Let's honor our fallen, in the first Great Meme War, by sharing our favorite memes from the War, or an explanation of your favorite board, comment, or moment, from the Great War.
Not just from the right either. I want to see ALL veterans of the GMW, honoring their fallen, especially the vanquished Cuckistani, who suffered such a massive loss of life.
Other urls found in this thread:
>haha pro PRAISE KEK haha LIBKEKS BTFO did you see that BASED BLACK MAN in the MAGA hat? wtf i love civic nationalism now! We have to stop those ebil cucks! They are trying to bring islam and ethnic food! White genocide! Did you see the new sargon of akkad video? Haha he showed those KEKS. I cant believe how those democrats are the REAL racists! haha that other dude had an opinion? just call him a shill haha shareblue cuck .02 coins have been deposited in your account. Also assad has gotta go israel is our greatest ally. MAGA
please kill yourself and go back to r/the donald. All of nupol needs to die
fuck off nazi larper shill, you're not fooling anyone anymore
>he actually just assumed and called me a nazi
so how is antifa going for you fag lover?
how stupid do you think we are? look at the picture you posted shill, its obvious you worship the fucking nazis
fuck off
lmao no its just making fun of nu pol
Im not even white LOL
glory to hezbollah
>nu pol
only shills say that, wow you're one of the dumbest shills ive seen, are you a fresh shariablue recruit?
haha build the wall god emperor xD
pissed himself...
>I'm not even white
that explains everything, fuck off nigger
shills don't speak for Sup Forums
we are both slavs you fucking ape
Triggered into fucking space desu
>he frog posts in current year
must have been tragic losing your containment board on reddit
>kek posting is bad
yeah i'm sure leftist shills like you hate it, too bad
I'm gonna post some actually interesting shit, and hopefully you guys will hop off Trump's dick somewhere during the time this thread is active.
So basically what you are saying, is that everyone who does not conform to your idea, of what the cool kids should be saying/doing, should fuck themselves?
You conformist POS poser.What a damn joke.
...And yet you dare accuse others, of just going along with the crowd?
The doublethink is STRONG with this one.
>he still thinks im a leftist for not sucking trumps cryptokike cock and not enjoying shitty reddit memes
haha pro PRAISE KEK u btfo that LIBTARD +1 upboat
of course you're a shill, oh and btw we'll never stop winning so you can fuck off now
stay triggered sweetie
>Trump keeps literally zero of his campaign promises
>fags on Sup Forums still pretend like he's great
How is Sup Forums any different from the rest of the Republican Party exactly?
Oh no, one of the cool kids, is upset with me. Whatever will I do?
You are the opposite side, of the SJW coin.
Conform to whatever you think your in-crowd is doing.
Go fuck yourself.
And I am glad I could be your source of triggering today. If there is anything I can do, to make your next triggering more enjoyable, please let me know.
He's kept pretty much all of his promises you retard.
He keeps promises like the US goverment does.
>no wall
>no deportations
>keeping DACA
>fucked up health care
>Jews all up in his shit
which promises did he keep again?
>no wall
He's started construction already.
>no deportations
He's deported lots of people, like 20k
>keeping DACA
DACA isn't a problem and never was, criminal illegals are the problem
>fucked up health care
He fixed the healthcare dipshit
>da joos
fuck off nazi larper shill
>criminal illegals are the problem
oh Jesus. Reddit in da house.
Hi shariablue!
>a strong Israel that ruins every middle eastern country and causes humanitarian crisis is good
This one posted directly after she publicly said it was ridiculous that Trump said she was playing the woman card and news stations actually ran with it. The bit at the end is BTFOing her constant statement at the time attacking Trump for trump's MAGA saying she thinks America is already great, which she conveniently stopped saying afterwards
This remake came out the next day
Israel is literally the only beacon of democracy in the middle east, only leftists shills think israel is a problem. It's the solution.
>democracy is always good meme
Agreed. However, I support Israel, AND Palestine.
That sometimes blows peoples' minds, but at this point, it is the only solution I see possible.
We ALL need to support SOVEREIGNTY, for that is what is truly under attack EVERYWHERE.
It is simple too, easy to convey. SUPPORT SOVEREIGNTY, AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH, even for retarded Nazis.
>He's started construction already
No he hasn't. Congress didn't approve the funding.
>He fixed the healthcare
by pushing the problem off the States. So your healthcare is partially determined off of where in the US you live in. That seems pretty fucked to me desu
>if you don't want BASED black men to have sex with your daughter you must be a democrat!
