Africans and IQ

>gf is black
>takes IQ test

Well, shes no genius, but she's smarter than most of the world, I'm quite ok with this.

But it brings the question to mind, to what extent does enviromental and societal variables affect IQ? Could we see a world where Africans strut around with all 100+ IQ? If so, how?

Other urls found in this thread:

>most of the NON-western world

fixd a small typo

>Well, shes no genius, but she's smarter than most of the world, I'm quite ok with this.

Faen ta deg, forbanna raseforræder. Miljo og "sosiale variabler" har ingen bevist effekt på IQ. En kan ikke unnslippe biologi.

>m-min rase

Åh hold no kjeften på deg din lille fitte, skandinaviere har INGEN ting å være stolte av, det er germanerne, anglikanerne og mediterrianerne som har bygd vesten og gitt oss all vitenskapelige framskritt.
Det eneste vi deler med dem er mangel på pigment.

>min ostehovvel
>min Ibsen

Snoaper, alle sammen.

Women aren't smart. Your kids will be niggers.

user she's just on the far end of the spectrum for negros. And no we will never see a day where the avg negro has an IQ of 100 the only way that can happen is if the genetically modify every negro there is.

10 percent is inherently environmental

never, just like how whites will never be as smart on average as east asians or jews. Some races are just inferior to others.

Good third party online test, based Sweden.

>asians are smart

No, they just have an insane work ethic

You lack intellect.

>gf is black
>takes IQ test

Most likely explanation would still be that she stole someone's test...

>No, they just have an insane work ethic
I have been in real shitholes in south america and never did their escalators, bridges, buildings, roads or elevators colapsed as often as in china, i'm sure you're talking about a china i don't know.

Enjoy your STD's.

Taking 1 (one) IQ test and then thinking of its result with authority is the sign of extremely low cognitive abilities. Take multiple tests, from multiple sources, and look for the average. And for the love of god don't use any online test.

Anyone who scores more than 100% on an IQ test is a genius wtf

By nigger standards she's probably the smartest woman to have ever lived. Impressive, you race traitor. You're still paying the price of course.

To clarify, it was a test at an university, not some online shit

All the STDs I've ever gotten has been from white slags


What's the price? :^)

>black gf

You should kys for being an std's ridden sub-human that likes bestiality.

Let's see her 23andme

She's probably got kike blood in her

>lives in a scandinavian country
>preferes a fucking nigger
why is this world so unfair

Environment can lower you IQ, but it cannot raise your genetic potential. Think about it the same way you think about environment and height. You can't increase your natural height, but you can stunt development in a number of ways.

>Could we see a world where Africans strut around with all 100+ IQ? If so, how?

With eugenics, yeah

>has a gf

You sir are the public enemy of at least 5 boards here (/r9k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/ and Sup Forums).

if white people were superior they'd be able to figure out a way to develop a mutually beneficial work product in African counties desu.

>A fucking leaf

maybe with a sprinkle of eugenics

For starters, the bullshit online IQ test she took means less than nothing. She should have scored 160, like literally every other person on Earth who takes those retarded fucking tests does.

Sorry to break it to you, but your nigress is a Downie.

>to what extent does enviromental and societal variables affect IQ?

Environment only allows you to maximize your genetic potential; it does not increase your genetic potential.

If that were the case, there would be Einsteins and Beethovens and Aristotles running around everywhere, but there aren't.

With eugenic program you could make genius-level African overmen in a few generations. Modern conditions for Africans and the diaspora are significantly dysgenic however.

He's dating one black girl and not the whole population, moron

>people on Sup Forums doesn't have girlfriends

Come on user, what?



here's a vid:

Can't get a real girlfriend, what a loser!

Your sons will be black. What's wrong with you? If you have such a short time horizon, your IQ probably isn't very high itself.

Anglo Dominance

>university iq "test"
>muh nigress

fuck off you dummy, you and your ape are a good match

>east asians are smart
Go to Koreatown in Los Angeles.

>claims girlfriend is black
>she has significant european genetic history
perhaps op should be the one taking the iq test.

>gf is black

she's straight outta Sudan my boy

>points get reffuted
>"fucking dummy"

to be fair, she might be Italian

She very likely isn't full negroid user, when they get 25% Caucasoid they start to enter the realm of humanity.

You can tell that nupol has grown in strength because of how long it took for this to turn up.

In short: this.

If OP isn't baiting, he's retarded. Living in a Scandinavian nation and having a black gf is disgusting.

I bet OP is an ugly manlet beta, that or he's caught the cuck-bug sweeping nordic europe

You actually found a smart woman?
Bra for deg..

Their kids reflect the population, medpack, you're supposed to be smarter than this.

Takk bror, beklager raseforredæriet, men jeg foretrekker at barna mine (uansett om de får afro) har en smart, morsom og omtenksom mor, framfor en oppbrukt festhore som puler Abdi bak ryggen min.

