How/why was this country formed? Seemed like rightful Serb clay to me.
How/why was this country formed? Seemed like rightful Serb clay to me
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Yeah, I wonder who can be behind that...
Kosovo belongs to Albania 2bh
Thats because it is Serb clay. (((Albanians))) invaded it and invented to new country to weaken Serbian influence in the region.
Yeah but Serbs lose every conflict. They were bound to get Kosovo taken away sooner or later.
Wasn't your broz Tito partly responsible for this situation? Or were the Serbs there too degenerate to reproduce and keep it?
because america and europe bombed us and wanted kosovo to be independent.
we wanted to get rid of the muslims in bosnia and kosovo and both times the world wanted us dead and sided with the muslim party.
>Yeah but Serbs lose every conflict.
*every conflict in which we see ourselves facing fucking America
How much is the memory of the original battle of Kosovo talked about and how big a part is it off the serb identity? Is it something you learn about early on and always think about?
To create the biggest US base in Europe and traffic heroin for the goy from Afghanistan through there to Europe.
it's basically just "KOSOVO IS SERBIA".
we don't really talk about it since there really isn't a lot of it to be talked about.
From time to time our politicians even say that kosovo belongs to us, but what can a small country do against the rest of the world.
Even if we tried to take it back, and we'd be more than able to if it wasn't for muslim sympathizers, the world would just bomb us again and that is something we can't afford right now.
Kosovo is more of an american soil than albanian and also what this guy says
Kikes always side with Mudslimes against Christians (they hate Pagans even more).
Kosovo did exactly what Middle East did when the Ottoman Empire fell.
>Arabs, especially Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians, flooded present time Lebanon and Israel to get that piece of land for easier access to the Mediterranean.
>Albanians flooded present time Kosovo to get that piece of land to weaken Serbia and to create more organized crimes
no such country
Stop this right now! You have no proof!
>Afghanistan imports heroin to Kosovo
No, not even close to the truth. Kosovo is literally trafficking organs and weapons.
Because you don't know anything about history, burger. It has never been Serbish was handed to them after WW by European treaty.
and drugs along that from albania
US sided with Muslims
I though America was a Christian nation
(((They))) intervened because the land is rich in natural resources as well as building camp bondsteel, which is one of the biggest US bases in europe. They literally didn't give a shit about anything else, they just supported the side that would benefit them the most, as usual.
Not true at all, by that time albanians were already a majority in kosovo, for many decades in fact, except for the northern part (Mitrovica), which is still majority serbs which does belong to serbs.
- strategic spot for the biggest American base in Europe
- drug, organ and human trafficking
- massive amounts of all kinds of natural resources stolen from among others the huge Trepca mine that's no longer owned by Serbia
- the entire Kosovo region is now owned by various European and American countries and corporations
Same way the US steals land everywhere in the world really, there's always local tensions exacerbated by the CIA to make a grab through various "peace institutions" and shit.
lol, you should know better by now... your country seems to exist to serve muslims and jews (see saudis right now)
I've been to Switzerland. You are one of the many Albanians living there, right? Can't wait until you and your shitty people demands independence there too.
oh please what do you kno-
demograhpics and migrations happned in kosovo, and then usa bombing
but it is righfull serbian land.
>Serbs lose every conflict.
U stupid little fuck
Who purged kebab from Europe, even if it as after 400 years?
Who won WWI with 2 million people against 100 millions ?
Who won WWII ?
you dont get it. there are only two ways u can win against Serb: either u bomb us without drooping a single boot on the ground, by the means of superior technology, aka come over here and tell that to my mustache bitch evasion.
or; u can ((cry)) to international community how Serbs are raping your little children and genociding you, in hopes someone else will win against them.
Serbs are not your fucking shart in the mart types of cowards, we borderline insanity.
Not an arguement, my somalian friend.
this is what US managed to do by bombing us for 80 days, they only managed to destroy civilian lives and infrastructure, and this is quote from your own general.
