ONLY post ITT if you have either

ONLY post ITT if you have either

> a black friend
> a muslim friend
> a jewish friend

wat is your favorite thing about said black/jew/muslim?

My friend is muslim and he is based. He watches the same TV I watch and not once have I heard a peep from his religious background. I eat sausage rolls in front of him and he dont give a shit. Honestly he's a lot like me except he worships allah and I don't.

Post stories of based Jews Muslims and Blacks ITT. Hispanics too if you like, but they are white anyway, just with a funny accent.

I've got a jew, he's kind of annoying though. He's not super religious and he's cool with most shit but he parrots retarded normie memes and always ends up just kind of following me and my other friends around. I'm really only friends with him because he's friends with one of my closer friends. I don't care that he's a jew, I just don't like him very much as a person. My town is really thin on muslims (midwest) and most of the black people here are retarded "gangster" types. I've got a lot of asians though.


My vlack friend owes me $200. It was $400 but he is making payments as he can.

My spic friend has owed me $400 for over a year and I havent heard from him.

I set $400 as the price I'll pay to find out who my real friends are, and I lend while expecting nothing in return.

Kill yourself

>having friends
Go back to Tumblr

My black friend is really into metal, and has a pretty cool band too.

I have two close black friends who hate niggers.

I have two close black friends who would look like typical niggers to all of you, but they respect me, listen to cool R&B and soul music, and it is fun to go to parties with them.

They're smart (both in universities), but I would not hire them if I was in that situation. They don't seem like they would be competent. I've met their parents and they've met mine so I trust them.

I have a Muslim Roomate.
I make him do all my petty jobs.
He cries sometimes while he's alone.

I have a black friend. He loves watermelon and fried chicken. My fav thing is that he is good at basketball and bring white hoes to my partys.

Im a muslim myself, does that count

>hijabi friends
>they all really hate niggers

I was in a guard tower in Iraq with only black dude in my platoon, never really talked much, different squads. Turns out he's a total redneck, and starwars nerd, the kicker? HATES American black culture with a passion.

One of my interpreters from another deployment go this citizenship and is a SPC. at Ft hood now, another is a cop in Baltimore. Pretty based guys.

Fuck jews.

>Implying I have friends

I could take a vow of silence and it would probably take a few weeks for it to actually start impacting my life

that's sad :(

This entire thread is reddit tier. Holy shit. Why is this even here? Why do all of you exist? Why haven't you killed yourselves?

I've had black friends but through the course of living in predominantly white neighborhoods (also with a lot of Latinos through work) I didn't have any black friends for a while. But I work part time at a brewery bartending and I started talking one night with this well mannered, educated black guy. Turns out he's redpilled defending Trump and agreeing 100% with my politics. I mention "redpill" and he starts laughing. Ends up Fred is on Sup Forums as well. Really nice experience actually. So now I do have a legitimate black friend

I have two white skinned muslim friends who think the same way about terrorists as we do. Their father was 100% turkish, mother was a christian white woman.

They are fine people. I've known them for all 26 years of my life pretty much

This one time my Muslim friend and i turned on the school alarm using firecrackers (he's a skinhead, btw)

i have a lot of jew friends
they are mentally ill es, but kool

I'm friends with all three. I also give them shit constantly. Why are they still friends with me? Respect for being truthful?