How do we stop white men from becoming woman?

How do we stop white men from becoming woman?
Who's responsible for this?

Other urls found in this thread:

All of the LGBT stuff is almost like a last stand for white identity.


>Who's responsible for this?
life whithout man's goals
easy life

You are for turning this board into Sup Forums with a Freudian projection thread about trannies which you will then beat off to as the images slowly roll in.

I dunno, but he's pretty cute

This is a guy? I wouldn't have known if it weren't for the filename.

I can't deny what said.

A combination of plastic estrogen mimics and brow beating men for masculine behavior.

Ban Anime

>women have it so hard in life
>more MtF than FtM

Really made me think

who is this hot semen demon?

Just discovered he's a vlogger, so it's off to the gas chamber for him

that's a dude?


His name is Reverse, an surname Search.

>How do we stop white men from becoming woman?
also to actually answer your thread:

stop with hormone laced food, ban soy and all other xeno estrogens that are found inside the environment

ban women from having children after the age of 35, unless they freeze their eggs.

even if they freeze their eggs, more research is needed to determine exactly how to detect the womb hormone levels that are responsible for causing these freaks

any women with these hormone levels in her womb should be forced to get an abortion

oddly enough this will also drastically minimise the number of fags out there.

it wont completely fix the problem, but it will mitigate the issue by probably 75%

That picture is retarded hahaha.

>Dont be too fat
Really? There are so much ugly bitches that aren't too fat. You are a hypocrite if you believe that picture.

He sounds like a faggot.

>don't be too fat
And most bitches can't even do that

why stop it. they are cute.

He is a faggot

Ban porn

Ban anime

Eazy times, week men

>There are so much ugly bitches that aren't too fat.
And still they get laid more than you.
Some people will fuck anything with a pussy.


Women take pillbirth controll an the hormones for that gets into the water supply, and water treatment doesn't break down the weird estrogens.
It's literally making wildlife (like frogs) gay.

Also /bant/ encourages the feminization of men.

Stop posting this "how we fix women/how to stop X/how do we" bullshit.

It's over and it's been over for decades. You can't stop any of this. You can withdraw from it and form your own tribe of sorts. Balkanization is the order of the day. "If it offends you, throw it away".

Demand increased for traditional women so like every other field men stepped in to fill the hole. Fix women and men will fix themselves.

Triggered roastie that struggles to make it detected

why men are better at being women than actual women?