>NATO greatly exaggerated losses inflicted on the Serbian military. Initial reports estimated that the bombing destroyed over 450 artillery pieces, 120 tanks and self-propelled artillery and 220 armored personnel carriers. Nothing close to those numbers, however, were counted physically. The Allied Force Munitions Effectiveness Assessment Team later reported the following numbers of destroyed equipment: 14 tanks, 18 armored personnel carriers, and 20 artillery pieces. Those numbers suggested that less than five percent of the Serbian combat systems had been destroyed during the seventy-eight day campaign. NATO’s effort to attack enemy ground units failed. The extent of that failure became apparent only after the air war was over
Medievals Serbia's capital was in Prizren,Kosovo.
You don't know anything Theresa. The Slavs were the ones to invade Balkan in the first place look it up
delete this
>The Slavs were the ones to invade Balkan
according to who? Berlin Congress ? and yea i forgot that one Croat monk that wrote that in 18 century?
study some genetics u stupid piece of shit
>According to who
Every Greek source on Balkans history during the 700-800's?
one of the dumbest maps I've seen to date
he has a point though, south slavs are barely 35% slavic genetically.
but the map is dumb and out of context.
nice reference you've got your self there?
u are actualy wrong.
this map is one of the rare ones that dont count ethos as race. which is retarded thing to do. one is cultural tribe, the other, is a race based on genetics >chose one.
omg I'm closest to dinaric
brb, killing myself
Alpine master race!
there's loads of different admixtures in the picture, you can't just put all of italy, spain and north africa into one race, whoever made that map did a really lazy job on southern/latin europe
anatolian turks are nothing like the Iberians
šiptar migrant detected!
no wonder, you're alpine serbs after all, cunt.
No,he does not.He is point is that Serbs are native to Balkans.This is not true.I will not argue whether we are Slavic or not.Also i speak only for Serbia,you can be Avar,Visigoth,Iranian,Celtic or whatever the fuck you want Croat.
De Administrando Imperio,written by Constantin VII in 10th Century.
depends, closer to alps the more apinid you go, and there is good amount of mixture. I personally am Alpinid by complexion. but most of people living here do have that characteristic Dinaric complexion.
>thinking that it matters if someone lives in Italy or in Spain.
again u dont understand. There may be add mixture of genetic to some country that makes it slightly different to other. But the base gene pool can be shared at the same time.
and isolated groups can develop their own traits in relatively short time, that does not make them distinct race.
Any genetic research has to do some grouping. I like this map and the categorization, because it is more based around geography than politics. That way we cant go into purity wars.
no one said there is no influence and connection. but u can not reference genetic make up in that story. because it is fact that we share only around 10% of slavic genes with north Slavs. And south Slavs is just made up group to name the Balkan Natives.
Fact is that we are connected to them, our languages have evolved similarly, have same origins. There are indeed lot of Slav genes (relatively).
But the story of barbarian Slavs coming to Balkan and exterminating natives, is just political influence.
>Any genetic research has to do some grouping.
Pretty much
>I like this map and the categorization
Because it suits your worldview.
It's either all in percentages or I don't approve of it at all. Posting groups without any details is like only reading the headline of an article
>But the base gene pool can be shared at the same time
true but the base is rarely above 50-60% and that leaves most of the story untold
>serveroaches flee from turkroaches and infest Bosnia and Croatia
>heheh see it's ours now
>chimps out
>gets BTFO
>albozergs infest servia
>woah, why is this allowed? KOSOVO IS SERBIA
Are you retarded?
this map basically says the same, only with addition of poor names for groups
Good point burgerbro, this needs to be rectified asap. I recommend glassing both albanianalia and north-west macedonia and invading kosovo with USAF cover.