Men si at det finnes smarte hvite kvinner og da, for jeg har fremdeles å finne en fra 1990 generasjonen som ikke er et hjernevasket vrak som studerer samfunnsvitenskap...

You mean these free internet tests where I am apparently 135+ IQ and a genius and I should buy their books to learn more about it?

Sounds about right she only got 115.

>modern day
>not having a Native American gf

They're based and here's why
>know the pitfalls of degeneracy
>understand the importance of preserving one's culture
>excellent cooks
>honorary Aryans


Native Americans are just Abos that haven't discovered gasoline yet

indians aren't honorary Aryans that's japs

>>takes online IQ test
>>got less than 120


så hvorfor er norge et bra land og leve i, viss vi ikke har noe å være stolte av? tenk på de som levede for deg og bygde opp dette landed og gjorde riktige valg en etter en i generasjoner. Også er du ikke stolt eller imponert? ganske bortskjemt, Det er ditt og mitt ansvar nå for å ikke fucke det opp. steg en er å innse at vi har noe å beskytte og være stolte av.

did she reveal her race on the test? or was it 100% user, if she did im sure UIO add some weighting so they dont get the pesky race differences on the plot

Yeah, they're all right. They tend to get a pretty raw deal in the professional world, and their propensity to alcoholism is fucking tragic, but their innate personality trends are very 'real world'.
I don't think I've met a native that I despise, desu.

Slapp av. La karen få ha seg med hvem han vil. Det er ikke Nord Korea enda hertillands

Au contraire. Uten en nordmann, hadde ikke kunstgjodselet blitt funnet ut. No kunstgjodsel, no halfsmart black gf.

Forresten, gitt opp hvite kvinnfolk? Kan i og seg skjonne det :|

You're reaching at this point, IQ tests don't get added points

>Could we see a world where Africans strut around with all 100+ IQ?
No and that will never ever happen, the negro has existed long before the whites yet still are dumber than the first whites in Caucacus region.

wat? you can add extra iq points easly

also what does it really mean to have high IQ if black can get high IQ by getting help by white people for 500 years first. would that mean that black and white are equally smart? im sure you can genetically modify this in the future. but then IQ kinda loses its meaning

>But it brings the question to mind, to what extent does enviromental and societal variables affect IQ?
A fucking lot.
IQ measurment is basically irrelevent past the age of 10 since it keeps fluctuating depending on how much you"practice" your cognitive skills, which is why succesful people enter a self-fueling feedback loop that keeps them at the top of their possible IQ threshold while people who work mundane or manual/repetitive jobs will let it decrease. It thus confirms the idea that people with high IQ succeed because they have high IQ and their IQ remains high because they succeed and can practice it ; people who don't let it drop and it won't pick back up.
If you want to get a quick idea of how fluctuating IQ is, dig into tests and training on the elderly, that is where it is most visible.

Chill m8 she's probably just portugese

I would take quality over quantity any day


Either trolling or truly stupid

science say no, IQ is a measurement of something biological.

Is it called norway because there's no way to get educated?

No, it isn't.
Just dig into the methodology itself rather than it's use as a tool.
It at best measures cognitive speed, spacial awareness, short-term memory, pattern recognition and finding.

regression to the mean: the average of your children's intelligence will converge against the average of your and your wife's ancestors' mean intelligence.

you are betting on the fact that she is not an outlier whitin her line of inheritance when in fact population-wide data would contradict this

It's literally Norway because it is the Way to the North

Du har ikke stort mer enn 115 IQ selv, eller? Du spor om til hvilken grad miljo og sosiale variabler påvirker IQ, samtidig som du sier at skandinavere ikke har noe grunn til stolthet siden de ikke sto for utviklingen av sivilisasjon og vitenskapen? Grunnen til det er jo fordi miljoet her i skandinavia ikke tillater slik utvikling. Genetisk kapasitet for intellektualitet(nodvendig for utviklingen av samfunn og vitenskap) har ikke stort og si om miljoet ikke tillater. Skandinavia er et kaldt, morkt, vått sted med veldig lite areal for dyrka mark. Sammenlign dette med geografien de stedene hvor siviliasjonen utviklet seg. Befolknings antallet som middelhavsregionen kan stotte er monumentalt storre enn skandinavia. Det bor jo ikke mer enn 5 mil. her den dag i dag.

Til tross for alt dette, hadde vi et samfunn som var så avansert og utviklet som resten av stedene. At vi hadde muntlig tradisjon istedefor skriftkunsten er likegyldig. Vi hadde fortsatt lov, rettslig prosess, privat eiendom, organisert distribuering av ressurser såvel som et fullstendig fungerende proto-demokrati. Dette er alle kjennetegn på et samfunn bestående av oppegående, intelligente mennesker.