Even Sup Forums is being redpilled on the normalization of pedo shit

even Sup Forums is being redpilled on the normalization of pedo shit.

pic related.

>even the cover is a 15yo girl fingering herself

>it's another Sup Forums leaks everywhere pretending to be said board while posting a thread in Sup Forums telling others how the original board is waking up episode
so sick of reruns
protip: there's a reason why people hate Sup Forums

>protip: there's a reason why people hate Sup Forums
where do you think you are? you are part of Sup Forums retard.

>self hating suomi mongol projecting his ass off

In Sup Forums, not leaking everywhere like you are, loser.

oh you're claiming I made the Sup Forums thread? how would I know of norwegian movies? also where do you base your claim on? you just pulled it out of your ass, didn't you, you chink mongol

So tolerant, such a rich culture, the average finn must consider this a national treasure just like pic related.

>national treasure of finland
wow american education at work!

True desu

they're like one country, they're really no different, all cucks.

they're not even the same race tyrone

>like cucks
yeah, because of American influence, pic related. I thought Trump was supposed to hate Saudis? Until he didn't anymore, that's right.

they are the same race, culture, politics, it's the same cuck males who let their women run the gov't and apparently let the jews brainwash them with this shit on tv.

it was a good film, moralfag

US stands for United Semites :^)

fuck off retard.

>even Sup Forums is being redpilled on the normalization of pedo shit.
Have you ever been on Sup Forums ? There are at least 10 pedo threads every day.

nah, it's always the same guy spamming dumbass threads, and all he posts is clothed 12yo's, nothing too edgy. just a schizo with too much time

>using ((( ))) outside of /pol
>that only means you come FROM /pol

This is not Sup Forums getting redpilled, this is a Sup Forums leakage.

>>that only means you come FROM /pol
hey newfag, even normies on twitter use that

Thinking you have principles when it comes to 350 billion.

>15 yrs old

Choose one.

>t. pedo

They use it ironically, toothpaste.

America is supposed to abandon their strategic allies because reasons?

You're being dominated currently and you just bend over? Remind me again who did 9/11? For fucks sake you bottom queer

are you this dumb? he's saying people like you spreading Sup Forums shit onto other boards, it's not like they just realized it on their own

Sup Forums spillage or not, good luck arguing against what the OP in this OP's pic said.
Haven't seen any of that in this whole thread.
Nice to see Sup Forums lost its deflection radar.

15 isn't pedo. I'm 30 and I could legally go out and fuck a 15-year-old today if I found a willing one.

0 arguments in this thread.

>Sup Forums
>redpilled on pedos
>redpilled on anything

Sup Forums is just like every other faggot board that constantly complains about Sup Forums

Normalizing pedophilia is the final stage before the collapse. Ask the Romans for details. Oh wait

What about non-mudslims in sweden?

>you're being dominated currently
$350 billion, that's like 2x your GDP you cuck.

I'm not arguing with "kikes are trying to normalize pedophelia" , I'm just saying that it's probably a /po/ak shitposting across the boards. I don't think anyone is getting redpilled.

/tv is the worst SJW-tier board on this site. They're not getting redpilled anytime soon.


You want it, they want it

Sup Forums knows about Jews we just don't care

Go back to Eritrea.

Then it's a good thing some people have already started.

>arms terrorist
>(((strategic allies)))
Do yourself a favor and jump off a bridge.

Sup Forums is a fag infested libcuck shithole

>watch this shit movie
>it says comedy/romance
>start innocent
>typical teenage love shit movie
>they're at the party
>all of the sudden,guy POKES HER WITH HIS FUCKING DICK
>they show his dick on a fucking teenage movie
What is wrong with you Nords?
Is this degeneracy normal there?

t. never been to Sup Forums

>protip: there's a reason why people hate Sup Forums

Is that why Sup Forums is the most popular board on the site?

>strategic allies
yes user. we have been allies with the KSA for almost a century in which we've never been close to having a war. We made it through slightly difficult time like the oil embargo and 9/11 and emerged with a stronger alliance.

We have much in common with the KSA, love of money, hatred for communism, disdain for persians. If not for them the entire arabian peninsula would be in commie hell.

We tell them at the drop of a hat to tank the crude oil price and they fucking do it, Venezuela tanks, Russia tanks, anybody reliant on oil price tanks. It's a strong partnership desu.

It warms my heart whenever I heard of a forum on this website that Sup Forums's trash culture hasn't colonized

Sup Forums is pretty centrist, people from all political stripes go there, it's just usually Sup Forumstards spamming unrelated shit that riles them up to hate this board

The only people who hate pol are faggots and libshits

>People never saw Fucking Åmål
Though nowadays it'd be Jamal, I'm sure


News flash: In much of the world 15 year old girls have children. As your country has a native population with a negative replacement rate, I suggest that maybe you take some hints from them instead of calling teens of reproductive age "pedophiles".

Dont know about u guys , but I know what I'm watching tonight

Can popular things not be hated or something?

No it's not you faggot

Scat porn?

