>two days ago
Do Libtards EVER learn?
>two days ago
Do Libtards EVER learn?
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He WILL be impeached. Just wait and see drumpflets.
I GUARANTEE you Trump's term will be over within another few years
yep, even if T_D fags try to deny it, it's all over for drumpfy as early as 2020
I GUARANTEE you Trump's first term will be over in about four years
Jared Kushner was just named a person of interest.
Its happening. Orange Hitler is toast
None of them believe he will be impeached.
It's literally just a demoralization tactic.
Just like W was for war crimes and 911 was an inside job.
No, that's why liberals are all retarded kids
Wben do we start posting election maps?
>if you are being investigated, you are guilty
Hmm. Iirc it doesn't actually work like that.
>two days
>expecting an impeachment to happen at the speed of a Sup Forumsack's attention span
>ignoring the constant flow of stories and the hiring of a special counsel
Yeah sure, a bunch of repulbican senators are about to commit political suicide by joining the democrats. Get real 80% of republicans still support Trump, and removing him is a surefire way to get primaried.
No. He outsmarts them EVERY TIME.
They still try the same stupid shit.
Now, they're breaking with reality, even if it means their ultimate defeat (it will). This to them, is preferable to admitting they're wrong on basically everything.
Example of above.
Look at that beautiful map.
he will just bomb another country for ZOG so he doesn't get impeached, he is the ZOG puppet now
>two days ago
Two days ago was relatively tame. Massive anti-Trump stories broke every other day this week.
Unless I slept through Saturday or something.
Your evidence for this conclusion is?
Can't wait for it to start up again Monday
How many ANY DAY NOW DRUMPIES engineered media attacks can we go through every week until the general normies are as desensitized as we are?
If anything they are more desensitized
They say russian collusions and russian hacking and they don't provide the vital information. Like collusions with what? What did they collude? Hacking what did they hack? A machine not connected to the internet? What are they stuxnet?. Like give it up america its batshit insane.
He's the deep state now, he can't be impeached.
>No. He outsmarts them EVERY TIME.
Imagine being this genuinely delusional from browsing T_D.
>Do Libtards EVER learn?
they have the memory of goldfish. they can't learn
How do you down vote here?
Sup Forums is not desensitized, all it takes for majority of people here to jizz in their pants is Kim Jong Un saying something provocative, it's WW3 then.
>liberals set fire to their own cities
>this is Trumps fault
can we ban leafs already?
I think the biggest problem for Liberals is that the Normies don't care.
Are you a native leaf? Cause this is extremely unlike your kind, you know...not being a faggot.
Yea Yea Yea, can't wait to hear you shill fucks bitch and moan for the next 4 years.
>Inb4 mass wide shill suicide pact.
Probably 4 years to be exact, and if lib-kikes keep up the current pace then we get to do it all over again for another 4 years. :)
>Lib-tards piss and moan for Impeachment just like the Repub's did for Obombmuh and look where that got them. This isn't even considering the fact that Republican's are in majority and wouldn't give up their power even for a Klondyke bar.
>Constant flow of stories flooding from the same shills who predicted 98% chance for Shillary to win? Cause their track record for legitimacy is just on point amirite?
Fucking leaf faggot.
>no wall
>no swamped drained
>no labeling of currency manipulators
>still can't get healthcare reworked
>publicly sucking saudi arabia's dick at every chance
>bowing down to the jews at every chance
tired of winning?
If trump gets booted it will be a sad day for america. That's when america starts going to complete shit. Trump has brought back thousands of jobs and hes trying to prevent radicals islamists from entering the country and all ive heard about is russia. I don't give a fuck if people hate me for that. It's funny cause July last year I had to do a course and in my course my teacher started ragging on trump and i straight up said I don't agree with you and she never mentioned it again. Then he won. Trump is the best president america has had on atleast the past 30 years.
One of the real issues democrats have is they have literally spent 20 years going out of their way to make sure things like perjury, poor handling of intelligence data, bombings for distraction, and obvious foreign conflicts of interest are not considered bad anymore.
Worst for them is they have been very successful. And now when they want the outrage, other than what they project in media and the internet news obsessed (not all of which are even Americans) no one cares.
