Is this place really as redpilled as Sup Forums says? I'm moving here at the end of the year

Is this place really as redpilled as Sup Forums says? I'm moving here at the end of the year.

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Don't come, you are probably not white enough for this country.

It's not bad. There aren't many kikes outside of the capital, and the rural areas are pretty conservative.

It's not like you can integrate into the rural/small town areas as a foreigner. And capital cities are the same everywhere.

>There aren't many kikes outside of the capital
Yeah most ran like Soros

Hey HUNGaryans, wanna stop our bantz of each other and set aside our diffrences and form union to fight againts the Islamic Horders like we once did?

We can genocide our gypsies together so we can rid of the pests

Australia is a paradise, stay here.

Hungary is your average 2nd world country. It has decent living standards. Nothing compared to the West though

I met a girl there and want to marry her. I'll bring her back eventually.

checked these digits

Budapest is full of pic related posters, its pretty funny (Botka is the leader of the opposition socialist/liberal party)

horey shit i got quints


Worst fucking get of all time

Good idea! Down with the mudslimes.

Ever realized why so many niggers want to come to Hungary?

Their flag looks literally like a watermelon slice.

Hungary has lot of gypsies, especially in Budapest.

>We can genocide our gypsies together so we can rid of the pests
Where do we sign up Mihai?

Gypsy in emmigration spotted!


>Is this place really as redpilled as Sup Forums says?

I hope it's not Budapest, if it is, it better be upper class.

My girlfriends Hungarian, it's a odd people. First off, they love to fill their homes, toilets to be exact, with as much shit as possible. Like seven smelly-things, a thousand paper-rolls, two gigarillion type's of shampoo's/conditioners/whatever. But the worst is the smell of Budapest. It's smells like utter turd pretty much every where you go. The people are not very happy neither, and no fucking one speaks a fucking word English. Maybe younger kids, and if they do, they shit at it.

The women fuck like hell, but never trust them.

They're around 1%, according to a 2014 census.

you will never be as white as a hungarian, mr. leaf


I'll be living in Tata.

>never trust them

Goys are not welcome here.


I'm white with Dutch heritage though.

Who are the other two?

Bring her to Aus and have many bairns.

>doing anything the government tells them to

That's the plan. I have to convince her family it's a good idea first, hence living there for a few months.

hungarians are certainly better than those socialist fucks southeast of you
I like you guys

>Moving to Hungary

hey user. i have a hungarian pass, but i cant speak hungarian. is there any summer camp there so i can come and learn the language? would the people accept me?

Australia is a 1st world country with great living standards. Her parents should be delighted.

>10% violent thieving rapist gypsies
>police are afraid to even "offend" them

even our PM is a gypsy

If you have a lot of money, then come.
But Balkan is crazy place, and have in mind that most of people are leaving these countries due to poor payments, political corruption and bad economy.


What's Esztergom like? Are there many gypsies there?

most of central europe, balkans and eastern europe is pretty redpilled and christian.
but that thing is changing slowly to degeneracy
everyone likes germans (especially if youre the typical german everybody knows)

>Staying in Australia

How long could I survive with $5000 USD?

im tired of this multiculti shithole that germany has become. im half hungarian, so i was thinking to emigrate there.. i dont know...

Tata is comfy.

>stealing the women from Hungary betas
Nice work user.

Meh. Just because we're turning to shit at a slower rate than the west doesn't still mean we're not turning to shit

they are fucking everywhere but you should ask locals about survival strategies there and how bad it is there

I'm with you on this one.

Cheers cunt. I'm gonna have as many children as possible with her.

Leader of our far-right party and the oligarch who used to fund Fidesz until he fell out with Orbán.

Slovenia is pretty good. They are 99% white and one of the fastest developing country in Eastern/Central Europe.

Depends. Beer and Services (eg haircut, restaurant) are cheap. Other things not so much.

I live in Környe, it is a smaller village next to Tata.
Tata is a great place, it is a rich area, lot of good restaurants, no gypsies. You will be happy there.

We're literally having a government-funded ad to promote milk drinking.

hungarian is pretty hard to learn especially for a person that has (probably) never spoke maghyar
do you know any maghiar?

Sometimes it's not just about living comfortable user, people want to stay and help their countries.

i do not know why they are even real
i mean Russia-Poland-Germany-France-Portugal
but who are they?
why they even exist?
who are they?

user from Komárom-Esztergom county here.
The city is nice, but it's in a decline in the last couple of years, due to it's current manor. There are a couple of gypsy infested places south from it, but it's not as severe as in other places. The crime rates are also low.

>date one Hungarian girl and been in her disgusting home
Instantly makes you an expert of all Hungarian people and their homes and you generalize a whole nation.
We are an ex-commie country so there is a whole generation who were forced to learn russian instead of english. I'll have to agree with you in Budapest tho. I fucking hate that dirty city with its arrogant pieces of shit.

So is he wrong? Am I safe to trust Hungarian women? She's not pretending to love me just to steal all my shit?

yea i know some basic level, like thank you, goodbye etc. i was speaking hungarian with my mom as a kid, but then cancer took her away, and i forgot the language...

