Since when did Sup Forums become ok with reddit cucks on our boards? I remember when anyone with an imgur filename would get 100 sages. I want these faggots banned like the good old days.
Since when did Sup Forums become ok with reddit cucks on our boards...
Other urls found in this thread:
we never were ok with it, they just come here for fuck all reasons
I've been on this dump since /new/ and they ruined my fucking board. I talk about how trump is a neocon and they spam we with "shariablue" and "HIS NAEM IS SETH RICH XDDD" pasta shit, like I'm some libtard in a cubicle being paid instead of someone who's genuinely right wing. They're fucking taking my board from me with their idiotic memes and have for a year now.
the worst part of it is when stupid racist facebook moms in their late 40s think Sup Forums is the new edgy forum for "conservatives like them" and they come here with their stupid fucking facebook mom memes and their cringey bullshit and call anyone who disagrees with them a "libtard" and they try to use our memes but end up killing them in the process
I've noticed a lot of boomers on here recently.
>I'm 55!
>I'm 50
I think these cucks think this is their secret cuckservative fox news hideout trump worshiping forum
I hated Boomers before, but now they're polluting Sup Forums with the dumbest shit.
... Ever notice how unironic flat earthers started showing up on Sup Forums right around the time Sup Forums hit the spotlight during the 2016 elections?
Sup Forums was never some secret society. If you want to rant about how great socialism is just start a lefty/pol/ thread.
One of the things that pisses me off the most is how self-entitled the Boomers are.
They're a bunch of fucking cuck assholes.
They make Millennials out to be this left-wing, lazy, cucked generation, but in reality, scientific data has shown that Generations Y & Z are possibly one of the most fiscally conservative generations since WWII.
Boomers have always been the center of attention, in every decade, because they've always been the biggest voting bloc. They've even been called "The Greatest Generation". They're full of themselves, and politicians from every decade have always tried to please them.
Think about the culture of each decade for a second; In the 1950's, it was the youth-culture, the culture of the greasers and rock & roll; then the 1960's, and it was the hippies who were now in their 20's; then we see the 1970's, and it's all about the young workforce in their 30's; etc. etc.
Boomers like to talk about themselves and it bothers them that a new generation rivals them in power.
What makes Boomers different is that they are conservative in every value.
Millennials may be Socially Liberal, but for some reason, the media never talks about how many Millennials are actually fiscal conservatives and even Libertarians.
Pic related.
>unironic flat earthers
hahahahahahahaha that's not really a thing
You'd want to think so. :/
You'd be surprised what I've seen on here.
what does the logo on the new rights flag mean?
Trust me. You got baited. People can make extremely elaborate and convincing trolls here. They are bored, lonely, and craving (You)s.
Or you can not go to an expensive college.
Or not go to college.
Mods need to filter the word "shill" at least for a time. Make it autocorrect to "kek," "cuck," whatever, I don't care. But I am fucking fed up with these pudgy retards calling me a "shariablue shill" when I call Trump a Zionist good goy. Would a fucking shill use a term like "good goy"? Obviously fucking not. But the newfags from Plebbit don't realize this, and they derail all attempts at discussion with their shill bullshit.
Is the logo on the flag to the left upside down?
Yea, nah these faggots have to go
I know, its crazy to think that there are people who don't accept the fact that the earth is hollow
Google it, it's pretty cool.
Still here? See none banned him.
>cuck shill thinks he's fooling anyone
Go back to tumbler princess
They were never banned, they were just shooed away.
Old Sup Forums had no political ideology, it had the unifying trait of questioning everything. Nu/pol/ doesn't question anything, and if they do, they only question it once and don't add any more layers of questioning.
Now if you question the mainstream media narrative, nu/pol/ will call you a shareblue shill. The media tells them that Trump is the enemy of the media and the enemy of the establishment, and they believe it. They eat up whatever the media tells them, and when they don't, they eat up the opposite (so all the media has to do is say the opposite of what they want, and nu/pol/ will do what they want)
Nu/pol/ is prone to the psychological phenomenon of hypernormalization. When they are encountered with something too complicated for their normie brains, they come up with the most oversimplified fake version of reality that matches their worldview. They see problems in the Middle East and they blame Islam. They don't know or care about colonialism, the history and sects of Islam, the establishment of the ME's borders, Mosadegh, the Arab-Israeli wars, the wars of the 2000s, Arab Spring, or anything geopolitically relevant. They say that everything is the fault of Islam. It's a rainbow la-la-land of sunshine and lollipops where everything is simple enough for their tiny brains to understand. Old/pol/ acknowledged that solving problems in the Middle East could be done in ways other than genocide, but redditors just want all Muslims to be killed.
