Can Germany at least have a Germanic union?

Here me out. Of course, Germanics include Dutch, Luxembourg, Danish, Austrian and Swiss people. But Poland and Czechoslovakia are sort of German, they were mostly included historically in terms of Holy Roman Empire purposes.

I think we would make a great union. Low unemployment, rich, white people. We could build walls and deport people who have no place in our union. It would be comfy as fuck, if we only stuck together.

What are you saying, can we do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, but Denmark belongs to us.

>Germany wants to take over Poland again
No. Germany should not even be allowed to exist as a nation. Germany needs to be broken up into little countries that all barred from having any kind of diplomatic or economic relations with each other.

Can North Italy join? We were part of the holy roman empire too

> Poland and Czechoslovakia are sort of German
> Germanic Union
Germanic is a language family, so they aren't, it would include Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, part of Belgium, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, and Scandinavia.

Also I forgot the UK since English is Germanic too.

looks more like a slavic union.

part of belgium in germanic to (flanders)

It also refers to Germanic tribes.

Scandinavian languages are rather different from continental Germanic also culturally. Same for Britain. I would think it would go like this Austria, Germany and some parts of Belgium, Switzerland go into a Germanic union, Scandinavians go into their union including maybe Finland and Estonia, the UK revives he Commonwealth.

south africa is dutch clay

No we have already had wars to get out of the last union.

Germany is dead.
Deal with it.

> Scandinavian languages are rather different from continental Germanic also culturally
Not really, it's just a separate North Germanic branch of the family.
Even then Czechoslovakia and Poland wouldn't be included at all since they are definitely distinctly Slavic tribes, even in their historical mythology they're descended from the Proto-Slavic legendary brothers Lech and Czech.

Race war then include it into Groot-Nederland.

We would rather die than live under the same flag as german subhumans
Leave us the fuck out of this. We hate you, and we want nothing to do with you.

I didn't say they weren't Germanic but there's a cultural and linguistics divide between Continental germanics and Scandinavians and grouping them all together wouldn't necessarily be the best idea.

>Germanic union
>Doesn't involve all Germanics
>But includes Poland

This is just a German power grab again isn't it

You know, even with Macron's election, I think it's just a matter of time before France just up and leaves this bullshit.
Media will try and pass labor legislation as Macron's doing, but it's pretty much clear to anyone remotely involved in what is voted in Brussel, this is Europe's doing.
Eventually, an electable candidate will pop up that wants Frexit.
For now, EU is playing the scare game by 'fining' the UK with imaginary debt, but they'll just never pay.
So a Germanic Union doesn't seem like a bad deal to your eastern retarded neighbors.

Would consider, but only if you guys uncuck yourself. Till then, we will be slowly working on our Intermarium plan and we'll see if it goes well.

>Poland and Czechoslovakia

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no.

What are you talking about, that's Prussia.

>Slovakia in Germanic union
are you literally retarded?

Fuck off

Prussia might have been a part of Germany as a legal entity or country, but it wasn't all ethno-linguistically Germanic, much of it was Slavic/Polish.

>Half the country speaks German
>Country has always been in Germany for thousands of years
>muhh we die

Come on, Danish buddies, play nice!

nigger what are you doing
The Swiss really don't want to be in Germany mate

God why are there so many of these autistic fantasy map threads saying "X federation/union when?"


>project fails for the 100th time

Everything you attempt fails

>>Half the country speaks german
about 1/3 danes speak broken german that we've been forced to learn in school. The rest don't speak it at all
>>Country has always been in germany for thousands of years
Denmark has been an independent nation for over 1000 years, being one of the oldest in Europe. Even back when Denmark wasn't a country per say, it was still inhabited by the Danes, who distanced themselves from their southern neighbors, in favor of their northern neighbors.

You guys are honestly pathetic to spread such lies about us.
Germans are a cancer growing in the heart of Europe, and it should be eradicated for the betterment of all other european peoples.

Yes, but the emperor should be chosen by an electorate

fuck off there was a reason we fought against you

Fucking nonsense, if there would be one it would just be Swiss, Germany and austria, maybe some parts of poland, czechs and Belgium but not all of that. Especially Netherlands and Denmark who have a separate culture from ours.

who the fuck wants to unify with a country comprised of pacifist cucks?

germans should be extinguished off the face of the earth as soon as possible.

All Wester Germanic languages

Northen Germanic languages

You can recognize words between the languages and some grammar. Otherwise it's not so alike.

Give back Denmark.
They belong to the nords

We will never abandon Denmark and hand it over to the Arabic Somalia. Never!

>Poland and Czechoslovakia are sort of German, they were mostly included historically in terms of Holy Roman Empire purposes.
nigga no, unless you conquer and colonize them those places are useless and just destabilize the greater whole, take over the rest of Scandinavia instead.

Venice, Trento and Friuli is not Germany but you can keep Bozen

No union without Italians. They are intellectually and artistically the heart and essence of Europe

>Arabic Somalia
Says the German

Denmark has more in common with the us in the north than you in the south.

Hello my fellow Germans.
How are you doing?
How far have you progressed in learning your ancestors' native language (German)?

i would never see that happen, germans are subhumans. death would be better than live under the german shit flag

>Denmark has more in common with the us in the north than you in the south.
Denmark is above 90% white, so it has little if anything in common with you.

