Take the green pill

The world would be better off without humans, we're literally destroying our own planet.
The least you can do is vote for a green party.

Take the green pill, user.

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>better off without humans
you should start by killing yourself

We should all start killing ourself, but since that isn't going to happen, you have to vote green.

I'll take one. Fuck humans. We should nuke ourselves and just leave animals and plants to enjoy the planet.

I hope a comet hits this fucking place soon and we have a nuclear winter and get wiped out choking on ashes and dust and rock.

Pray to a Yellowstone eruption, user.

Sure. We'll go back to being an animal planet that is nothing but pretty. Better kill all primates just in case. Don't want anything like humans evolving up again. Raccoons, too with their fucking thumbs.

Then the earth will be right again!

KYS suicidal faggot. The earth is for people who want to live on it. Not you.

Yellowstone eruption won't do anything. Shiat even Krakatoa wasn't enough. We need a real comet like maybe 25-50 miles wide to hit. It'd be good to hit in the pacific. 100 foot tall saves across every continent and we would be in the dark while trying to swim.

*100 foot tall waves I meant

You're making a mistake there, I'm not suicidal at all. I just think it would be better for our planet if humans didn't exist.

Krakatoa isn't comparable to yellow stone potential.

Really? I seriously didn't know that. Mt. St Helens blew up and didn't do jack shit. How does Yellowstone compare?

There's no such thing as "Better" if humans don't exist.

"The planet" is a fucking rock in space.

I took the Bogpill, one quick rundown was enough for me.

stop watching anime, it's brainwashing you

Fuck that line of thinking. Yeah, we've done a cracking job of fucking up the planet, so what? We leave it all polluted and shitty and die off?
Hell no. We've got one shot, and that's to take the entire planet firmly within our realm of control. Planetary engineering, solar shields, cloud seeding, de desertification.

Technology makes us what we are. Our only hope to continue thriving as a species is to stabilize our planet and society with tech.

Also, no niggers.

fpbp /thread

Humans bring destruction, chaos and hate. Why wouldn't the world be better off without us?


Hopefully by rock you mean a rectangular slab

It was made for us, don't let the jews distract you

The Sun will destroy the planet when it becomes a red giant, why do you care?

I take it almost every night.

A rock can't be better or worse. It's a rock. It just is.

You first.

maybe we would if you showed us how

You're fucking stupid. killing himself would solve nothing as all the rest of the humans would still be here fucking up the planet. If anything he should kill you faggot. He would have made a difference. Less trash thrown away, less food created to feed you. OP actually has some value on this planet, he's spreading the message that humans need to die off. Not enough of us are doing that. It's a slow movement but we're getting there. Go bury your head in the dirt.

Let see, vote for too many humans. No thanks

Ok poison ivy, take it easy there.

The sad part is... It's not 100% clear to me that this post is ironic.
I can't really tell.

Also, humans are the only one who can prevent this.

It's one of a kind, or at least so far we know. We haven't discovered any other planet that has life like ours.

The planet will be here long after we're gone, fucknut. Its not going anywhere, but we sure are!

killing all the other humans would accomplish shit
do you believe the Earth is an eternal paradise or some nonsense?

it will be sterilized by cosmic events no matter what you do m8 take that finger out of your butt it is not letting you think

Everything is one of a kind.

We've discovered lots of "earth-like" planets.
The unique thing about our planet is the existence of humans... and you want to destroy that.

Good job.

Does this pill consist of cyanide?

But why make it worse for the other species on this planet? We're the reason why thousands of them are now extinct, we cause pollition and destroy their home.

Humans arent the only life form, user. This planet has millions of other species that would do better without us.

mainly because *SHOCK* the Universe is extremely hostile to life!

you would need some sort of super-smart super-civilization to even make an attempt at protecting life from the Universe's hostile, but that kinda of life is even rarer

only happened ONCE in this planet


>Humans arent the only life form, user. This planet has millions of other species that would do better without us.

So what? There will be millions more to come. And millions after that. Who cares?

Yup. When the nuclear bombs went off on Hiroshima and Nagasaki they counted humans. Think of how many insects, dogs, cats and other shit died. More animals have died at our ignorance for no reason than people. We abuse our power.

We kill cows for meat then when it goes bad at the supermarket we toss it. What did that animal die for?. Animals don't do that shit. Animals kill to eat and that's it. There are humans that kill for fun, and all sorts of other stupid reasons.

>The world would be better off without humans, we're literally destroying our own planet.
Put down the pot brownie faggot.
Value doesn't exist without human perspective.
If there are no humans then there is no one to care whether or not the planet exists.

Humans ARE the Earth.


Show some initiative

You may as well as the Universe: "why are you so hostile to you?"

protip: all animals cause pollution and destroy other animal's lives one way or another

think yourself lucky that a tiger is not trying to have you for lunch right now

being alive means that you will eat other life and that you will produce by-products, that is all there is to it

> would do better without us.

in the short and middle term it may be so. long term they are as fucked as this planet is

but other millions of other species will also go extinct even before that

but then, may be you believe tribolites are still alive lol

That's called being an evolutionary success. We won the game. And us winning comes at their expense.