Last time i checked Northern Serbia(which has the purest Serbs) is Alpanid,and Alpinids go to Ukraine as well.Which is also the homeland of Serbs.I also gave you proof Serbs are not native to Balkans just a post ago,genetically.I will give you another little fact.I2a -L-621 was also found first in Ukraine.What a coincidence,right?????
>Get historical source
>I-it's just lies
>Provides no source that it is just lies
Very nice argument there.
Last but not least Serbs where Barbarians,whether you like it or not.Need i remind that they where literally spread in Clans before they got united?
Oh did i forgot to mention ALL of these clans had Slavic names?So it is not just "Slavic nobles" but commoner clans.Top kek.
Why do Serbs want Muslims in their country so bad? Serbs used to be based until they became Turk rape babies
Fucking Serbia... Serbia is now a nation under one culture, it is not Yugoslavia anymore, Serb people determine the borders of Serbia, not the historical borders - allow Kosovo to exist or join Albania - if they want to remain Serbian though, let em.
>Inb4 something about dismantling the UK.
>We had a Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Referendum
he did not say he is a mountain u god forgotten man.
Dinaric is a race. sometimes called proto European.
this is persistent one. I repeated for what it now feels like million times.
you gotta differentiate ethos and cultural influences, from a fucking race.
YES, Serbs do have similar language to north Slavs, even culture. NO Serbs do not share even remotely genes with north Slavs.
They do not share genes with Northern Slavs but their genes are not Balkanic either,which is what i said.
>I will not argue whether Serbs are Slavs or not.
I just said Serbs are not native to Balkans genetically and have proven my point both genetically and historically.
i know it's a bait, but we don't. and no, we're not
I don't like haplogroups. They're sort of meaningless outside of looking for migration patterns. It ignores everything since. It's like a recipe with just the ingredients. You can have pretty distinct people with similar proportions, and anyone who thinks a Spaniard with L2b is suddenly nordic is just stupid. It's been mixed so many times over millenia a haplogroup says nothing of a person, just how a people started.
Slav influence, i never said they are Slavs.
for fuck sake, u are impossible to discuss with.
>not Balkanic ?
what ?
>turk rape babies
what education do you have on serbia burger?
ottomans didn't inhabit our area, for starters.
the second thing is, even if a rape baby was conceived, it couldn't be baptised, and was considered one of the greatest heresies to the family so in most cases they would end up being killed off, growing up homeless, or being sent to Istanbul to join the jannisaries.
>european gangbang baby
"illyrian" detected
that is why u reference individual percentage each group has in dna.
each group has its geographical focal point.. but of course i agree with you, Europe is insanely mixed.
But there are still distinct characteristics that each region has.
There is no mistaking Baltic to Mediterranean, for example
that map is simplified, there's a lot of different branches of r1b.
you're little pussies, we fucked you in the ass with armed civilians faggot. im a croat not a fucking mudslime
>original battle of Kosovo
This is something which is brought up throughout the compulsory education.
There are hundreds of folk songs about it and children often need to analyze them or learn them by heart.
Some consider it to be child abuse since most contain graphic depictions of death (decapitation, impalation, etc.) but those people are shunned away.
Though I'd also like to mention that in history class about WW2 we didn't really learn all that much about what was happening in Europe (let alone East Asia or Africa) because most of the focus of class was on what Croats were doing in Jasenovac during that time. Our teacher would read to us how Ustasas would smash Serbian babies' skulls and wipe the floor with their bodies or cut women's breasts and impale them with their children's hands, etc. Not so bad if you're telling it to a 12 year old Sup Forums-tard but girls from my class didn't seem to enjoy it so much. There was also this other history teacher (older woman) who became a meme because literally anything she'd start speaking about she'd conclude it with the Bosnian war.
tl;dr They say Serbian history education is a propaganda. I didn't believe it, but now that I reflect on it I guess it's true lol.
>Croat fucked someone?
only when there was papa west to bring you someone in arms reach so that u incompetent fucks can do something..
Pls, if Serbia did not cuck out at the start of the war, we would not have Croatia today, that is for sure.