>SHILLSHILL .02 $ not shekels I love Israel have been deposited in your account
fuck off shill
Seems like you haven't noticed that Sup Forums has been compromised almost completely.
>TFW we will never achieve something like hwndu and the isis base bombing because of these useless Reddit fucks
What have you won since being elected. Obamacare hasn't been repealed, he bombed Syria, has been extremely open about supporting Israel has been trying to provoke conflict in Israel. Even Obama wasn't this much of a war monger.
Huh?? He's a strong president and is using the strength of our military to protect us unlike Obama. That's what we voted for, but you wouldn't know that because you voted for Hillary and weakness.
Compromised how?
By people who do not agree with everything you, and those you agree with, say/do?
Again, people like you, are the opposite side, of the SJW coin. Or ACTUAL SJW's.
How do you assholes even do that?
Hate SJW's, while doing ALL THE SAME THINGS?
Many of you, have allowed yourselves to become what you profess to hate. And really, wtf could be dumber than that?
I just love how neo-Nazis, and Democrats, are SLOOOOOWLY figuring out they are on the same stupid side.
I have even seen them defending each other, before they figure out what is going on....FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Nazis, ARE SJW's.
Just as Nazis, blamed Jewry, for all their ills, SJW's now blame whites, for everyone's failures.
Had there been social media, in Nazi Germany, know what the number 1 hashtag woulda been? #AryanLivesMatter
Number 2? #NotAllNazis
Hitler was a murderous moron, just like his Communist counterparts; opposite sides of the same retarded, racist, bigoted coin.
Just like Black Lives Matter, is the opposite side of the KKK coin. Leftists seem to believe they're different than Nazis, simply because their racism is aimed at a different target.
Germans blamed their failures, on the more successful Jews...just like in America, everything is now white peoples' fault. What is the difference between the two? Nothing really. Just the color of their scapegoat is different.
Like I am fond of saying, had there been social media in Nazi Germany, the #1 trending hashtag, would have been: #AryanLivesMatter
Hitler either got tricked into working for the same people who invented Communism, or he knew he worked for the same evil bastards (leftist AMERICANS). I don't see how he COULDN'T have known.
You morons who still follow Nazism, are even STUPIDER than the Nazis, EVER were, because all this info is OUT THERE now.
Since the advent of the internet, there is NO LONGER AN EXCUSE FOR IGNORANCE.
There are even leaked letters, shared between the pre-Israeli government, and Nazi Germany, sharing ideological, and practical goals, that were commensurate with each other.
These letters essentially admit, there was cooperation, between the pre-Israel government, and Nazi Germany. Their goal? Scare the shit out of Jews, that they are forced to flee to Palestine, to help with the birth of Israel.
This is NOT anti-Semitic either. Telling the truth about the history of Israel, and the fact that Jews, were ALSO tricked, murdered, raped, and manipulated by their OWN leaders, is the OPPOSITE of anti-Semitic.You motherfuckers who would rather ignore the fact that the Jewish people, are being controlled by the same evil bastards...YOU ARE THE ANTI-SEMITICS. It was always you, and it will ALWAYS be you.
Excerpts from a leaked letter sent from the pre-Israeli government terrorists in Palestine, sent to Nazi Germany, showing deference, sharing an ideological racism, and making plans to 'coerce' European Jews, into relocating to Palestine. Interesting plans too...because they all came true...
In their speeches and statements, the leading statesmen of National
Socialist Germany have often emphasized that a New Order
in Europe requires as a prerequisite a radical solution of the Jewish
question by evacuation. ("Jew-free Europe")
The evacuation of the Jewish masses from Europe is a precondition
for solving the Jewish question. However, the only way this
can be totally achieved is through settlement of these masses in
the homeland of the Jewish people, Palestine, and by the establishment
of a Jewish state in its historical boundaries.
The goal of the political activity and the years of struggle by the
Israel Freedom Movement, the National Military Organization in
Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi), is to solve the Jewish problem in this
way and thus completely liberate the Jewish people forever.
The NMO, which is very familiar with the good will of the German
Reich government and its officials towards Zionist activities within
Germany and the Zionist emigration program, takes that view that:
1. Common interests can exist between a European New Order
based on the German concept and the true national aspirations of
the Jewish people as embodied by the NMO.
2. Cooperation is possible between the New Germany and a renewed,
folkish-national Jewry.