That's life. If you don't want to be a part of that game, kys because your survival depends on you taking resources from other life forms.

>You may ask well as the Universe: "why are you so hostile to life?"


The planet existed for millions years without the humans just fine.

Anthropocentrism is the reason why.

Maybe try thinking of differentiating between humans and animals the way you do.

Some societies live like savages, some like birds. Each with different effects on their people and their surroundings. Brought together, these societies can only survive in symbiosos with eachother or suppression. Some are incompatible. We call it politics.

Taking on a behavioural perspective on societies can clear things up sometimes.

The idea that all humans are equal is blunt.
The idea that men equal men more that they could equal an animal is blunt. It doesn't provide you with the tools needed to have insight into society. Quite the contrary. It obscures thought by indiscernability.

Realize just how different "humans" are and prepare to be called Nazi/Communist/Racist/Sexist for opposing systems that only strive to eradicate.

>>You may as well ask the Universe: "why are you so hostile to life?"
double fugg



You're useless self hasn't won shit faggot. What have you accomplished?. What did you do to play?.

You were born. That doesn't say shit about you. You have done absolutely nothing to stand out in the human race. You have the opportunity to become an expert at something and you haven't. History won't remember you and you haven't done shit.

If you think you are a winner in evolution than go out in the wilderness for a week and see where you end up. People who created houses and heaters and cars and shit you need to stay alive are the reason you're alive. You couldn't win if you played. That's the thing. We're the weakest species and faggots like you think the opposite.

>just fine.

are you retarded?

a meteor almost killed all vertebrates off the planet

never mind the permian extinction, probably the worst day ever on this planet

>protip: all animals cause pollution and destroy other animal's lives one way or another
Not on a wide scale like humans do. We're the only species that cause mass destruction and pollution.

How does this change the fact that our race is cancer? Do you see any other animal causing mass destruction and chaos?

you're right tbqh.

>tfw humanity will never walk hand in hand into oblivion

>Uralda the Cow Mother told her bulls it was okay that the tribe of Orlanth ate them, as it meant that they would raise the children of the cows with their own children, and wherever they spread so too would spread cows, and Uralda was right. - Some Leaf Shitposting

Why is the universe better with the earth than with humans? What value does the earth have if not fruits capable of exceeding its singular existence?

>Not on a wide scale like humans do. We're the only species that cause mass destruction and pollution.

confirmed for knowing shit about evolutionary history

one of the worst extinction events happened when microorganisms started to produce oxygen and waste

> Free oxygen is toxic to obligate anaerobic organisms, and the rising concentrations may have destroyed most such organisms at the time. Cyanobacteria were therefore responsible for one of the most significant extinction events in Earth's history. Besides marine cyanobacteria, there is also evidence of cyanobacteria on land.

protip: without that oxygen you would not be alive right now

But that's nature doing its work, it's a completely different thing.
And you're dwelling off the central point here; which is that humans are the cancer on this planet and it would be better off without us.

Who give a shit about Earth ?
The only reason we should care about Earth is because we haven't find a way to get off this planet yet.

>You were born. That doesn't say shit about you

It says my genes were passed to me by my parents. That's what evolution is all about.

You can't even follow a simple conversation.

>How does this change the fact that our race is cancer? Do you see any other animal causing mass destruction and chaos?
This is emotional nonsense. There's no mass destruction. There's mass creation. Our creations come at the expense of the resources of others. Like I said, this is the game of life. If you continue to exist, you are complicit in that. It doesn't matter what you claim to believe; If you don't take action in destroying yourself, you're complicit in the cancer.

>humans are separate from nature
>people actually unironically think this
wew lad

that's not the green pill newfag

It's natural to strip mine this planet to make spaceship to conquer other planet.
It's what God intended.

It would not be better off

It would be as doomed as it is right now, with or without us

You are literally complaining about someone messing up with a building that is going to be demolished next month

>Think of how many insects, dogs, cats and other shit died. More animals have died at our ignorance for no reason than people.
And we should care?

>What did that animal die for?
To feed us.

>Animals don't do that shit.
Wrong. Much of a carcass is either eaten by scavengers or rots in the wild. If anything, humans are LESS wasteful of meat than nature.

> Animals kill to eat and that's it. There are humans that kill for fun,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... fuck man you've never seen orcas fucking with a seal then, or cats toying with mice, or any of dozens of other examples.


You care so much about the planet then you should kill yourself and your family first.

Yellowstone is extinction level. Comparable to an asteroid impact.

yeah, anything humans do is natural because we are part of nature.

>Animals don't do that shit. Animals kill to eat and that's it.

How sheltered are you that you haven't even owned a cat or a dog? Haven't read about dolphins or orca? Predators kill for fun all the time.

calm down
there are an infinite land snd resourses over antarctic ice
God loves us.

*we do not live in infinete universe
we live on infinite plane

>le edgy i know im inherently ebil meme
humans transcend the importance of time and space faggot. our destiny lies amongst the stars.

not to mention hippos
fuck hippos

>The planet existed for millions years without the humans just fine.
And it's living just fine WITH us.

