Brit/pol/ - Sup Forums General Election

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>tfw no links



>Strong and Stable
No you go to stable



>Implying anyone reads them
>Implying the people who reply to me saying they read them aren't faggots who were capable of getting their own damn news if they were interested in British politics



in all this election hype, I am still yet to hear a solid reason for voting tory, other than bullshit soundbites about how Corbyn is a 'weak leader' or the conservatives are 'good with the economy'. I genuinely don't get why people, especially working/middle class people, would ever vote for theresa may.

Reminder Jeremy Corbyn has been on the record as being more Eurosceptic and more opposed to wars to destabilise the Middle East and send millions of brown people towards the West than Theresa May


I'm surprised there is no uproar in Sup Forums over Theresa May's internet regulations

Well fuck me it's even got a shed lol

You've literally never heard of problems with Socialism?

>tfw the false dichotomy of Tories vs. Labour will never die

>next time I'll vote Labour!
>next time I'll vote Tory!

i've been hearing a lot about this election and stuff but frankly lads i've got to say (being at true brit from the bottom of my heart) that jeremy corbyn will literally bring back the entire british empire and we will essentially live in heaven but if you elect may then she'll just force you to eat dog shit literally literally

sorry I deleted it as I thought nobody cared, but still, kek

Strong and stable leadership

Because everyone who's followed politics for more than 6 months knows reddit goes into a fit every now and then about a new internet regulation that never actually gets implemented, or if it does is nothing close to what they said it would be

Don't be fooled UK. May still plans on censoring the fuck out of the internet because it has grown apparent too many people are red pilled. Not that still will ultimately work, it is merely a delay before all out violence breaks out in the country.

in all this election hype, I am still yet to hear a solid reason for voting labour, other than bullshit soundbites about how May is a 'weak leader' or Labour are 'good with the economy'. I genuinely don't get why people, especially working/middle class people, would ever vote for jeremy corbyn.

>people ITT unironically think that decisions are made more for the people when the decisions are made by politicians and not by the people
shiggy diggy


It's all good. Is it common for properties to be named there? I'd fucking lose it if a customer came into my work and that came up

what if it does get implemented though and it's worse than china's and Sup Forums is banned in UK

Literally the ideal scenario in pic related.

will consolidate and strengthen Tory support, make UKIP support the torys along with traditional working class labour voters.

What are the lib dems thinking?

Fuck me mate next you'll be saying Malcolm Turnbull is based.
What is wrong with you.

My insistence of voting Lib Dem isn't a meme.

in all this election hype, I am still yet to hear a solid reason for not voting Lib Dem, other than bullshit soundbites about how Farron is a L1 spam metafag greatsword' or Labour are 'good with the bulls'. I genuinely don't get why people, especially working/middle class people, would ever not vote for Tim Farron.

you want to get cucked by Maybot and her selling the country off to the highest bidder, local or (more likely) foreign?

>implying you're OP

no potential lib dem voter will consider ukip, but they might consider tory. They are attacking the centre floating voter to get them to go libdem

>Unironically believe we aren't being brigaded

again, who the fuck are you?

the quality of women in places like Italy is insane compared to ours, why are our birds so ugly?

>Be Britain
>Spend 5 out of the last 7 years with a coalition government
>Have one of my 4 constituent nations almost completely controlled by a third party, and another one completely controlled by minor parties
>Have yet another minor party which was able to exert enough influence to force a referendum to occur which fundamentally changed the direction I would go in
>Have some faggot post on me/pol/ about how there's only ever a two party dichotomy

brexit, duh. She's been cucked by her manifesto into hard brexit

in the countryside yes .

I had to dig a pen into my knee to stop myself laughing in his face. He said it with such confidence, I think he didn't know what it meant.

There are no solid arguments FOR Labour, only arguments against the Tories. Thus all arguments on here in favour Labour are only arguments by proxy.

Have you all laid your bets on constituency seats for your free money yet lads?

Some nice odds in some safe seats.

If it hasn't sunk in yet, this election is about Brexit. Labour won't publicly commit and so they are going to drown in the deepest abyss of irrelevance and stay there for the next twenty years.

My local Labour MP is a former NHS manager who contributes papers to key reforms in how local healthcare is administered. She's ran a couple of apprentice fairs also. The Conservative candidate is a former dodgy Councillor whose only promise is to help improve road congestion. Obviously not all Tory MPs are like this but the talented ones seem spineless to object to what is being done to the country.

I'd much rather have Keir Starmer in charge of negotiations than David Davis.
Labour people haven't said this. Maybe they took advantage of White British people but during the Blair years they assumed inequality would be rid of soon so British people could take the attention being given to minorities. This was a mistake and most Labour politicians are genuinely listening to working class now, hence accepting Brexit.

I'd still say its not as bad as the class contempt the Tory elites and their tabloids hold for British people. Pick up a copy of the Sun and shit they print sums up how intelligent they think British people are.

Even toothpaste understands.

>Labour people haven't said this
r u avin a laff m8?