Congrats democrats. Thanks to your endless white knighting for the Clintons America as a whole just doesn't care about some asscrack who may or may not talked to some Russian guy about some government shit. It can't be bad anyway because russians were commies and 50 years of pro-commie arguments have convinced me we need to join Russia in a glorious communist revolution .
Trump has given lefties what they have wanted for 50 years: a political alliance with Russia. Workers of the world unite!
No, they don't. They are perpetual children
What brings Trump down isn't going to be the collusion. It'll be the cover-up. He's provided ample ammunition for that.
>A week ago
Libtards can't learn because learning is a process of correcting your mistakes which means you have to admit your failures. Have you ever seen a liberal even accept responsibility for anything ever?
>He's provided ample ammunition for that.
What specifically?
They've tried to shit on him for every single thing since taking office and havent been able to.
He literally hasn't done a single thing wrong so far.
Im friends with a few bernouts on FB and none of them even buy the IMPEACH DRUMPF shit
The hell are you taking about? The comey memo is more than enough evidence of OOJ. If the memo is legit, which even FN says it is, Russia almost doesnt matter anymore
Meanwhile it's been 6 months since the re-count.
The entire thing is a meme:
I can't wait to see the moment they all realise he's never going to be impeached.
>MASSIVE stories
The stories were Literally Nothing. The amount of coverage was massive, as usual.
Multiple campaign members lying about Russia contacts, firing the director of the FBI to stop his investigation into Russian collusion, and putting pressure on him to stop investigating Flynn.
yeah, little less than 8 years from now.
Hahaha yeah former Trump supporter here, not going to lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn, but seriously we can't let this guy be the president any longer
Post a link to the specific memo you refer to please.
which memo? the one where trump begged that he was a good guy? or the one where trump called him a nutjob?
here it is
>Multiple campaign members lying about Russia contacts
Who are the Russian contacts specifically and why was it illegal to talk to them? What were there conversations about and how did what they were speaking on violate the law?
>firing the director of the FBI to stop his investigation into Russian collusion
What is the evidence that is the reason comey was fired? Before he was fired, were there any previous incidents in comedy's tenure that may have shown poor job performance?
>and putting pressure on him to stop investigating Flynn.
How specifically did trump do that? Has comey previous in another forum made any statements indicating that he was not being pressured?
Mueller is the worst case scenario.
It's all over but the indictments.
Indictments for who?
Yea, just like hillary was gonna be the next president.
Op is right, libtards never learn.
At least Jared, Flynn, Manafort.
At that point he'll pardon & resign.
Why did Trump campaign members lie about those contacts?
Trump said so himself on national TV (the NBC interview) that he fired Comey to make the investigation go away.
Are you retarded?
Regardless of whether you think Trump has done anything wrong, it should be obvious that an impeachment wouldn't occur until AFTER the investigations being used as the basis to impeach had concluded, no?
He is though. Just relax, it will be easier for you.
David Brock is literally a faggot.
do you even link?
and even if he does get impeached, it means absolutely nothing.
when he gets impeached, and it turns out there was no wrongdoing, it will just be yet another example for him to point to of being treated unfairly by an hysterical media. It's probably boost his support.
>Why did Trump campaign members lie about those contacts?
Who did they lie to?
Honestly I think we should just step back and wait till the dust settles before we draw any conclusions. Until hard evidence is shown, I don't buy anything from anyone.
That jew on Tucker last night was saying that despite the left crying and Dems posturing and counsels being appointed, Trump hasn't committed any crime. He was saying that "colluding with Russia" is not against any existing laws and is much too vague anyways, so even if they somehow manage to prove Trump had contact with Russians, they still can't impeach him over it.
It amazes me that virtually none of Trump's supporters have managed to even understand that there are at least two separate investigations into the Trump Administration's dealings with Russia and that even if Trump had nothing to do with the Flynn story, he is still in direct legal jeopardy over the Manafor/Russian money laundering investigation due to RICO.
The latter investigation is likely to last quite a bit longer though, as a RICO investigation involving money laundering takes a lot of time and resources to pursue. Did all of Trump's supporters just forget that the latter investigation was occuring?