>We're the only species that cause mass destruction and pollution.
Ignorance is no excuse to be stupid, you know.

>our race is cancer
>Do you see any other animal causing mass destruction and chaos?
All of them, that is how entropy works.

>nature doing its work, it's a completely different thing.
Again, ignorance is no excuse to be stupid.
Anything humans do, is a natural act. We are part of nature, it is part of us. When we manage to break the fundamental constants of physics, THEN we're acting against nature.

>And we should care?

If you're not a matter of "if you should". If you're a sorry sack of fucking shit then you don't care, if you're a good person then you do care.

>What did that animal die for?

Uhmm, if the piece of meat at the market is discarded because it goes out of date and nobody ate it then....it didn't feed anyone.

>humans are LESS wasteful of meat than nature.

uh-huh, yeah, and I guess you really just don't feel like counting how many restaurants need to throw shit out because people order more than they can eat.

>fuck man you've never seen orcas fucking with a seal then, or cats toying with mice, or any of dozens of other examples.

All right, this may be the only point you are correct about. I do believe some animals fuck with things but I'll tell you what, If you think they commit genocide and have created concentration camps then you're fucking retarded, otherwise my point as always is that humans are MUCH more fucked up.

Take the purple pill instead, which is that humans aren't creatures of Earth, we're the aliens on this planet.

>Our skeletal structure is not designed for Earth's gravity levels, hence why humans have had bad backs since forever, rather than some believing it is a recent problem due.

>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can. We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.

>Our intelligence capability is far beyond the potential of any other animal on Earth who evolved in the same environment as us. Even our supposed genetic cousins, the apes, have never came close to showing signs of even Stone Age tool advancements, nevermind agriculture or civilization.

>Animals use violence for hunting, asserting the position among their pack, to attract a mate, or protecting themselves from predators. Humans have used violence for much different reasons and on mass scales like the World Wars for things that aren't natural, such as ethnic cleansing. Boxing is one of the biggest money makers in the world of sports, as well as cage fighting such as the UFC. This sort of behaviour is not observed in other animals.

Knew you guys were based AF.

>>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can.
> We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.

u wut m8

> What are niggers?
> What is melanin adaptation to higher latitudes?

>If you think they commit genocide and have created concentration camps then you're fucking retarded,

That's rich coming from the guy who wants to genocide humanity..

Weren't the nazis doing a service to the earth by genociding the jews?

The planet is worthless without humans.

>Think of how many insects, dogs, cats and other shit were born because of us

>More animals have been born at our will for no reason than animals

>We use our power

If this is a bait thread, good job OP.
Some high tier bait.

>if you're a good person then you do care.
W00t! I get to be evil! Dibs on being an Overlord over dumb fucks like you.

>it didn't feed anyone.
Tell that to the bacteria. You ARE aware that they're the most successful organisms on the planet, right?

>restaurants need to throw shit out because people order more than they can eat.
uh-huh, yeah, and I guess you really just don't feel like counting how many dead animals simply rot in nature.

> If you think they commit genocide
For $500, what is "extinction through predation", Alex?

> humans are MUCH more fucked up
You keep telling yourself that... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loa_loa_filariasis

I miss the old days lol

>we're literally destroying our own planet

who's to say that's a bad thing at all. what if it's the natural process of intergalactic civilizations to motivate space travel. but why does this planet have any more right to exist than any of the countless other planets that ever existed? is it because we're on it? then if we're that special we should be able to decide to use it how we want.

We're the only thing that gives any context to this world, and as far as we're aware, reality itself.
It's all just a machine running down a program, with only us to observe it.
Maybe there's other observers out there, I'd like to assume so, but we can't with any degree of certainty.

You're a pacifist in high school aren't you? When was the last time you had a girlfriend

Without humans there would be no concept of 'better'.

I'm married faggot. In High school I didn't care as much as I do now. I've been enlightened since then.

Species live,thrive, multiply and inevitably go extinct whether that be on the long or short term by our hands or mother nature itself.
It's just a part of life itself you know? If humanity is that stupid as a collective to destroy itself by destroying the ecosystem in its entirety (something I highly doubt we are capable of to do so in the first place), than we deserve to go extinct ourselves.
And if by an odd chance we get hit by a meteorite, well who would be left to give a fuck about it? It all doesn't really matter.

Why are Americans so insecure about things like girlfriends?

if humans didn't exist then why should we care about anything? our survival is all that matters

No doubt, but we're all human so...

Because their women would rather date an athletic negro than some fat, white burger of course.
And can you blame them!?!

bro you're 12 years old and getting your ass laughed at by grown ups who actually lived in the world you're pretending to talk about

Hey it's a floating hook

When a guy gets a girl who he cares about for the first time it tends to dig down into a deep protective instinct that changes the entire brain of the guy

I've kinda taken it, i think we need to kill 97%. Of all Indians, half of the chinese and just stop bailing out Africa.

would all breed with eachother, men women, all colurs and ethnicities, and we need to it soon, we must get off this planet and find a new place, where we can all sit around eating quality streets in peace, KEKE BE PRAISED!