> The National Socialist German Workers' Party
> Socialist
> Workers' Party
So, if you like Hitler you are a leftist. Period.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party
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Fuck off kike-dick sucker, neoliberal globalist capitalism is the same Jewish cancer as neo-Marxist globalist communism. You fags gladly sell your blood, soil and heritage for a few shekels and access to cheap niggertech, you're subhumans.
>I understand literally nothing about National Socialism, the post
Do you know why the NatSocs were named that?
Do you know anything about the Strasser Brothers?
Do you know about the Night of the Long Knives?
>implying modern leftists have something common with work
Well said
>(((The left/right dichotomy)))
NatSoc born in the Konservative Revolution, it was a German national conservative movement, prominent in the years following the First World War. It was a right movement combining conservativism and nationalism
That's retarded, you can't just change fundamental concepts and definitions how you want, socialism is the transitional state from capitalism to communism and entails the abolition of private property and the eventual emergence of a communist workers' world/"state".
Socialist = leftist. Got it.
Fun fact:
Leftists breathe air. So everyone who breathes is a leftist! Kill yourself if you are not.
You're telling Hitler what he can or cannot do?
Left Ideals: Environmentalist, Protectionist, Socialist,
Right Ideals: Nationalist, Conservative, Reactionary
Fascism transcends left-right politics because it concerns itself with bringing about national renaissance, and conserving a healthy country and people. It borrows from both the left and right to do this.
The left/right spectrum is outdated. The right used to represent monarchies exclusively.
>Doesn't have communal ownership
>Allows enterprise smaller than corporations
>Sexist (so far as it recognizes the different natural roles and abilities of men and women)
Economically, natsoc is a mix of socialist and capitalist policy. Socially they are usually traditionalist(right wing), but also collectivist (left wing). Their ideology believes in natural order and improving genetics (right wing) patriotic nationalism(also seen in communist countries but not in line with the ideas of Marx). Natsoc is a mix of right and left. Right and left is a 2d pleb way of looking at ideology anyway .
>I'm a burger in 2017 and I know more about 1930s German political terminology than Adolf Hitler.
Get fucked burgerboy
Hitler was a Socialist in terms of supporting worker's unions, socialized healthcare and welfare, nationalization of essential industry for the nation, etc. He believed in private property, private enterprise, etc.
Communism with a local theme isn't exactly the middle, it's communism.
Capitalism and Communism are kike inventions to deracinate the goyim.
Nazis are commies
> Hitler supported workers' unions
HAHAHA, have you read Mein Kampf? Do you know about the Deutsche Arbeitsfront and what the Nazis did in power?
> Socialism has anything to do with allowing private property
> Hitler knew more about socialism than the Strassers
lol, Hitler wasn't a socialist, get over it.
stop the cognitive dissonance. it's giving me aids
Yet they literally purged the commies from their party in 1934
You know it's only cognitive dissonance if only one person holds two opposing ideas, right?
/ N A Z B O L /
Well comunisim had a goal to spread wealth equally but nazism and socialism mean to spread the wealth equally among one race abs exterminate the others
pics or it didn't happen
soviet doctored photos don't count :^)
And not abs I hate fucking autocorrect
The extermination never succeeded it always ended in the regime collapsing or being invaded
>You fags gladly sell your blood, soil and heritage for a few shekels
Says the Yank, who is a European mongrel and whos ancestors left their homeland.
Your blood is mixed compared to native Europeans, who have lived in the same region for thousands of years.
Hitler despised white Americans he didnt view them as ethnically pure. He mocked Churchill as he had an American mother and said he want a pure Briton
You Yanks are delusional
It's called unlawful competition.