Also, look at the Danish and German attitude to immigration compared to Sweden.

>implying Germany isn't using it's influence over the currency of the EU to establish a power base
>implying that Germany needs to create a "Germanic Union" when they already have a European one
>implying they haven't been using the union to siphon cash from incompetent leaders from other countries
>implying that Germany can't take more from those retards
>implying the reich needs to go back to old school tactics

Yet we voted for Macron somehow.
Social conditioning vs muh fascist FN really took over.
I can only hope politics finally understand they've got nothing to gain by being pro-immigration, and a random candidate against them will ultimately win.

Honestly I think Germany should be broken up and divided between its bordering neighbors, it's people have always fucked Europe over, dating back to the invasions of the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire not joining the crusades when every other sent at least some minor nobles and peasants, Protestants causing the 30 years war and fucking Europe up in death tolls and religious unity, mobilizing during ww1 when they had diplomatically the power to de escalate the situation, and ww2 where they caused the deaths of millions of whites and gave power to the jews and communists after losing the war, and now with the EU. Germans should run companies, not governments.

>Denmark is above 90% white, so it has little if anything in common with you

Germany isn't so much better.
Denmark has always been with Norway and Sweden.
Fuck you Hans.
Stop trying to create some fucking multiculturalism union

Your nation is a half breed of German & Norwegian. Especially linguistically for the latter, your nation literally speaks value brand Norwegian. You should be taken by either Norway or Germany.

So basically... East Germany and West Germany with the Berlin Wall

What about Alsace-Lorraine? That went well for you last time.

You cannot even have a military let alone a northern fleet. Kekk.

> But Poland and Czechoslovakia are sort of German, they were mostly included historically in terms of Holy Roman Empire purposes.

If we're talking about historical empires then everything from Brittany to Poland is rightful French clay.

More like norway is halfbreed of sweden and denmark

Boner alert.
Do it

This is the only Union that Germany can have
eventually add Sweden here

Rare bantz

Hey, Finland.

Why is Denmark included?

How's Mongolia this time of the year?

Germany still has the largest economy and population in Europe.

Fuck off Hans. Germany is the same and Denmark is a Scandinavian country. Stop trying to rule over everyone.

We're full, that's all I can tell you

>Why is Denmark included?
It is ours.

I've heard you're having problems with the chinks... my condolences.

Fuck off merkel

>not including the Flemish lands
Fick dein mütter Arschloch

In average Germans are half-witted puppets who descend into barbarism and nigger-tier degeneracy every time their sweet rules are not there. Germans need to be used only as slave labor and controlled remotely by Jews or Slavs.

holy fucking cuck, i hope this is bait or genuinely feel sorry for you.

>no flanders
>czechoslovakia and poland included

Don't mind the Turk. Unfortunately we have to put up with them here. Turks hate Germany and still live here.

I am slav and these puppets can afford their precious benefits only due to my taxes. Germany is only alive due to American, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Jewish migrants and money. All Germans who I know are low energy plebs driving diesel station wagons.

fuck off


Germans are only like that because of Jews, Americans, Russians, and the British. We destroyed the last truly good people in Europe.

>germans are literally swedes that moved south
>doesnt include Sweden

BTW migrants come to Germany because you are naive and limited. Earning money and fucking your chicks is easier than in Russia. Your people are not competitive and just can't stop losing.

Can we just trade and be friends without making gay unions between countries whose populations can barely understand each other? Fuck off

Amerifat education. You do know that Norway was colonized by Denmark for bout 300 years or so? No you don't, you're a stupid american.


Germans were shit tier puppets before as well. Their nation is hilariously easy to bait and manipulate into a losing war. It's hilarious to see their smug and dignified faces when they are servicing someone's political game at the expense of their own families and culture.

Yeah, but with like 300 germanies

Danish? Wtf. I am danish, and i'd rather have a scandinavian union.

Nah, thanks mate. We're fine with our mate belgium. You can take Amsterdam tho

Otto von Bismark back from the dead

Alright, fine, if we say your Germanic will you stop.

>The Swiss really don't want to be in Germany mate

No, German will be a resort for Imperial citizens

burgers don't have any sense of history. Norwegians are lower castes Danes

What do you need it for? Germany should have been split into 28 kingdoms, that would both reverse your social democrat politics (-> no Hitler, at least) and ease the pressure of Europe.

No socialist wanted to split Germany! This was only proposed by a couple of conservative groups that later collaborated with Nazi Germany.

i'm not germanic. I just like germanic culture and and am dumping germanic myth images for raising germanic peoples cultural awareness.

Everything after Kalmar-unionen is degeneracy!



we can't, ww2 agreements forbid austria from ever joining up with us (without consent from the league of nations/un)

After ww2, Germany should have been dissolved, absorbed by neighboring countries and forgotten.

fuck off

I'd rather die than become German

>we can't, ww2 agreements forbid austria from ever joining up with us (without consent from the league of nations/un)

Those were ww1 agreements. Not sure, they might have been broken without any consequences already at some point.


Why? You are basically the same.

Flemish/Dutch is older than German...

KYS achmed