AnCap Natsoc Alliance General /ANAG/

>We won the election for President Trump with our hard work and spreading of memes.
>We found out about the Clinton crime family’s connections to the assistant FBI director.
>We figured out pizzagate.
That’s only the surface of what Sup Forums has done in the past year.
Today, all I see is division. Not only shills, but constant shitposting in /lrg/ and /nsg/. If we had been spreading MUH ROADS and MUH HOLOCAUST for the election, we would be saying Madam President. I saw a 1 line shitpost in the last /nsg/ thread garner 15 replies. The last /lrg/ thread had a shitpost garnering 20 replies.
Shitposting is great fun, but western civilization is on the ropes.
AnCaps, the left is labeling you as fascists and part of the “evil empire.” You are not safe from the commies.
NatSocs, every shitpost you make gets another minute closer to Mein Kampf being burned.
AnCaps and NatSocs do not have much in common, but we have a common enemy. That enemy is Antifa and Communism as a whole.
>What we can fight against together:
>1. Feminism
>2. Mass Immigration/Islamic invasion of Europe
>3. Communism
>4. Any and all leftist scum invading our movements
>5. Antifa

me on the left

me on the reich

Libertarians like immigration though. Free movement of people is open boarders.

The next step is allying muslims to exterminate feminism, Amirite?

Fine by me.

>le gay snake maymay
you are all an embarassment, who only care about posting memes but get served hard in public, kek


Me on the middle.

This is the world you want to make reality, lads.

r8 this map

Why would AnCaps be against free movement of people?

They wouldn't, Sup Forums just wants to be nazi without the social stigma, so they redefine ideologies.

Yes please


Congratulations for the most retarded post on Sup Forums today.

>move government doing more

seems like a natural alliance to me

nah mate that's kiked subversion





>Latin America
>Not Socialist hellhole

It's a pipedream....

Anarchist and authoritarian alliance, huh?

But they'd be free to buy property and move into the country that way.

>Arabs, blacks and communists = people

why werent the poos rightfully marched to their deaths?


nah m8, by freedom we mean the freedom to close our [private] borders. Discrimination will be the norm in our property, and degenerates will not be given entry. Trespassers will be physically removed

So no actual retort to what I said then?

And what are you going to do with those who become degenerates over time?
Because the only way to stop it from happening is to live under authoritarian rule.

A covenant society bars unwanted people from entering your society. There is no national state borders in the sense that the state cannot own that land, but private property rights encourage the removal of human trash from your property and community.

I have said this many times before, ancaps take the left, natsocs take the right,

Yeah, so you'd have the ability to remove them from where you live, in a tiny locality, but they'd gain access to the country by people who's views on letting them in differ from yours. Is this some weird meta plot to allow mass immigration?


India should be private property desu.
I don't think the indian vermin should have human rights, there's way too fucking many of them

I'm in


who says we would even sell them property?

you cannot buy what isn't for sale. Only non-degenerates will be given offers and economics opportunity

There is great incentive not to be a degenerate, employment being a great example as discriminatory policies make degenerate hiring difficult. but if they choose to continue acting against their interest then we continue making it harder and harder for them to sustain themselves. Restrictions, ostracization, and penalties leads them to self-filter from suicide or self-imposed starvation.

Why waste a bullet when they will purchase it themselves with their own money? in extreme cases, physical removal via helicopter ride is always an option.

Drop ypur best yelow pepe memes.

I'm not saying you would, even though I doubt you own any property anyone would care to buy. I'm saying others within your country would. So your political philosophy would allow for a mass flood of immigrants because you'd be handing the degenerates in your own society that power.

ancapistan is not a nation in the traditional sense but a collection of thousands of independent and competing communities each with their own legal and ethical codes. Due to the nature of this, beneficial structures such as the church and family are encouraged, as after all, how could any leftist culture compete in a free market with such a structure? They could not.

Authoritarianism is a false solution, where the very nature of the state and it's removal of property rights encourages degeneration - for when the law is immoral, people are faced with the choice to either disobey it or comply to false morals - an impossible choice for any moral citizen. Furthermore, the rise of the welfare state and any form of wealth redistribution has been the cause of the decay or the traditional family: with it, no longer are people dependant on their family or community for a 'safety net'.

Seems really convincing, schlomo.


>ayn rand
>not shit


You don't get it do you?
A society with ANY freedom combined with employment, and the means to aquire goods will lead to degeneration over time.

And (((an)))cap is completely incomatible with any sort of authoritarianism, and that includes NatSoc.

the beauty of it is that localities will merge and share policies, meaning conservative and anti-immigration covenants stick together. Initially a few liberal covenants may exist, but with no greater tax base to sustain welfare and leftist policies, those would quickly turn into detroits as the successful people leave once it turns shitty -- lowering the value of the land to be purchased and reintegrated with proper policies.