Ebin XD
Another thing;
You can tell on one level or another if someone is joking, but I've had arguments with people in their 50's on here where they'd try to send me links and articles to convince me the Earth was flat. It wasn't just shitposting, it was angry ranting and linkposting.
I have LARPed as flat earther on here extremely convincingly, mate. It was probably a troll. Could've been me tb real h
It's what the spartans painted on their shields when they faced the persians at The Battle of Thermopylae
I recognized the logo from the murdoch murdoch videos
so they are into Voluntaryism?
(cont) And the reason I knew they were in their 50's is because they would try and use their "muh age and experience and wisdum" meme to try and bring validity to their arguments
They thought people were agreeing with them when in reality they were just misinterpreting shitposting
It's the same type of behavior that made headlines with "PEPE IS A NAZI" because older people don't seem to understand the concept of shitposting
t. shariablue
That's a totally different logo. The logo in OP belongs to Generation Identity (although it's upside down for some reason).
I think it's a mix of the two. I like it desu.
You would also have to censor words like "Drumpf, Dumpfkin, Drumpftard frumpf, ect. to punish the actual shills.
Otherwise the_donald would go apeshit and they would shit up this board worse than ever before.
Didn't that board get taken down?
I remember a thread with some autistic screeching about it the other day
Thats a convoluted way of trying to convince yourself that Trump, the only candidate in ages that might actually promote even a small bit of some policies popular with most Sup Forums users old and new alike, is really the enemy.
>not wanting all Muslims dead.
For shame
They are ok, even tv hasn't been reduced to the reddit boogeyman yet, this shit happens to them so often that we are more used to it and they too.
So now they behave better, and maybe they are less retarded.
Just checked, apparently the admin were mean to the mods so the mods took it offline for a bit in a giant internet version of holding your breath until mommy buys a toy.
What's up shills? You think you can divide and conquer like this? Well guess what? WE ARE UNITED. I wear my MAGA hat all day everyday. LIBERALS ARE THE REAL RACISTS, and we won't eva forget it.
what's the flag/logo called?
or does it have a name?
Its an edited version of the Generation Identity flag I think
Muslims have done far more against the Jews and the world order than whites have in decades.
>Assad and the SAA
>Muammar Gaddafi
Whites have what, Ron Paul? Whites are a cucked race of libshits and neocons too scared to stand up for their own race and autonomy.
I can guarantee you haven't even read the Quran or studied the different sects of Islam.
>Drumpf, Dumpfkin, Drumpftard frumpf
This is just childish. What kind of a moron would take those posts seriously?
They are acting like Student Loans are this "New", & "Huge" thing that has only ever applied to Millennials only.
All generations beforehand had to deal with it, Millennials are just shit are management.
And shit at fucking everything. Because they are young.
They can't find jobs because they probably has a stupid art or gender studies degree. There is no generation gap.
Stop blaming your whiny problems on others.
his name was Seth Rich
somewhat this.
boomers should be hated for being allies of the jew and selling our nations to the highest bidder, not for making dumbshits pay back their exorbitant student loans
This, but with Baby Boomers.
The ones that bump them.
>t. ba. by. boom. er
Muh based shitskins.
Syria hasn't been a threat to Israel in decades not that some kind of random foiling of the schemes of the state of Israel has any effect on the actual American kikes ruining this country. No Semitic trash is based. Not the kikes and not any of the mudslimes surrounding them.
Also fuck the Quran.
Yeah lets get on that because YOU asked.
le debased black man
This! If you wanna succeed in life get into STEM, or don't go to college at all. College is not the be all of jobs. You can get trade skill, be mechanic, carpenter, welder, construction worker. There isn't much you can do to go up the ladder but it's a living, and you don't have to worry all that much.
How's that sand & halal goat meat there?
pic is spot on, however somebody really ought to fix the anarcho-communism flag mismatch with the "muh helicopter rides". It's really triggering my OCD
>Haha le baby boomers are totally jew'd XD and hold back progre-
That Ancap flag needs to be changed.
>why are Millennials complaining about outrageous costs, its not like boomers didn't have to buy stuff too.
No one is complaining about having to pay for college. Its the cost that is the problem. Pic related
Even good degrees like Computer Science are less and less worth while thanks to boomers importing pajeets to work the jobs for shit pay.
I agree with this, but a lot of people confuse Millennials with the neo-feminist "gender studies" cancer on college campuses that is typically caused by Gen X and handed down to Millennials through brainwashing.
is this pasta? or are you 12 years old?
the boomers weren't "the greatest generation", that was an entirely separate generation before boomers called "the greatest generation" -- it was the one that gave birth to the boomers you fucking moron.
do you actually imagine yourself as the guy on the left?