News flash: huns are asian migrants. You came here as barbarians only 1000 years ago. You mongrels are less white than meds.

Nice try kike
Based orban

>and no fucking one speaks a fucking word English.
sad but true and the truth is that everyone who speaks a foreign language tries to leave for a better life in countries that you idiots want to leave

If you have a place to stay it will probably enough for ~6 month or even more. The average wage for an engineer is about 1000 USD/month.

i used to watch only german cartoons when i was little and i still know some today. I also understand pretty much 40-50 % when someone is talking to me in german
it means you still have hope dont give up follow your dream

Poverty is rampant. The rural parts of Hungary look like they haven't left the middle ages.

>56% including hispanians

Man, Its not like that. Every country has its gold-diggers,whores and trustful women. imo our women are looking really nice and smart generally but that doesn't mean that there are no dumb fucking bitches here.

>Alcsúti cigány

nem unod még a spagettit te köcsög?

Same as every post commie shithole. V4 it's all the same shit.

A jó édes anyád a cigány, menj inkább a déli határra és térdelj a kerítés elé migráns faszt szopni.

>mfw I make more in fast food

America truly the best.

About 2 years, more if you share a flat with roommates.


hát akkor te is az vagy, egy büdös cigány

jól működik a propaganda is, nem mondom

Cost of living is pretty low and we have cheap good quality food. We dont have to eat fast food like you guys and our women are great cook.

Magyarázd már el nekem, hogy a Fideszen kívül mégis melyik párt tartaná távol a migránsokat vagy

Because soon our countries will be worse than Hungary. It would be nice to get more of you people to balance out the spics and muzrats.

Stay in your shithole nigger


Pls dont come, this place is horrible, no gay marriage, no refugees, no vibrant diversity at all!

More seriously, you could try supporting us with a vacation and see it for yourself. Prices and wages are extremely low so if you have some saved money you can easily live like kangz for years.

Are you saying its a bad idea to generalize based on the actions of a few? Because that's basically the principle Sup Forums operates on and I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon

nekem például az a bajom, hogy a nemcigányaidat nem tarják távol a tulajdonomtól
menjetek a szocik után a picsába, itt új rendszerváltó pártok kellenek

>But the worst is the smell of Budapest. It's smells like utter turd pretty much every where you go

Yeah you've never been to hungary, fucking larping autist

Vona egy hazaáruló, a népszavazáson nem kampányolt a nem oldalán, egy jobbikos plakátot sem láttam, majd nem szavazta meg az alkotmánymódosítást, pedig ő maga mondta, hogy aki nem szavazza meg az hazaáruló, ráadásul itt van ez:
>Vona:"El lehet gondolkozni azon, hogy kvóták alapján szétosszuk az Európai Unióban lévő migránsokat"

> itt új rendszerváltó pártok kellenek
Mondanál egy példát egy ilyen új rendszerváltó pártra, amelyik nyíltan migránsellenes, mert szerintem ilyen nem létezik. A Fidesznek nincs alternatívája ma Magyarországon, ennek én sem örülök, de ez így van.

Magyarország a magyarok számára!

Mate are you fucking dogging this country

You're a fucking dog mate
I bet you live in Melbourne

Redpilled as fuck. Have a good Hungarian friend from Budapest.
> Hates everyone who isn't white.
> Hates immigrants.
> Nicest bloke you will meet.

Sorosegyetem mellett is kiállt, nekem az tette be a kaput pedig előtte nagy jobbikos voltam. Ilyen zsúrfiú, simicska csicskája cukipárt nem kell.

Ez. Egyetlen párt aki bevállalta a 10+ év építkezést az pedig a jobbik volt, de ők is lehúzták magukat a vécén, összes többi baloldali SZDSZ árva gittegylet pedig csak annyit tud hogy elsivítják az összes ballib panelt és csodálkoznak hogy miért nem bukikazorbán azonnal.

I work with Hungarians and they're a bunch of dishonest and incompetent faggots

Kek, I hate those trendy cool hipster (((journalists))). I feel ashamed that these are the top famous news sources among my generation. Our millenials are as bad as westerns are.

Álmom egy Fidesz Jobbik parlament. Ballibet, szocit, gyurcsányistákat, anti olimpia bőrbe bújt szdszt, sötétzöldeket látni se szeretnék többé a patkóban, nem hogy kormányközelbe.

nem akarok ezer migráns miatt örökké szarban élni

ha unod a cigányterrort a """jobboldali""" kormány alatt, akkor nincs más választás, le kell váltani Orbánt

I'll be back, except I'll bring with me a traditional white wife.

They speak a turkic language, they're not true europeans.

Csak úgy leváltani alternatíva nélkül? Akkor mi legyen, talán anarchia?

Our language is not turkish, we have a few turkish words only because the Ottoman Empire occupied a big portion of our country for 150 years. This is why we hate islam so much.

Did you guys get raped by them? Are you all a little bit roach?