German newspaper says Germany's aspiration to transform Eurozone

into a "Greater Germany" might be viewed skeptical within Europe and that Germany should take these skeptical views seriously.

Until this day I have not come by a good argument why it is really so bad to make Europe "Greater Germany" in an economic sense.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

More like "greater Africa".

Actually, just "Africa", it's not great at all.

>Until this day I have not come by a good argument why it is really so bad to make Europe "Greater Germany" in an economic sense.
because germany is laughably incompetent



It's inevitable.

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

go fuck yourself, SCHWEINEHUND

> Großdeutschland
> We've been fighting this

If you fuckers legalize weed, and make pirating legal we would join. Since you get arrested for both, we'd rather stay the white-pirate state.




fuck you are self. larper



Anschluss soon my little brother.

>I have not come by a good argument why it is really so bad to make Europe "Greater Germany" in an economic sense

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

There is literally nothing wrong with making Europe greater Germany in economic sense.
Prove me wrong.


>Europoors still don't know that the 4th Reich is already in its 20th year
Did anybody seriously think we didn't know that starting a world war to get the Reich is a bad idea after losing 2?
How can people be this blind?
Who do you think is running the EU?

Speak English, you filthy warmongering jihadi.

Nobody would mind if you weren't peddling degenerate bullshit.

>Who do you think is running the EU?

Saudi Arabia and Israel.


Because germany is a cultureless society based on the deprecation of It's own existance

mhm. if only. but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Says the country that always talk them into it

>"You can trust me, Hans, I'm just cute little Austria. Now get your refugees out of my ski resorts or I'll send you more failed painters."

If you mean Greater Germany as in all of Europe being like Germany, massive economic producer exporting like mad, then everybody would like that. But then the Euro would be ridiculously expensive and exports would suffer. Germans love the eurozone because all the lesser nations who can't into industry keep the Euro cheap for Germans. So essentially Eurozone becoming Greater Germany would literally only serve the few countries in EU that do export madly like Germany.

take my NC off your commie EU propaganda right the fuck now


Please don't forget südsteiermark, I'm tired of being tied to this country

So what you're saying is that we need to smash the krauts and grind their bones into dust

Now you have your orders, do your duty

Let the games begin

I know this is a difficult idea for you but not everyone wants to be German



Norwexit will happen. EU is doomed.

It might be because your idea of Greater Germany has been destroying any form of self sufficiency and competition in the EU and only allowing the formation of cottage industries and tourism. Because Greater Goymany only wants nice little dependencies that never have a say in anything.

But thankfully Germany is slowly going down the shitter and the EU only has like a decade left in it.

>not everyone wants to be German

Ihr müsst uns mal wieder jemaden rüberschicken, der Ordnung macht.

>but not everyone wants to be German

Guys, what did the meany Burger wanted to say with this?

vielleicht ist dieser jemand bereits unter uns und scheisst gerade in seine Windeln, wer weiß

Why are Austrians always so vulgar? Also, all good Austrians have left Austria since the 1990s. Austria has deteriorated significantly. Pretty awful really.


Lets see.

Heath care for every one.
Wealth fare staate keeping the commies away.Keeping the poor secured and not starving.
Lowest corruption.
Highest industrial output.
Highest intellectual output.
Lots of wörk for every one.
Best infrastructure.
low criminality.
Church and government separated.
All I see is all the old fags in other country's loosing power, church commies, overpowerd unions draging whole regions down.

How would it be bad to bring all that to other country's?
Nobody is forcing you, you dont need to. Its just a matter of standardization so all of Europe and all Europeans can have welath and security and dont live in nigger tir american/African 3rd world country environments.

People talk a lot on here about preserving European people and their culture.

With all that in mind, Germany leaning on their southern neighbors for not being as productive as they are runs antithetical to any notions of preserving Certain ways of living.

I mean, if Krauts want to work like dogs all their life so they can be good little worker ants in their tax farm, that's fine -- but they shouldn't try to punish other people for not being as painfully autistic as they are.

Are you actually surprised?

Worked for Greece.

you dumb autist niggers can't into self assessment - you're good workers but you're trash leaders. English is the superior means of communication so nobody except faggots wanna speak your mongrel language. You're autists so you can't tell when you've gone too far and get your feelings hurt because you only find out that reality differs from your imagination when you've already fucked up.

>not everyone wants to be German
you've never lived there user, it was paradise before the niggers and turks showed up in droves
I would expat to germany in a second if they got rid of all the niggers

Fuck Germany. They are ideologically corrupt. We cannot allow Grossdeutschland to happen with their multikulti attitude.


no fear
Everything will be fine

Relax and grab a vorarlberger Mohrenbräu.

We will not go into any union with nonwhite halfbreeds.

Stay away, Mehmet.

EU Army is what the EU has been working towards. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

aussies with the bants

>might be viewed skeptical within Europe
Gee I wonder why


nice meme kike

>German turns Europe to shit just to control it
>Germany will be king on a mountain of shit and subhumans
Good job Germany.

How do we convince europe that Hitler was right?
Step 1 fill the continent with sandniggers and niggers
Step 2 wait until the minorities make claims
Step 3 let the crime rise
Step 4 when a wide majority is pissed off Natsoc politicians
Step 5 start remigration
Step 6 Enter natsoc

The following problems are solved:
Demographic problem
folk diseases
High costs for a welfare state

For you still HERMANN

The ewige Austro will strike again.

Lowkey i'm kinda proud Germany
You fuckers don't give up

OP is a fucking shill, one who is trying to help paint the efforts of internationalists and Jews to destroy Europe as the latest installment of German Imperialism. Germany dared to challenge (((them))) and globalist financial rule in the last World War so what better bogeyman to throw up than the German. The toilet paper that passes for the new German constitution essentially puts the liberals in power and gives them the ability to knock down the opposition or anything it doesn't like by branding it "Nazi" and therefore illegal.