Kek so this is the new angle? No wonder you are losing
Nat Soc is still capitalist, more importantly it is absolute free market. It you have a massive business you must pay higher taxes, this way the smaller businesses that deal with the same or similar products are not squeezed out. Thailand actually has the nearest to Nat Socialism currently. If you look at how the economy is set up here you'll see big Nat Soc ideals at work. You are not allowed to speculate with the Thai Baht, you can speculate any other currency you want here, but if you touch the Baht you're fucked. All imports are hit with a massive 60% import duty on retail price. Yup, retail price! This protects jobs in Thailand. Property speculation is illegal. If you are caught buying up properties and not letting them or living in them all those properties will be confiscated by the state and sold off cheap. Thailand has the lowest unemployment figures for a country with 50+ million population (Thailand is close to 70 million) which is currently 0.3% - yup, zero point 3 percent. It has a gvt health service and a strong private health service. It does pay small pensions and small amounts to people who are unemployed or desperate, but it prides itself on work. Yes there is poverty here still, but it's shrinking all the time. The vast majority of people you'll see begging are not Thai, most are from Laos, Vietnam, Burma or Cambodia. It's difficult to tell them apart but honestly most are not Thai. Similarly, prostitution is mostly taken up by foreign workers, a lot will say they are Thai but the reality is they too hail from those aforementioned countries. The only place real Thai whores tend to come from is Isaan (NE Thailand).
The areas it fails in is huge low level corruption. Police can be bribed, local officials can be bribed etc. If they could stamp out this corruption and liberalise their laws it'd be brilliant. Saying that, if you kill your wife, you can pay about 60,000 US dollars they'll say it was suicide, so there's that.
genius burger
This is not what i would call absolute free market...
The majority of deaths from comunisim were caused by Romania China independent Ukraine and North Korea
>capitalism is the same Jewish cancer as neo-Marxist globalist communism
I thought the American Education thing was a meme. I guess I was wrong.
>t. economic policies are the only thing relevant for determining if someone is left or right
>economy is everything
Nordic social democrat economy is actually copy from Nazi system.
All that stormfags want is racist nanny state.
If you don't extend your socialism past your ingroup you aren't a leftist.
>talks about blood mixing
wew lad, you don't even speak your own language
>>economy is everything
Culture is everything.
Don't you have a massive child sex market in Thailand?
Bullseye! LOL. Kid had a sense of humour. Shame his parents had him murdered.
>So, if you like Hitler you are a leftist. Period.
yupp, lefties hate the poor and free speech, Antifa and other left wing radicals use violence to force people into submission and they sympathise with criminals.
he purged unions....
Didn't the Goebbels family commit suicide before Hitler?
If you use this meme, you're a pleb from leddit or a retard.
Oy vey. Remember muh 6 million goys.
Fuck off rabbi
meh at least those natsoc atists are better then commies and leftists.
The only diferance between Liberterians of Sup Forums and nat socs on Sup Forums is that we disagree on economic spectroum, but when it comes to social isues like imigration race ETC we agfree, so they are allright.
That's not true.
(((Reliable Sources))) say Goebbels gave information on the radio after Hitler '""""""died""""""""
No. Uncle Adi killed himself at about 3.30pm (after killing his 4 year old dog, Blondi—his dog-handler later shot to death Blondi’s five puppies). Magda and Joseph ordered a doctor, Ludwig Stumpfegger, to poison their children at about 7.30pm, while they topped themselves in the Reich Chancellery garden.
>Doesn't have communal ownership
It's in their 12 point political agenda, to seize any land they want for the "commons"
>Allows enterprise smaller than corporations
It's in their 12 point program, ALL heavy industry is subject to paying part of their income to the party
Well, it is biological racism after all, but not very national in the history of the country
>Sexist (so far as it recognizes the different natural roles and abilities of men and women)
Congratualtions, they've discovered that men are men and women are women, I better go full nazi then, I'm sold
>Uncle Adi killed himself at about 3.30pm
He did?
just don't call yourself anarchists, and limit the "freedom" rethoric to "freedom within bounds of your ethnisity"
then you will be telling the truth atleast
>So, if you like Hitler you are a leftist. Period.