The endgame is very similar to what you would have in fascism, only the means is different. No, the means does not involve violence (unless in self-defense and physical removal) but to outjew the jew themselves with a slow dagger down their throat instead of a sword to their skull. One method is harsh, historically tainted with a bad reputation. The other, yet unknown and ripe for fruition

There's nothing there that's a response to what I said, but it's not really a surprise that you lot haven't got any independent thoughts.

>Wouldn't they just take up everywhere else in the country?
>Explain why not
>'you didn't respond to my post'

So you nat soctards don't trust your own people and think that you need big goverment to control them like sheep?

Yes, people like you is a fine example of that.

I think that someone needs a helicopter ride eh?

If people want at least one country where ancaps and natsocs can live together then that can be accepted.

>helicopter ride

Reminder that natsocs are not friends of any (((capitalists))) and that ancaps will get helicopter rides

you must understand that it is no longer a singular "country" in the traditional sense, and that no, we would not be handing a singular "society" a mass flood of immigrants

There will be a few detroits, I am not denying that, but you are also not responsible for them anymore. As a long-term system, these detroits will fail by sheer economic recklessness, and the free covenants will expand using their corpses

as far as ethnic identities go, they have the freedom to stick together and be as restrictive and discriminatory as they want. They will form large covenants, and overpower the culturally self-destructive and weaker people reliant on welfare

as I've said, these degenerates prune themselves out over time as a product of their own degeneracy unsupported by a state or welfare system

Purity is still achieved in the long run

only if we agree everyone has to be white

>Anarcho anything
Yeah no

Of course dude.

>Not a single yelow pepe in this thread
What a shame


Hail victory, NAPies. How are my Hoppean brothers today?

Anarcho capitalism means: "I want everyone to leave me alone until the fourth Reich comes"

National Socialism is the ultimate redpill

How could you support ethno-nationalism as an ancap? The nation-state is a coercive, collectivist institution and goes entirely against what an ancap would support.

We need a new uprising...

All we have to do is get along until we both dominate the world.

It's hard, I like the idea but Anarchy really gets to me because it reminds me of Antifa..


That's the only way any of this would work anyway.

They hate commies though.We need a strong alliance if we are both going to survive.

Just one thing, the black, it just gets to me.
Otherwise I'm in

The middle east becomes a fallout game. Love it.

Physically remove communists when?

Fuck off with this NatSoc alliance shit. Ancapism is diametrically opposed to fascism. Just call yourself a Nazi so we can label you as the LARPers you all are.

>I will retailate if you don't support this
>a contract based on threat of force

Fuck off moron. We were ally of Nazi germany.

>Finland /leftypol/ user shitposter today on /lrg/
>Finn create Communist general thread today
>Finn came and shitposter here now.

Why can't you a voluntary fascist society within the an ancap world?

That's why I proposed this, we would have to give them at least a big country to take to be fair.Any suggestions?

No, we don't.

20th-century European fascism is extremely authoritarian, built on dictatorships, control of the economy, forceful distribution of wealth and supression of opposition. Make an effort to understand what you are a promoting at least, instead of saving edgy flags to your hard-drive.

Because you indirectly saved them from eternal Anglo terrorists during WWII.

Ancap Andy thread!

North American all ancap

Let's fuse

Not an argument.

Are you serious? I just told you.


why should NatSoc ally with facile ideologies like AnCap?
inferior meme-ideologies and their followers should be ridiculed not supported...

An authoritarian socialist helping an anarchist


>Hitler was for private property, he only pretended to be a socialist to trick left wingers
>Hitler didn't hate all Jews, just the (((international bankers))) that were ruining Germany
>anarcho-capitalism is inherently wrong because Jews believed in it
fucking christ, stop

All nations are welcome to be natsoc, so long as they embrace the doctrine of keeping races separate.

god I wish they were me

This is some Anarchocommunist-tier cringe.

Please show me how, even just ideologically, are NatSoc supposed to agree with Ancaps on anything that isn't the removal of Kebab?

National transhumanism. First I've heard of this, what an idea.

Why couldn't you voluntarily live in a statist society? It doesn't violate the NAP if everyone who lives in said society is consenting to do so.

You could. As for fascism, make your definition clear and I'll tell you what voluntary fascism is an oxymoron.

And one day with our huge numbers we will march into Stockholm. Your decendants will be part Indians.


Is Neo-Reaction/Dark Enlightenment the final redpill?

It's traditional Monarchism/national CEO mixed with libertarian economics and racial realism.

First time I've agreed with a roach.



Supported David Duke and was the most based fucker ever alive.
Thought fascism saved Europe, was for liberal nationalism.
>Ayn Rand
Opposed sexual liberation and leftist social agendas.
Literally helped Pinochet.

I think they get a pass.