I guess reddit is no longer hiding the fact that it is an acting subsidiary of the DNC.
I guess reddit is no longer hiding the fact that it is an acting subsidiary of the DNC
le reddit *tipping fedora*
It's all a plan to flood our boards with rebbitfugees
The death of free speech is gaining momentum
All of us redditors will just post on here now so it's ok
Stop trying to act Sup Forums is some gated community. The more idiots that come here, the more people will get smarter figuring the kike's tricks.
Kinda like what you're doing, Shlomo.
>reddit people come here
>I visit gimp chan
>I look for a nice ledge to jump off of
Leddit is obviously shill fucking central, but do you have any screencaps of threats?
if the_donald is becoming a spawning pool of hate, it's safer to have it gone
stop cucking for a jew
boo hoo
It doesn't make a difference if Seth Rich was a Jew. Mainly because he was against the (((DNC))) and (((them))), this is obvious by the fact he leaked information and suicided himself in the back. Your logic is that shill logic I seen the other day when the (((Commies))) got their cunts kicked in by some sandpeople with diplomatic immunity. See if you can spot the parallels
>"No goy, Seth Rich was one of (((them))) and we hate (((them))) remember? Even if they die for your cause it's a good thing because it was a Jew!"
>"No goy, you must protect the (((Communists)))! What a bunch of pussies letting foreigners come to your country and attack your (((white))) people! Who cares that they constantly attack you and demand that you should be murdered for being nationalistic, white and male!"
See? You stick out like your own nose.
They forgot just one thing there....
>t_d faggots begin flooding Sup Forums, thinking that they would be accepted there.
The donald was created just as much as Shareblue.
It took how many hints before you finally figured this out?
you know who also was a jew that died for us?
t_d really was shit tho. "pedes" were cancer. can we ban them from Sup Forums?
t-d was a such a fucking echochamber it made Sup Forums look like some type of pluralistic nirvana.
>banning people
>echo chambers are shit
Pick one
>50% of the reddit front page at any given moment is dedicated to mocking Trump/Republicans and/or pushing globalism/Communism
reddit is owned and controlled by far left shills no way???
You are so painfully new it hurts.
This boards quality has never been worse, and has been on a downward slide since GG (even worse time muh Le DOnald xxDDDD).
Look at the catalog newfaggot, its over 50% bait/shill threads. Get a fucking clue.
t_d is the only slightly redeeming part of reddit aside from [spoiler]the porn[/spoiler]
This. Also it's far more effective at managing shills during investigations (Rich)