Why does Australia have such a shit flag?
It's just so boring, and it's got another country's flag taking up 1/4 of it. It's honestly embarrassing.
Why does Australia have such a shit flag?
It's just so boring, and it's got another country's flag taking up 1/4 of it. It's honestly embarrassing.
HI Punjabi
Fuck off you gaycunt. Go back to China.q
the american flag is much more aesthetic.
That's not the Australian flag its the New Zealand flag
How am I the un-Australian one for wanting our country to be more uniquely Australian?
Don't start a flag thread. You're better off jumping in front of a train
Put a leaf on it.
i think it is fine, maybe even kool
Fuck off. We created you.
Fuck you faggot.
How does it feel to know you loose your newstart in December when they start doing piss test, ya fucking Housos.
Because denying our past is what left faggots try to do, flag is apart of our heritage.
Learn from Canada, putting a lead on their flag made them faggots
Fuck off if you don't like it then cunt.
but goy, a red black yellow flag is much better than a red white blue flag, dont be homophobic
>How does it feel to know you loose
best flag
very unaustralian, Chang.
this is the only flag i would be happy with if they ever changed the current flag
Better flag design here
Honestly this is great. It's clean, simple, and distinctive.
>more uniquely
Wow, you're a special type of dumbcunt aren't you?
Unique is unique. No such thing as less unique or more unique.
>Hurr Durr more circle, less circle
It looks fuckin gay
And shouldn't you cunts be putting some muzzie symbol on it anyway
I agree. I don't want to be associated with england because like so many other countries it bends over for immigrant cock.
What we need is a new government, and this flag.
hush now baby brother, the eureka flag looks really good and the left hates it like the confederate flag
>Union Jack
>Commonwealth Star
>Union Jack
You know it's true Bruce.
>What we need is a new government, and this flag.
But we keep the queen, or you can drink some bleach.
I mean Southern Cross the second time. Too many beers
This Auswastika looks terrific
Fucking great flag (although the red ensign is more aesthetic). Pic related is about NZ but applies equally
Go clean the queens asshole with your tongue you deluded cuck.
I wonder where they got the idea?
why would you use a flag that has been tainted by the corrupt degenerate unions.
no one has ever insulted the queen and lived to tell the tale, cunt
fuck off faggot. if you don't like it, go back to china
Lemme guess. You're either a wog, a chink, or a Pajeet.
If you want to get thrown out of the cool boys club then go ahead, everuone knows you havet to have red white and blue in you flag, dont you want to be cool?
sums up the history behind the country pretty well if you ask me
You know what happens to countries that forget their history and change the flag. Let pic related be a warning...
Everyone knows that to be in the cool boys club you have to have red white and blue on your flag, dont you want to be cool?
You slimy fucking drongo.
Our flag is our fucking flag cunt.
Anyone who wants to touch it should be beaten in the streets.
I think the navy flag looks p legit too,
The Queen is fine, but what's the point in keeping the monarchy after she's gone?
Do we really want Charles' ugly nose poking out of our coins for the next 30 years until his balding children take over?
Tfw your flag will never have racing stripes
You're too young to have an opinion, piss off.
You don't know the history of this flag, or what it represents.
Tell me why you'd kneel to some old, irrelevant bitch on her throne in the middle of the new middle east.
yeah thats nice
once we abandon the monarchy, we can never get it back
its best to stay with it, constitutional monarchy is the best political system
>mostly white
good one
>wanting to replace our noble and tradition-filled monarchy with a group of cucks subservient to the globalist jews
Get out of my country Chang, we're an anglo nation with an anglo flag.
shes not irrelevant, shes not a bitch, and if we throw away the monarchy then you can expect the SJW (((progressive))) movements to become even stronger and soon our flag will be changed, and then we will just keep getting distanced with our roots until we become another meme country
>constitutional monarchy is the best political system
Why? Our country's head of state should be an Australian, not the head of an incestuous European family.
Besides, a Republican government works better. It gets rid of the in-party fighting and the no-confidence votes that let democratically elected PM's get tossed out. We wouldn't have had Gillard and Prepbull if we were a Republic.
>Our country's head of state should be an Australian, not the head of an incestuous European family.
Why? Australians are descended from European settlers, it's only logical that our head of state would also be an European.
