Most Japs think whites are low intelligence apes.
But, in fact, it's Japs.
Even though Japs are like chimps in a cage, they think they are only human beings and others are not human beings.
Retarded Japs hate Whites
>Most Japs think whites are low intelligence apes.
Really I always thought it was a view of westerners being barbarians but with pretty good ideas and tech, seeing as Japan aped the west for most of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
All gooks belong in the oven.
the funny thing that the guy who protraited as nazi is actual jew.
his second name is
Its like shlosberg in english.
Many Jap nationalists don't have muscles or getting old.
Because they can't do physical attacks, they shout loudly.
Like this "WHITO PIGGU GO HOMU!!!!"
>Most Japs think whites are low intelligence apes.
Only shit-tier English teachers like you.
Go back to your own country.
that is stupid
*and the worst Korea is better than you now, in:
Samsung and cars.
Japs BTFO by Dutch Giant
Well I would like them to continue thinking that. As long as they do, they won't be mixing up.
Most western countries believe Diversity is their strength. Has it been of any benefit ? It's more like Cheap Labor is our Strenghth
I always thought the west and Japan had respect for each other because we are the only civilized people on this planet
That's certainly true. Even niggers have their uses, but Japs are the lowest of the low.
Yeah nice BS
they see whites as arrogant cunts who think they're geniuses.
japanese are like those helpless island animals who were wiped out by invasive rats and dogs.
Jap nationalist says "white people should be extinct".
But they don't know that they live by the Western civilization.
Because they are animals without a brain.
The Japanese would have to throw out US influence in order to have a successful Nationalist
/pol General Discord:
Then why do you keep inviting and paying them then?
Japs think "white people are ugly because their nose is big and their eyes are retracted."
But ironically, the characteristics of the standards of "handsome" and "beauty" they think are similar to those of white people.
If white culture wasn't transmitted to them, their "beauty" would have been like the image.
Nah, Japs love American nationalists. They just hate expats like you who are p much universally shitlibs and are living in the wrong country.
Japs love only the appearance of the young whites with childlike feautures though.
>Another weeaboo left drying in a far away land
lol english teachers
Look at this.
They obviously hate America.
sand religion fanatics btfo
This is why they never progress.
They seem to be progressing, but it just superficially mimics the West.