>15 year old
Uhm no you fucking virgin.

t. 56%

poo in the loo, pajeet

Dude one more year and she is 16 which I think is prime legal age of sexual consent and intercourse. Alot of other countries tend to agree. If she was twelve or younger then yeah, totally but 15 is so close to the to being 16.

But that doesn't necessarily mean she should have sex at 16, I don't support promiscuous behavior. Which that movie seems to support more than anything.

Wait. Do polfags not know their board is shit? This is an honest question. You guys can't seriously think this isn't the most shit infested board on the site.

Is this where Sup Forums learns that some girls like to masturbate/ have sex?

You ever stop and think that maybe people are baiting people from other boards into spamming our board?Reddit also loves to peek their ugly heads into other boards and spam "LE KEK/BASED TRUMP/WHY DO YOU HATE REDDIT/LE UPBOAT GUYZ XDDDDDDD".I browse other boards but I don't go spamming that I believe in Natsoc and Hitler was right.

Everyone from Sup Forums is already a pedo

When I was 15 I was masturbating like crazy too.

>15 year old

I don't think you understand what pedophilia is

>my friend loves Sup Forums

Did you get on a cover of a magazine while doing it?

I am legitimately worried about the Western world's direction. First we are told that we ("white people") are the problem, but we are a global minority. Then this degenerate sexuality shit from the left is compromising the mind's of our youth. You even see pedos coming on the internet more and more arguing in favor of their own sick behavior.

In many cases, various politicians have talked about white people being bred out like it is a glorious thing. They have said all but the exact words " breed out the white race", but the meaning is there. We are a fucking global minority. Why the hell do we need to be bred out? And the racial groups that are spearheading the charge into Europe as migrants don't seem to care about the age of who they marry and/or rape. Filth is what those migrants are. Then there is the suspected pedo rings that have our society's leaders as members. There are too many coincidences here and I am concerned.

What the fuck is going on in society today?

they just show the dick or actual insertion?
also, don't act like you don't know why you watched it.

source or gtfo, I don't know what you're on about

>If she was twelve or younger

Ask him who's his waifu

who is this ugly cunt, and why did you post her? are you implying this ugly mongoloid is your waifu?

Why are you so worried when it's incredibly unlikely you'll ever breed?

I express a legitimate concern and you insult me. You must be a degenerate.

Dude,it's completely normal to find 15 year old girl attractive.In Croatia,it's legal age of consent.
But I still don't think you should try anything,especially if you're like 30+ year old guy.

Saudi-Arabia will now be called Kekistan


legal age is 16 here. but still, it doesn't mean you should make a teen movie with sex in it and a 15yo fingering herself on the cover.

oc? Kek

>normal to find young teens attractive

What in the actual fuck?

No,I agree.

It's a fear you have borne out of ignorance and stupidity. That fostered because your lonely. But yeah, I'm the degenerate.

Yes, had a creative afternoon today.

say it with me: US = United Semites

You are. After all, you are basically defending the degenerate attitude that is targeting "whites". Everything that I criticised has actual world presence and you attack me as if I am wrong.

You. Are. A. Degenerate.

Dude,please stop acting up on a fucking anonimous board.
>pic related,15 year old that you don't find attractive,right?
I never said you should go around fucking 15 year olds.

>US = United Semites

this is sadly 100% true.

Yeah and? What's you actual argument against that

Jesus that's ugly.


>posting a fridge with oversized tits
gross, she has grown weightlifter man's waist.

>even Sup Forums
Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums with active mods that make an effort to remove off topic threads.

No. I happen to find women around my own age and older attractive. It's not my fault that you have a problem.

are you retarded? mods on Sup Forums ban anyone who is remotely """"anti semitic""""

Sup Forums is literally full of unironic jews.

The persecution complex you lot have is insane. If you'd just meet up with the SJW dregs and actually get laid maybe ye wouldn't be so sad and lonely and you'd see the world isn't nearly as bad as it has treated you all your life.

I like how this thinking works
>she' 17 you're a pedo
>she's 18 slam that pussy bro
Equating pedophilia with teenagers is how real pedos (people who want to fuck pre-pubescent children) are trying to normalize their behavior.

the (((critics))) rate the movie at 93%

Used to be a lot more.
I think most of them wandered off to 4+Sup Forums.

There used to be a bot that posted the threads, might still be the case.


>unlikely you'll ever breed?
>ignorance and stupidity... because your lonely
>persecution complex

I can tell you guys never even held hands with a girl.
2/10 would not bang,type of fags you are.
>I happen to find women around my own age and older attractive.
real men always go for the young,fertile women.
But that's fine,while you go and say:"oh no,she's too young,I would never do such a vile thing",Jamal and Muhammad will go for it.
And you will cry on anonimous board how "they'z be takin' all da white womenz"
Even fucking Hitler knew this,that's why he always went for a young girl.

Fucking fags,fuck off back to the_donald.

>It's another "Sup Forums holds himself to be redpilled yet still thinks mating with dusty eggs is viable" episode

i love her lips

Sup Forums used to be pretty cool, shame about what happened.
Sup Forums is probably worse though.