>Our country's head of state should be an Australian
yeah having shorten or turnbull would be fucking fantastic if theyhad even MORE power wouldnt it, the queen and the monarchy is the safety net that keeps those top politicians from flying us into the sun
>a republican government works better
please go back to redd1t
>Not wanting to replace a useless family of Germans posing as Brits with a Glorious Democracy that lets us elect our own leaders.
This is a cuckold mentality. You are from a weak stock that lives to serve its masters. That may have worked in Britain, but it's not fit for Australia
All I'm saying is I want a fuhrer not a queen.
>Muh royal blood
>Muh ancient cobweb vagina
post a pic and timestamp of your arm so we can see your skin colour
How is that logical? The UK was colonised by Romans, by your logic they should have Italians as their head of state.
when you replace your shit on picrelated?
>green and gold on a flag
those are good for sports colours and thats fucking it
The Saxe-gothia dynasty has served Britain well for over one hundred years, they've helped guide us from a tiny colony on the outskirts of Sydney to one of the most well developed nations in the world. Why would you ever want to replace that with a body of people who questionable loyalty to the country eager to sell out to Chinese investors?
But then again, that would probably help your daddy get richer; isn't that right Chinaboy?
The Romans abandoned Britannia, Britannia never abandoned Rome.
desu most of these gay cunts are fucking Fenian Taig shits.
Not bad, i approve of this
>NZ nearly got LEAF'D
dodged a fucking bullet there eh
White Ensign best flag
>having this little ancestral pride
get the fuck out of my country
worse thing about that flag is that the red stars look out of place
Got this fucker flying outside my house right now.
Are you dumb? I don't see any stars on your redcoat flag.
The White and Blue is sleek as fuck and it also BTFO's the "flag looks too much like NZ's" argument
>a republican government works better
holy shit, lurk until you're at least 18 years old please
Also one argument for changing the flag is "to represent the new face of Australia"
What new face of Australia? We're still majority Anglo-Celtic. They're just admitting to displacing us and destroying out culture.
we need a union jack with the eureka stars ontop of it
>muh flags
Go to bant or int
this is our flag, stop flying the commonwealth flag, you stupid cunt
Fuck of chink. 1 in 5.5 people on this planet is a chink. You aren't even a common, you are vendor trash.
I agree we should have more independence (and more states rights) but we don't need to change the flag. Not only is it unnecessary but it will most likely result in some sort of Indigenous guilt art.
you want us to change our flag because new zealand copied it a year later? fuck that, they're gonna change theirs anyway. Let them be the cucks
As nice as the Eureka flag looks, all it represents is trade union movements and a rebellion that happened in One state.
The flag does not represent the federation of the states, it doesn't represent our people as a whole.
Plus a fucking Leaf designed it.
>Plus a fucking Leaf designed it.
that was before they were leafs though
>pajama flag for kikes is aesthetic
Man you cucks are clueless
Face it burger you just snipped the union jack off the EIC flag and replaced it with stars.
>but muh betsy ross
Like everything good in America, it was just nicked from us
>more independence.
We are independent fucktard, the UK's parliament has no control over ours, the Queen of Australia just happens to be coincidentally the Queen of the UK(called a personal union, look it up), and we can make it so whoever is rejected to become king or queen or the Uk becomes ours.
>Why does Australia have such a shit flag?
Because it's a shit country.
States rights would have negatives as well as positives. Do we really want to give Melbourne any more power?
Hey, at least they didn't need three flags in one century cos they kept getting their shit pushed in. Kraut job just looks 2 stripes short of a gay pride flag...
>it represents trade movements
no, no it doesn't, you're a faggot.
t. Mehmed Ackmed
Ehh, the Eureka flag seems to be adopted by everyone now. Patriots, nationalists, white supremacists, republicans, populists, unionists, socialists, etc. That's the sign of a good flag, though. No point in having a flag that doesn't inspire anything in the people.
a perfect flag should get you fired up for whatever it is you support.
This any good?
gotta be red white and blue, eureka flag is the only non red/white/blue flag that is acceptable
Melbourne already seems to control Australian immigration & the Judicial system. It produces the most SJWs, and its 'culture' is hipsters & cafes. It needs LESS power and influence, not more.
Finally, a reasonable argument that doesn't consist of "lol you're a fgt"
I concede that yes it does get sections of society rallied up, but changing the flag is step one.
Any flag referendum will no doubt be chosen by the Eastern states, and I find it highly likely that a new design (which they WILL push for) will exclude us simply because we don't have the population to outvote the rest of the country.
Plus there's no doubt they add a "muh multiculturalism" onto it
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