong, smart men forge strong, smart nations.
thanks to the french revolution and the freemasonic values of diversity and pluralism the last time we had a strong leader was more than 250 years ago
t. Chink/Muhamad Leaf!
Every time a dictadorship got to power down here it was for worse!
>You better thank CIA for saving you from commies in the 70s by installing the Junta
Oh yeah! those commies who were actively bombing civilians, yeh....they were soo much popular that they couldn't win a single election in 100 years of activity down here.
They still can't get more than 5% all combined (cuz the idiots keep dividing themselves in countless parties).
And the NeoLib's puppet Junta fucked up most of our industry with total unprotected imports, "free trade" they called it...
Then acquiring huge amounts of DEBT, that we mostly paid just a couple of years ago, over 40 years later...
>Falklands War
>"The Brits are joking they aren't going to attack us lol! we are friends with USA"
>Yeh lets send 18 yo conscripts from the warmest zones of the country to below 0ÂșC conditions.
Then I'd say it's about time we finally put a stop to this bullshit.
When I speak of "dictators", I speak of men like Hitler. Not installed puppets. I mean, sure, some puppets can make things work, but that's very, very rare.
it is. To be fair we had some decent leaders past century but they made huge mistakes. Franco, Pinochet and Mussolini could have prevented a lot of things that are happening right now.
I don't see what you are talking about.
Pic related (Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen).
And the Americans were faster than us at adopting freemasonry.
Very true.
Declaration of the Rights of Men and Citizen - As Known As Destroy Christianity, Monarchy and Replace With International Jewry
90% of Sup Forums thinks those 3 assholes were like some kind of Pinochet trio, when they actually fucked up everything.
You don't like commies? OK, me neither.
But the mass executions of them and some random innocent civilians in the 70s and early 80s gave them the moral highground for over 40 years now!
Now they are the eternal victims like (((them)))
Brute force is for stupid people, you just need to apply it to urgent dangers, if you can't control your people with arguments, good economic plans that will benefit them and keep them happy, then you will always fail.
I disagree on what you have to say. Brute force is an excellent tool for early on enforcement strategy, however it needs to be counterbalanced with economic stability. As for the communist's? I could care less about them. The fact of the matter, is that humanity is not smart enough to make it's own decisions, it needs superior men to make it for itself.
Just look at the world today for all the evidence you need.
>But the mass executions of them and some random innocent civilians in the 70s and early 80s gave them the moral highground for over 40 years now!
No - stopping the mass executions is what gave them the moral high ground. It is not worth the time or energy to argue with leftists. It's easier and overall more beneficial to purge them.
>muh arguments
Words aren't going to save you against people who control the banks, the newspapers, the television stations, the schools, and so on. I don't try to get the weeds in my garden to change their point of view - I simply pluck them, dispose of them, and get on with my day.
Please refer to world history before making such brash statements. Hitler, Stalin and the iti during ww2 were all incredibly smart strong men. But, they ruined their countries for future generations through their actions.
It was more about giving the same rights between nobles and serfs.
Speech, assembly, press all of that.
End Serfdom.
And a lot of pre-socialist ideas. Like universal housing.
This dynasty was doomed, Louis XVI was a traitor and he deserved the guillotine.
The few times monarchy came back, it went very very badly.
So nope. Not doing that.
Also our king is a fucking spaniard.
But at least he makes children.
I think you replied to the wrong guy, mate. Also, no they did not. The degenerate countries that interfered and destroyed them affected the countries futures.
Hitler waa so incredibly smart and strong that he personally bungled hundreds of battles by waving his dick too hard and that's when he got obliterated by Stalin (attacking Russian shills in the winter), trying to test might with some of the greatest military commanders of our time, lol.
>Attacking Russia in the winter
>Barbarossa launched in late June
What did he mean by this
those "psycho dictators" you speak of would of never Allowed pic related to happen, among many other terrible things.
let me remind you, people get killed everyday by burglars, you just see less than 1/5th of it on tv