Part 2 of NAzi letter
3. The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national
and totalitarian basis, and bound by treaty with the German Reich,
would be in the interest of maintaining and strengthening the future
German position of power in the Near East.
On the basis of these considerations, and upon the condition that
the German Reich government recognize the national aspirations
of the Israel Freedom Movement mentioned above, the NMO in
Palestine offers to actively take part in the war on the side of Germany.
This offer by the NMO could include military, political and informational
activity within Palestine and, after certain organizational
measures, outside as well…
The indirect participation of the Israel Freedom Movement in the
New Order of Europe, already in the preparatory stage, combined with a positive-radical solution of the European Jewish problem on the basis of the national aspirations of the Jewish people mentioned above, would greatly strengthen the moral foundation of the New Order in the eyes of all humanity.
The cooperation of the Israel Freedom Movement would also be
consistent with a recent speech by the German Reich Chancellor,
in which Hitler stressed that he would utilize any combination and coalition in order to isolate and defeat England.
Fuck you. You faggots have ruined Sup Forums. If you hate nazis then why the fuck do you come here?
The idea that somehow the Nazi holocaust was unique, in history, and deserves special attention, is RIDICULOUS.
What about all the MILLIONS of white Christians, thrown into gulags, and starved to death, raped, and murdered, by the officially atheist USSR? And this is just ONE example.
Why are 'Jewish' corpses, more noteworthy than white Christians? Can someone explain that to me?
In fact, it was COMMUNISM, that Hitler REALLY had a problem with. He was convinced Communism was the true threat to the world.
Hitlers' war on Jews, was a result of the JEWISH BOLSHEVIK, war on all religions...even their own.
Something like 85% of the leadership in the original USSR, was JEWISH. They attained power, by saying that minorities/women were being oppressed by the white male patriarchy. Lawls...sound familiar?
None of this should be taken to mean I'm a Hitler fan, only that I am interested in the truth, and fairness.
Additionally, as I like to remind people, Communism, and Nazism, were NOT European inventions.
Communism, AND Nazism, was funded/created by leftists in AMERICA. I don't know why that is so hard for people to remember.
Just like ISIS...I am just saying.
Stupid shills don't now Kek is solely a Sup Forums meme.
>THE.... is strong with this one
You are the fucking conformist faggot. You redditors all you these little cute sayings and it makes it so easy to identify you. Please tell me why you come here, just to turn it into a shit hole of Mediocrity like where you came from?
Fuck you
Fuck off Cartman! Your mom's a dirty whore!
Never been on Reddit.
I have been saying all of these things, before there even WAS an internet, you fucking moron.
So if anyone is conforming, young 'un, who believes his generation is the wisest (they all do), you are all conforming to ME.
Do the words hurt you? Do you see how you are like the SJW's now? Do you need a Nazi safe space?
That is what you are asking for, isn't it?
A place safe from differing opinions?
How very Politically Incorrect of you...
You are a joke, who never comprehended the meaning of Sup Forums to begin with.
You have been wrong, but that is okay, we forgive you. Before you can move forward with the truth however, you will have to forgive yourselves, for being wrong first.
Do you always define truth-telling, as cute sayings?
T_d is dead
Your meme, is dead rong, btw.
I see THREE colors there, rather than just two.
Foolish mortal.
btw, I just came here for a good, politically incorrect time.
I invited everyone to join this board, that we might all enjoy a good laugh, at how silly we all got during 2016. I wasn't really looking for a a debate between ideologies.
Sadly, this is not possible, because to some of you morons, Politically Incorrect, ONLY means Nazism.
It's because Nazis are banned from all the other mainstream websites so they come here. Just ignore them
Go back to tardville and take the rest of the fucking cancer with you, faggot. You don't belong here.
Yeah, I know how that goes. I used to be one of them, so I know. That shit is not cool either. In my youth, I was more hardcore Nazi, than any of these pussies. Went to prison, I was representing so hard...I have Swastikas, and bolts, tatted all over my body.
I support their right to say whatever they like, but expecting everyone to conform to their BS, is exactly what they supposedly disliked about the general public to begin with...now they have become what they profess to hate.
I am disappointed in them, if anything.
Pretty pathetic, to allow yourself to BECOME, what you hate. ie; anti-Free Speech, and needing of safe spaces.
Your last sentence, is a direct quote from Trigglypuff, you know that right?
>Israel is the solution.
I wonder who could be behind this post
>shilling this hard
you have to go back