Most based leftists to ever stretch march the planet tho.
Not my thing, can't abide socialism. But if I were to live with one particular flavor. NatSoc would be it, at least it has some understanding that it's system can not survive unless the parasite problem is firmly dealt with.
You’re in a universe all of your own, Jerrybag, so you’re going to believe what you want irrespective of reality. What we do know is that your Nazis were royally fucked by the Allies. Your ‘Tausendjähriges Reich’ lasted 12 years. 12! DO IT AGAIN, BOMBER HARRIS.
>You’re in a universe all of your own, Jerrybag
Aren't we all, Bongistan?
>South Africa
Fucking newfag
>brit bong
>from the biggest capitalist pig country in the world
>supports commies
He even mentioned "Bomber Harris" alongside a fucking commie image. What a kike.
>in the week that has seen more South Africa Generals than any week on Sup Forums ever
This is not t_d man. Lurk more.
The most prescious thing in this world is your own people.
‘Which of these men was the “war monger”?’ I’m guessing the guy who invaded Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Russia, North Africa, joined in Italy’s invasion of Greece, and declared war on the U.S. (Did I miss anyone? Wouldn’t surprise me if I missed a country, spastic Jerry twats invading everything in sight.) And Britain didn’t attack immediately, we were decent enough to give the Germs an ultimatum: ‘Leave Poland and we’ll say no more about it.’ They sowed the wind, and they reaped the whirlwind. Now you Jerrybags and Hitlerfags endlessly, ENDLESSLY, cry about it like the worst kind of entitled nigger. We dindu nuffin, we wuz good goys, we wuz jes gettin our Reich tugethah. FFS.
LITERALLY /ourstasi/
>Antifa in a MAGA hat
Just like the real World War II
You can thank those (((business representatives and advisors)))
>when you have to complain about "le evil nazees" because Ahmed didn't fuck your wife today
xHere the discord
Hitler started it, we finished it. Here’s some fap material for you, Yank: go fap yourself blind over the corpses of American soldiers murdered by your precious SS.
>It's in their 12 point political agenda, to seize any land they want for the "commons"
So was Britain socialist at the time? They seized a whole village for the military during WW2 and still own it.
>ALL heavy industry is subject to paying part of their income to the party
Heavy industry is not below the level of a corporation
>Congratualtions, they've discovered that men are men and women are women, I better go full nazi then, I'm sold
I wasn't trying to make a case for nazism I was trying to distinguish it from the "left" which denies difference between men and women.
See post You Naziboos are far bigger fans of Islam than the rest of us.
>the guy who invaded Austria
Re-unification by plebiscite. Try again, leddit pleb.
>inb4 muh votes were rigged!
>inb4 muh Goering bullied the Austrian prime minister
The rest of your claims are similarly "fake news" propaganda tropes. Lurk moar pleb.
I think you meant
>the corpses of Americans soldiers that were lied to by the government and then killed by soldiers that were defending their country.
There is a difference between "accepting cultures" and "killing your own culture".
Also we are called "Wehraboos".
Get it right next time, you bigot.
> accepting cultures
If they share the same VALUES
Reminder that anybody who didn't sage this post is either a retard or a newfag.
Ancap andy thread!
Think again, faggot.
Who's angle you sideways potato? Who's loosing? Spit out the anti pasta and be coherent.
Are you talking about regular leftist socialists? Because they have, from the very beginning been meme'ing NatSoc as an evil right wing ideology and will continue to do so in order to distance themselves from the few bits of NatSoc that actually makes sense.
Or is it the alt-right loosing for trying to squat in the leftist camp by claiming that NatSoc belongs with them. Not that would be funny, useless but highly entertaining.
Islam shares a lot of values similar with Nation Socialism.
>hating jews
>hating degeneracy
>men should have more rights than women
>fighting until death for your beliefs
It's a shame how muslims are such savages today.
If they were more civilised they would be perfect allies.