Wrong chart. College is actually worse.
it's literally nothing,
the average person gets more buck today than previous generations did
therefore, it's all adjusted.
By now I seriously hope Trump gets impeached and taken away from the news cycle just so that these cult-worshippers have nothing to talk about any more.
The sooner this alt-right craze dies out, the better for this board. Hell, I'm a centrist and I'd much prefer a discussion with an actual nat-soc poster rather than all of these tween edgelord type of fucks.
They need to go back to their safe space containment board. They are shitting up other communities now.
I miss when I was able to find people to debate on here.
for CS, this only applies if you're a reddit-tier pseudointellectual entitled asshole retard
Redditors get the bullet too.
cool texas flag lol
This. I had 8k student loan debt from my associates degree in diesel mechanics and half of that was forgiven due to low income scholarships. (yes, those exist) I made 62k/yr straight out of college and I paid my debt off in one year. Now i make 74k/yr working on mining trucks debt less and mortgage less. Small homes are the shit. The problem with millennials is that they think that prestigious universities are the way to go and they bury themselves to the neck in debt in just one year of tuition. Being anything that pays less than 60k/yr and going to a university is fucking retarded end entirely their fault. It doesn't help either when people are so eager to have kids early and fall for the rent meme because their kids drain their ability to afford a mortgage.
Go to community college kids
>all the people on this thread complaining about leddit when they're using leddit spacing
I still have an easy time finding people to debate. Had a good debate a couple of nights ago that was a "DUDE WEED" thread turned into a debate about whether morality was subjective or objective. Usually when I give reasons for things I dislike about Trump, such as universal healthcare being in place in some capacity will make it too easy for a less frugal president/congress to turn it into another obamacare, some listen and debate.
I don't see how you can complain about them calling people shills. Does no one remember the "JIDF" spam and then the Israeli elections where m00t trolled the board? You've always had to put in an effort to find worthwhile discussion. That isn't something new with crossboarders/refugees.
>Oh wow look the average person makes $9000 more a year they can totally afford $90,000+ more in debt! It all balances out.
Also, see
Spherecuck detected
It's an attempt by redditors to create an echo chamber and a safe space because they came here when the board was 90% behind Trump. They are unironically becoming politically correct now that Trump is in the WH .
fuck off you shariablue shill go back to discord.
underage B&
>It's an attempt by redditors to create an echo chamber and a safe space because they came here when the board was 90% behind Trump
What about all the JIDF spam of 2013-2015? If you said anything short of "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" you were a JIDF shill.
JIDF took over the_donald
I think you have rose-tinted glasses on about the way old/pol/ was. It really wasn't that different other than less general threads, which tend to be a cancer in and of themselves once they start running out of content to discuss.
An image from 2013 to illustrate my point.
>JIDF took over the_donald
It's possible, but I don't see any evidence for it. Occam's razor suggests that Donald at least pays lip service to Jews so the people who like the Jews naturally flock to him.
that's obama's fault, not "muh gen x"
Everything was going smoothly normally up until obama came up in 2008.
1990 - Average Income: $28,680
1990 - College Fees: 100%
2000 - Average Income: $41,446
2000 - College Fees: 250%
(Obama is in power)
2010 - Average Income: $48,691
2010 - College Fees: 600%
Average Income did not keep up
Average Income SHOULD have almost doubled like it did 1990 - 2000,
College Fees doubled with it then aswell as normal.
Average Income in 2010 should have been AT BEST $82,000
i actually don't know what i'm talking about lol
i'm just tired, it's like 3 in the morning
It already wasn't keeping up. A 40% increase in income does not cover a 150% increase in college tuition and fees.
Don't get me wrong, like most issues oblonga made everything worse. But things were still bad before he shitted them up.
> Complaining about redpilled MILFs that may or may not be posting on Sup Forums
well we allow shills such as yourself so...
Go to sleep you fucking idiot.
Saturday night
Nu/pol is not Sup Forums. nu/pol's sin lies not in its incessant LARPING as Sup Forums, but in it's insistence on rewriting Sup Forums s history to say "we were always at war with Eastasia." They are not organic, nor are they here because they love Sup Forums. They are here because they HATE Sup Forums and seek to destroy us. They were told to destroy us...
I will celebrate when ShareBlue and their nu/pol army of conscripted "Community Studies" majors finally curls up and dies.
only the mods can remove newfags and they dont care.
>five years ago
>having the grades
>not going to college
Yeah fuck yourself you hindsight faggot.
>the good old days
Stop larping faggot
I said go to a cheap school or don't go. Go to a community college for a fraction of the cost then if you want transfer to a 4 year school. Go for something in STEM so you can make money
Don't go to college and go find a fucking trade.
It's not hard. If you feel for the student debt meme then you deserve it.