UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
“Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet,” it states. “We disagree.”
UK Government Moves Aggressively To Censor & Control The Internet
“Some people say that it is not for government to regulate when it comes to technology and the internet,” it states. “We disagree.”
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Finally the beady-eyed menace will get what's coming to them
Ministry of truth back at it again
Take all anglos with you
2bh I need mummy may to regulate the internet and save me from myself
>white women wearing these bags and pretending it's feminist. same as a stripper thinking her job is empowering.
back on topic, see you later then, user. enjoy the sugar and tv tax too.
Why is Bong politics so awful? You guys really need to lynch Corban so that you have an opposition that can stand a chance because your Conservatives are totally batshit.
I would say 'your' country is a complete freedomless shit but it isn't really your country is it? You don't have any say in it. You're just a surf.
>no more britbongs on Sup Forums
and nothing of value was lost
I feel like American politics is more reported than British politics in the UK
all whites are. It's not like America is 'your' country either.
Think how much better off the world would be if the internet were cut off right this second.
Didn't Obama sign over control of the internet to the UK, meaning this is for all of us?
The sweet fucking irony this comes from a burger!
Can't america just invade us already?
How do we get control back? It seems like we are fighting a losing battle, we have no power. Hitler was right, our existence would be dependent on who won WW2. :( The West is going away forever
Russians were banned from 4chins a few times. No idea why it's not currently banned, a good chunk of content spread here is illegal.
I guess it is actually a good place for paid shills to post without control.
I'd rather krauts be banned forever
yah m8, America's culture is not european culture. We have the 1st protected by the 2nd. This doesn't matter what skin color you are. Americans are not all white but we can all buy a rifle and guard the 1st.
You can't guard the 1st. You have no 1st.
millions of neet's would storm the streets in rage
it world be glorious
we can't even build a wall
America is not a country anymore
>How do we get control back?
murder everyone in goverment
Truly, the Anglo race is finally getting its comeuppance for its numerous crimes throughout history. Perfidious Albion has eternally been BTFO.
You guys won't even riot. Maybe they need to take away your tea.
Just like they banned all porn years back right?
Its more Nothing
and the worst thing that could happen, did happen. All their major cities are approaching muslim majority. If the shtf, imagine immediately losing every city to a muslim insurgency on day 1 of any conflict, then having to fight in a shitty urban warzone because airstrikes on your cities is retarded.
people might actually meet their neighbors, discuss things in person, organize and assemble.
Goodbye Britfags!!!
You thought you could get by on the rampant leaf shitposting, but we always knew
>wahh I won't have my sub human brethren across the sea to back me up any more!
Face it Amerifag, the Anglos are on the way out. The future belongs to the Aryans.
Oh no who's going to be there to get furious about fat people in america? Canada and Australia, I guess, but it won't be the same without you.
You'd have to siege it. At the same time euros can't handle fighting. Not anymore. The two wars took out those genes. Their warrior class was at age to breed but never did because of those wars.
It's not banned because it's better to monitor who's using it and arrest them.
The FSB will be at your door soon Vlad, enjoy your time in the gulags.
>the independent
>buzzfeed confirms
I'm sorry but I literally can't take this article seriously.
My prayers have been answered. Jesus is god after all.
so is this government censoring the internet or corporations like the net neutrality fags cried about? please tell me
Im from UK and this shit never gets in any main stream media and never talked about by opposition parties. Really disturbing and scary, the things Theresa May has done already, such as the snoopers charter shows that this isnt a bluff. Also rumours say that she plans on creating a new regulated and government controlled internet in the name of, you guessed it, counter terrorism.
What held America together was not your piece of paper, but the European racial nature. As that falls, so will America.
>implying this isn't an anglonigger
I'm sure that will fix everything.
>tfw Sky's smart filter automatically blocked Sup Forums on me last week for some reason and I had to manually go and turn the damn thing off
Are they going to be kicking in me door lads?
funny how building mosques isn't terrorism, but being pro white is.
What did you do over the PATRIOT Act? Or when Bush instituted indefinite secret detention for US citizens? Or when Big Chief Umbongo decided he had the right to kill any US citizen without warrant or oversight?
However bad things are her, we will never be as cucked as you, Mr. 56%.
So...its literally the same shit Germany etc are already doing.
Whoop de doo. Break out the VPN.
If Labour promises to adopt free speech laws similar to the U.S. and an unregulated internet plus a hard
I won't hold my breath.
I am a proud aryan, I do not have a single drop of Angloid blood in me, I am descended from Afghans who are ARYAN.
Daily reminder: National Action was banned at the start of this year as a terrorist organisation. Another 10 white nationalist groups are set to be banned aswell.
They will detain you for terrorist activities and a threat to nation security due to participating in the great meme war as an enemy of Theresa May's State
Underrated post.
welcome to the western world everybody, whee your freedom is protected by taking away your freedoms. seemsgood
This place just got a whole hell of a lot more tolerable.