Lmao nobody is arguing with you, fucking mongoloid.
Albanians really are as dumb as they say.
Care to explain? And pls, don't talk shit like: We wuz defending Vukovar with hunting riflez and sheiit!
you are really deluded...but if it was up to me i would have the kebab removed completely from the balkans. us and serbs can share the territory or have another war
Do you not comprehend English.Let me explain this Cristal clear. The major haplogroup in Serbia is I2a L-621.Not JUST I2a.So lets see where is the difference.
>I2a l-621 is thought to be only 5,600 but the oldest found is 2300 years old.
>I2a Din-S started to expand only 1900 years ago.
1900 years ago.So the Greeks where on the Balkans way before that.Illyricum was established 2080 years ago.Therfore I2a Din- S is not Illyric.There is no other Balkanic group aside from those 2 who lived on the territory of Serbia.I2a L-621 also migrated from Ukraine to the Balkans,it was never there before that.
So what does that make I2a L-621?The INVADERS during the 8th century.They don't have to be Slavic,but they where described as Slavic.
So what does that make TODAY's Serbs who mostly have this Haplogrouop?INVADERS,and not Balkanic.Do you understand now?Your original argument with the Albo,was that Serbs are mostly native Balkanites.This is NOT true.I do not give a fuck whether they are Slavic or fucking Martians.
>Pls, if Serbia did not cuck out at the start of the war, we would not have Croatia today, that is for sure.
it's adorable that you think you could have occupied Croatia without a rabid insurgency slaughtering your troops in the street, forcing you to pull out in record time..
i was just taking the piss there, but vukovar was defended that way and i don't know the numbers but i know we were outnumbered, and i don't understand why are you blaming your losses on the US?
>because most of the focus of class was on what Croats were doing in Jasenovac during that time. Our teacher would read to us how Ustasas would smash Serbian babies' skulls and wipe the floor with their bodies or cut women's breasts and impale them with their children's hands, etc. Not so bad if you're telling it to a 12 year old Sup Forums-tard but girls from my class didn't seem to enjoy it so much
how old are you?
i'm in my twenties and i've never heard such thing from a historian teacher. i guess things changed when we were introduced to western education after we sold our country to them, after october """revolution""". the education system now in elementary and high schools is horse shit.
Serbs can't into geopolitics.
>i'm a croat
no your not
I'm 20.
>the education system now in elementary and high schools is horse shit.
Are you saying the education I've gotten is God-tier? Cause I really don't see why the west would fuel the hate against Croats in school.
so we're the same generation. idk, i got an impression that you're a few years older because i literally learned nothing similar to WW2 like you. generally i didn't learn history at all, but i never heard those things from history teachers
>Cause I really don't see why the west would fuel the hate against Croats in school.
divide & conquer maybe?
your mom eats rightful clay every time she's done shitting, faggot.
Imagine Mexicans illegally hopping the boder and settling in the Southwest U.S to the point where it's like 70% Mexican. Now imagine if 111 out of 193 U.N member countries says the occupied area should be a separate country called Aztlan because muh feelings.
Replace Aztlan with Kosovo and Mexicans with Albanians you'll see.
>generally i didn't learn history at all
I see your school didn't teach you shit either just like mine didn't. Yea the education in Serbia is African-tier. I deeply regret not taking the initiative of learning some Mathematics and Physics on my own. Studying engineering I constantly get fucked by this so you could say it kind of ruined my life.
Well at least programming is something that I interested me always and of course you know, the programming class in high school that I had was shit too. Imagine spending most of the class time explaining to your professor why his shitty code written in GNU-style won't compile.
I can only see Serbia on that picture OP
Oh shit, after seeing a map made on ms paint windows 95 I'm fully convinced!!!
Mediterranean Romanian master race
Richard Lynn researches are proved to be inaccurate. Stop bringing researches based on a school study program that doesn't represent the total European population.