Yeah but Labour will let immigrants in so vote for Tory

Given your (lack of) proper response I can only guess that you ACTUALLY DO think this kike lover is based. You must be that chink from Melbourne who ruins aus/pol/ threads.

To answer your question though, I've been around brit/pol/ for years, only started tripfagging about 3 weeks ago to piss off idiots like you. I don't typically post at this time if this is when you're regular.

Is the other Cheshire lad here?

>This was a mistake and most Labour politicians are genuinely listening to working class now, hence accepting Brexit.
fuck off you lying runty paki

one more time, who the FUCK are you?

in all this election hype, I am still yet to hear a solid reason for voting green, other than bullshit soundbites about how Lucas is a 'literal communist' or Lib Dems are 'good with student finances'. I genuinely don't get why people, especially working/middle class people, would ever vote for Caroline Lucas.

Labour have committed though wtf are you talking about

Tories are neoliberals. Theresa May increased immigration.

>tax avoidance fixes
>police increases
>border guards, prison officers, firefighters increases
LITERALLY the only good ideas on this image

No links.......
It's bad enough that the "Edition" system has become so pathetic that there is no information at all but to include no links.


Both manifestos tell second scotland independence referendum to fuck off so that's funny.

>"ching chong wang fang"

Can't understand you sorry mate.

>This was a mistake and most Labour politicians are genuinely listening to working class now

I used to hate snekposters, but with the number of people here who are unironically socialists I miss them

BUT BUT LABOUR IS BAD LABOUR, VOTE UKIP? *alt-right Sup Forums-fiend brain melts*

>Reminder that:
>Theresa May supported and voted REMAIN
>Jeremy Corbyn has long supported LEAVE and possibly voted that way too

At the expense of rejecting millions of rapefugees

Daily Heil are getting worried people are realising the BBC is biased to the Tories. I even noticed they were deleting comments for the first time after their readers were turning on the Tories due to the death tax.

Westminster voting intention: CON: 46% (-) LAB: 34% (+2) LDEM: 7% (-1) UKIP: 7% (-) (via @ORB_int / 17 - 18 May)

Lol Labour are gaining but are not eating into the Tory vote at all.

Nothing can stop this landslide.

The fact that nobody cares about the planned regulations on the internet, ontop of the snooper's charter coming into effect, makes me think that this place is full of shills.

Sup Forums 10 years ago was leading the fight for internet freedom. Now it's cooperating with the establishment.


>Le epic landslide

It won't be a landslide

>post yfw you watched Three Girls

Exactly. UKIP voters should be going to Labour rather than conservative.

How can you support leaving the EU but not nationalisation?

i am a cheshire lad

Lets see those betslips lads

Free tips for all, thank me later.

Non-EU immigration increased and outpaced EU immigration under Theresa May. Cameron had a part in it by bombing Libya. May wants to help Trump bomb Syria.

It's the same crap that is going on everywhere... Not sure how the UK could avoid it. Also, isn't the stuff about muh gender pay gap arguably worse?

here you go lad. my hatred for communists is unwavering.
my will to vote tory to stop them... not so much

The poll result you are showing there is a landslide Tory victory.

If I took away your skim, would you die?

It will because the Tories are winning votes in all the right places. Seats that Labour have held since 1935 are huge favourites at the bookies to go Tory.


Pretty sure people here just vote against ideas of morality for the sake of being edgy contrarians.

Basically the shittier the world is for everyone else, the happier they will be. Because their lives are already pretty shitty amirite


That's because 10 years ago we hadn't heard the same whinging for 10 years straight about hyperbolic internet regulations

will they ever break the tories double digit lead though?

Reminder that socialism has caused ~100 to 150 million deaths during peace time, in the last century.

It's always been that way, it's our colonies i.e pakis. Be it sikh or muslim.

We would be in a state of trouble like Sweden or Germany right now if she had started taken rapefugees in.

Was QT worth a watch?

Depends on where those 46% of votes are.

kek is Wales seriously going to go Tory

Are you in a little town being affected by city expansion? Congleton's houses are fucking my schools and my GPs by overflowing them all, plus no local jobs because there's just so many people living nearby now

>but with the number of people here who are unironically socialists

It's just one guy who spams every thread.

Would it actually be better for the Tories if they won comfortably, but not enough to force Corbyn to resign?

>but that wasn't real socialism


Bet on Tories to win Tom Watson and Skinner's seats.


why are the conservatives gaining votes? I thought ukip was the pol party.

What makes you think I would allow you to remove my skim? Do you feel... in charge?


If that happens conservatives lose next election

How deluded are labour voters, seriously? They are under the impression they're going to win, how? The local elections saw them lose seats everywhere and the only people they appeal to are left wing parasites and uni students. They're a joke party. I really hope Tories win by a landslide, just to see the butt hurt on social media.

Forgot picture. Lib Dems are not winning here.

He won't resign regardless. He's been campaigning like crazy in areas full of his key supporters. He knows he won't win the election, he's priming for a third leadership contest.

Will Vince Cable win his seat?

who the fuck do you vote for now?
hardly choice with commies and "illegal opinions"