You have to think of it from the standpoint of how your country will have a large angry muslim majority in a few decades, and if you don't get in front of it you'll be a caliphate in short order. Your options are limited.
face it, the internet was a mistake to begin with.
What did they(Americans) do when it turned out that yes the government is monitoring everyones phones,emails and webcams 24/7?
Nothing. No protests, no riots, no marches.
Says it all.
They're kind of fucked.
The Tories are the worst kind of Neo-Cons and Labour are the most retarded kind of Cultural Marxist trash imaginable.
>We gun ban porn and racism and muzzie shit
>We gun ban porn, racism, sexism, anyone complaining about muzzie shit
And both are gonna flood the country with pig disgusting brown people
>Germany wants to prove it isn't fascist
>Censors communication
>Censors art
>Imprisons people over speech
Oooo I know an even better way for Germany to prove it is not Nazi. They could round up all the people who say things they don't like and put them in camps. Yeah.
>thinks pieces of paper actually matter
You do realise that the piece of paper cannot physically command or deny you from doing anything, right? It is the illusion or sense of understanding that creates laws and cultures, not pieces of paper and as your demographics worsen, so will that facade of muh amendments.
Everything is banned in Australia. Thankfully our government is too incompetent to run internet crnsorship properly.
user, no! You'll get vaporized!
Sup Forums was blocklisted for me earlier, it's just lifted now. Fucking Orwellian authoritarians!
So its either.
>Communist Party (Labour)
>Civil nationalist globalist party (Conservatives)
>Faggot party (LibDems)
>Doesn't know what it is party (UKIP)
But only the first two are actual (((choices))) because of the archaic voting system we have.
Great. Democracy is a fucking lie.
Can't handle the banter.
I think our only hope is a hung parliament and then coalition.
Aryans are superior to Anglos, those are cherrypicked, but this picture is your average subhuman Anglo.
At least banning the internet will help my no-fap.
Going back to just using imagination will be almost impossible.
>in a few decades.
I think you mean soon. Pic related. 2021 will be double those numbers. Also worth noting White includes all native Europeans so the native British population is even lower.
Basically more porn filters and re-directs etc.
The most interesting part is the part no one is talking about - her demand that internet companies compensate news companies for lost profits.
Something Rupert Murdoch won't shut the fuck up about.
May was bought and paid for by Murdoch.
I am white
Wow it's this bad. Christ just end us already. When the lobster backs know more about what made America great than the average circumsized Hollywood programmed good goy
I feel so sorry for what SJWs have done to Britain.
My country already has the snoopers charter variation and data retention. Has for years.
Does fuck all.
Because conservatives are in power.
As soon as Labor gets in power they'll go full Euro with the hate speech raids etc.
That's (((parliamentary democracy))) for you. Shitty consensus politics that only gives people the veneer of choice. I wish we had a presidential system like France or America. Electing somebody like Le Pen, or Trump is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE within our current system.
Enough talk. Dance, Abdullah!
Our only hope is if absolutely no one voted and there was an uprising against the houses of parliament. but that will never happen in a world of figit spinners.
The Muslims don't even use the web to communicate ironically, the only thing this will effect is the whites.
You probably live in fucking Fairfield you poof.
Fuck off, nigger. Don't act like your country doesn't also have an underclass.
You live in a one-party state.
Do you want coca-cola? or pepsi.
That's the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day.
We noble afghans defeated you many times in your evil Imperialistic invasions of our aryan lands, we sent you and your Dravidian lackeys packing, think twice before speaking Anglo
No I dont, i was born here and I am white
source vid of gif?
Parts of the US have sugar tax as well.
This cannot be real
Are you sure about that?
You've got the idiot 3rd generation Muslims that get caught doing stupid shit downloading their inspire magazines and bragging about going to syria on facebook.
The real threat is the older 50+ year old Mujaheddin mother fuckers that have been stockpiling explosives and weapons and don't speak a lick of English.
sorry cant say, saved it from here.
>help my no-fap
Is it that you hate yourself so much that you think you don't deserve pleasure of any sort?
I hate my country more and more every day. The worst part is that most brits simply don't give a fuck about freedom. Too busy watching football or reality T.V. Fuck my life.
this kind of racism will not be tolerated nigel.
it was actually easier to find than I expected, first result on youtube for "peter hitchens rt":
I have always maintained that bullies should beat up on those weaker than them. Since Brits have proven themselves to be so weak they should have all dignity stripped away from them. Keep bashing them up until they do something about it.
Honestly USA needs to become more anti-brit. They keep sending MI-6 agents that are posing as shitty celebrities.
The idiot females of America fall in love with their garbled voices and give them an audience, then they spend the rest of the time acting as subversion agents (anti-gun, pro-liberal, pro-Washington, pro-degeneracy)
It very much is. The Tory's appeal to the type of Brits that think shoplifters should have their hands cut off. Unfortunately my countrymen are largely retarded and enjoy serfdom. These fuckers are all child molesting horse fucking degenerates that have to severely overcompensate for their own sodomite behavior by acting like morality crusaders.