What would you say to this white boi?
What would you say to this white boi?
Id pull my Betetta out of my three quarter leather, smack him in the face and say "bitch, whatever"
What the fuck is this nigger shit? He weighs 78 pounds wet..... gtfo. This is a kid who will end up unemployed as fuck at 30 begging for a future.
Drag him out to a wall and shoot him
Wow a typo, hilarious. Good one muhammad
And not a single word of English was heard that day
>i-i'm not retarded, it was just a t-typo!
I'd beat him up just for being a manlet
nigga why you dancin i dont hear no music you look like u legit havin a seizure bruh do u need an anticonvulsant do u got a doctor i should be callin for you nigga
LOL he pulled up his pants as he walked away. Going to hang with his white friends around the corner
lol why does he do rap hands when he's talking?
Lil wigga be frontin
These are the "whites" that have to go on the day of the rope
This is the second day in a row I see a video so cringe worthy, it's physically uncomfortable to look at.
It's cucks from /leftypol/ who like to spam this shit here all the time
is it a joke ?
the way he's speaking , is it intended ?
or am i witnessing the "hood" culture ? (also did he grow up in the hood to act like that ?)
This is what happens when you have a society that glorifies "De hood".
That kid is fucking lost, hopefully he grows out of it before he dies a stupid death.
He's probably trailer trash and went to a majority black school his whole life.
Hip hop culture is a plan to lower intelligence.
A weapon of mass destruction.
Essentially, kid's that end up in public schools are taught to deify nogs and their """"culture""""" (similar to how they drag little kids in mosques in Europe) so they try and adopt ebonics and rap.
but how does that even work ?
in the black community i'm sure they are regarded as trash too , why do they want to stay in a poisonous community that despise them ?
There's a joke about having a black friend over here. ( someone says something sort of borderline racist in public and then justifies it by saying "it's OK because I have a black friend")
Which is literally an argument to authority. It doesn't actually matter if they are hated by, or hate niggers they still see them as a form authority figure because they are taught to. I think you will find a very similar thing with Muslims over in Europe once your kids grow up. They may even have bad experiences with them (robbed or get into fights with them) however they will still judge the opinion of a Muslim with the same weight that they would a police officers
I don't fault him. What you see is not a whit boi emulating the worst of black culture. You see a white boi trying to survive day by day in a shit black neighborhood. If he did not act that way, we would be a treated like a bitch. The deserves an academy award for convincing the freaks around him not to kill him.
idk about America , but in my country the opinion of a minority is still regarded as unimportant , so i'm not sure if there will ever be a trend of taking their opinions for superior , it doesn't seem to evolve towards that here.
embarrassment to all White American Males.
id say to him that niggers suck dick and women and niggers have the brain size of a scrotum lol
As a "hood white" who grew up in Miami. You hit the nail on the head. This is a matter of survival. I am working hard now to get as much of that hood shit out of me as I now live in the suburbs.
So, go full SJW on him?
>Muh cultural appropriation!
>Muh nigger culture!