The last thing the Jew wants is for Europeans to unite in a meaningful way, so they taint the idea of European cooperation by pursuing it their way through the EU. The EU reduces the smaller countries to debt slavery and floods the continent with immigrants via its German puppet state so that the rest of Europe with turn on Germany if they fail. If they succeed then they wipe us out for good, but they fail then Europe is still divided, weak, and fighting amongst themselves while they still control the United States.

Europa needs an existence crisis otherwise it will never accept natsoc

>Step 4 when a wide majority is pissed off Natsoc politicians
We are here already. If nothing's gonna happen, it will be too late. Europe (mainly Germany, France and UK) full with mongrels. Rassenschande all over the place!

we shold mercy kill krauts in their entirety when the time comes

What fucking "Greater Germany"??? Close our fucking borders, remove kebab and let's leave the fucking EU.

Fuck this gay state and the sheep who keep it alive!

Looks like Captain Sweden

>Europa needs an existence crisis

fuck Germany, bunch of autistic cucks



There are just 5 per cent mixes between sandniggers and Germans.

We still make the absolute majority.

The tolerance towards migrants is constantly singing.

It will not be long before the calls for remigration become louder.

And in contrast to the Jews we can send the sandniggers home.

The clock is running

>Heath care for every one.
Yeah, literally everyone, that's the problem.

>Wealth fare staate
Nice Hauptschule education, Malte. Neck yourself

>Lowest corruption
Do you pull that out of your ass? Does this info come from the official corruption report on

>Highest industrial output.
>Highest intellectual output.
Well at least there we WERE good, all downhill from here thanks to our new gifts from africa

>Lots of wörk for every one.
Meme since the year 2000, stats are faked like hell.

>Best infrastructure
I can somewhat agree with that.

>low criminality
It's called low crime rate. Also not true, the stats are faked or no stats taken at all, especially since the refugee crisis. If you would only have Germans then we would have Japan level crime rates.

>Church and government separated
Yeah great achievement compared to the other western countries... oh wait.

>All I see is all the old fags in other country's loosing power
I hope you realize that "the old fags" are basically the last Germans left? When they are dead in 20 years we will have 30-40% immigration background mongrels.


The clip is 2015
And these are the useful idiots

>There are just 5 per cent mixes between sandniggers and Germans.

As if mixing with them is the only problem. Mixing with any ethnicity that only has brown/black hair and brown eyes is the problem. Taking that into account, we are already 25-30% fucked.

The rest is too naive, we won't fix this shithole without a civil war, in peace nothing will change. There is blood on the horizon and the more immigrants come, the more likely it is that it will be mostly German/European blood.

Start with minimal wages fuckers.


I know, the numbers don't look better in my country, but at least the fucking foreigners are mostly anti-mulikulti here and do vote right.

And roaches.
The roach infestation is horrible.
And if you're attacked by a roach you can't defend yourself.
Nein thank you.
I'll stay where, at the very least, I can defend against roaches.

You fags better know what you're doing. You'll kill all of Europe if you fuck this up.

Your talking to a jew shill. No matter how much sense you make or how well reasoned your arguments he's gonna keep spewing his shit and trying to lead people to pin all the current troubles on the Krauts rather than the Kikes.

It's true but you of all should be incredibly quiet.

I think you're right
Without civil war it will not go what is already in preparation (the next financial crisis awaits us in september).

France and England are fucked there, it gets really violent.
With us it will only be bad in North Rhine-Westphalia since the Muslims will gather there.

The scenarios have already been played through.


>The rest is too naive
Look what the Germans are doing in the Mediterranean! Jugend Rettet e.V. at al. It's absolutely hopeless! They are picking them up in Africa. By the thousands. A day.

>I know, the numbers don't look better in my country, but at least the fucking foreigners are mostly anti-mulikulti here and do vote right.

To be fair to Germany, of those people with migrant background, nearly one third are Volksdeutsche from the Soviet Union and elsewhere. Then there is a large part of Polish and other Eastern Europeans. And lastly a ton of Kurds... and unfortunately 2 million Turks.

Interestingly enough our population is pretty much not mixed at all. Like 1% of our population is of mixed ethnicity.

I'm not convinced Germans are human beings. They are more like robots. Not everybody wants to live like that. It's fucked up. And it leads to weird shit, and eventually destruction of humanity.

What you call a robot is called a functioning order.
We love structures and rules because these create a peaceful society.
If everyone has his task in a system and thus is a part of the whole creates the harmony and a feeling of belonging to it.

Peace through work

>Interestingly enough our population is pretty much not mixed at all.
There's still hope, genetically. But the political climate/ideology needs to change ASAP! And I just don't see that happening.

>We love structures and rules because these create a peaceful society
This can be a strength, but also a fatal weakness which creates an easily manipulated, complacent, uncritical mass.

We will survive
We will get the continent back.
We will find the path to our roots

An idea becomes a word, a word to action

It only needs a candle to illuminate a room full of darkness so strong is the power of idialism.

With the help of Dutch suppliers. Who now has the power to stand against Sauron and Saruman. Together my lord, we shall rule this Middle Earth.


that's right
But do not forget how many revolutions Europe has already done, and they always broke out as the structures began to harden. like now.

In principle it would be nice if all EU countries adopted the financial prudence of Germany, but that's not reality as of right now. Right now Germany is the creditor to some messed up economies and all it would take if one more financial crisis and certainly Greek and Italian banks will be gone. That will have a direct knock-on effect to creditor Germany. You're playing a very dangerous game that I think you will lose.

Don't you mean (((German))) creditors?