A society built on lies is doomed to fail. Science has become politicized, and until we're able to swallow the race realism pill, our society as a whole is destined to stagnate at best. Science won't progress. True intellectuals will be driven to insanity by the outright rejection of truth. Sup Forums, how can we truly bring back race realism? The left is willing to end the career of the literal discoverer of DNA/RNA, and someone who agrees with them on every other issue (environment, economy, etc). Why is the left so cucked and unwilling to admit the truth about race? How can we defeat them once and for all?
A society built on lies is doomed to fail. Science has become politicized...
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, didn't you hear? That's not science anymore, this is:
Face it, everything Yuri said was correct, nothing except the boot of the military on their neck will wake them up.
Something else I forgot to add. Plenty of conservatives are just as cucked if not more on race. During the last election cycle, I've become heavily involved in my state's politics. I was the President of my school's College Republicans, and I've become close with several state elected officials. You wouldn't believe how dumb/oblivious some of our elected officials are on race realism. Part of this may be because I live in a mostly white state. It wasn't until I moved to a more "culturally enriched" state that I truly swallowed race realism.
>He put the thread title in the name box
Thats your posting name, not the name of the thread. Also, dont use names on Sup Forums, unless you need to be able to be identified over the course of a couple days or a week, like some of the recent anons that've been helping with the seth rich stuff (codefag, sherlock) dont use it.
Also, welcome to Sup Forums T_D, good thread.
Science is politicized to the point of retardation. You have to fake research papers to save face, you have to change facts into double-plus good opinion or you'll be expelled. These commie pieces of shit in government and the left needs to be eradicated if any good will come from the western world again. Science and military might is the only way to go.
>welcome to Sup Forums T_D, good thread
Thank you sir
I've been lurking for a while and posted once or twice but I'm still nobody on a couple things
The Watson Scandal will be a major future historical discussion point regarding the development of genetic science. People will talk about it the same way they talk about the Copernican revolution, or the Darwinian revolution. Watson will be remembered as one of the historically numerous scientists who suffered in their time for the sake of a world that was not ready for their discoveries.
It may not even be Europeans who will write those books. Maybe it will be the East Asians. But the account of Watson's professional, and social crucifixion for heresy against the dogma of human material equality, will one day be seen as just one more shameful example of the retarding influence of ideological possession over a society.
One day, the social justice equalitarians will be written about as we write about the witch burners of Salem. So much for being on the "right side of history".
Ironically, by trying to silence the truth, modern leftists are hampering the development of a real, honest, workable, liberal response to the REALITY of human inequality. They are all but guaranteeing pic related one day happens, and the question of human inequality will be solved in a decidedly Illiberal way where violence will decide if we're really equal or not in a great eugenics war between a bifurcated future human population.
Good job, liberals. You could have prevented this, but instead you were too worried about gender neutral bathrooms, and calling everyone who understanding statistics a "racist".
Bump against shills
I couldn't agree more, brother - you're absolutely correct in your appraisal
This is only the beginning.
How long until inherently "hateful" sciences such as evolutionary biology and biochemistry are scrubbed out of uni curricula?
The total hypocrisy of the ultra right is that they blame Jews for everything although it was proven million times that Jews literally outperform in every field.
So accept that Jews are superior or stfu about race realism. Also add most of the Asians.
So whenever you mention anything about race based world order remember that white people would not have the first spot.
Also "Watson" muh argument from authority
Lel :)
Now get fucking triggered like a little basement bitches you are.
Honestly, ignoring race realism, if we removed the ideas of reparations, and affirmative action, the problem would fix itself. Nogs wouldn't get ahead because they couldn't get ahead, regardless of their genetics.
I do like the last quote though, "they want to believe they're failing because of an evil system" it describes a lot of the shit i've seen. prebby interesting.
As soon as China makes its move and starts a global recruiting initiative, paying state subsidized premium tenure contracts for Western scientists to relocate to Chinese research universities. If the academic climate in the US continues on its current trajectory, the Chinese won't even have to offer that much money, People will be happy enough just to be anywhere besides that hell.
Everyone accepts that Asians have higher IQs. There's is an unbecoming amount of white 'muh dicking' and quibbling about "creativity" (which strikes me as being in a similar vein to blacks making themselves feel better by talking about their musical ability, or their rhythm relative to whites). The fact is, Asians are going to rule because the West is on an unstoppable path towards civil war, which will weaken it in the medium term, even if whites "win".
Ashkenazi Jews are intellectually superior on average. They're also dying out as a distinct ethnic group, due to out-breeding (off all things---hilarious). Combined with the fact that they rely on chameleoning and remora fishing in white society, they're going to be FUCK, maybe even more fucked that whites, when the West finally collapses. Jews can't pretend to be Han Chinese in order to make a soft cultural coup in East Asia. Jews will die with their host. Their superiority only counts for so much.
I'm so fucking far ahead of you, you're starting to red-shift.
nu/pol/ doesn't even know who Watson is.
Excellent post
This. Once the west finishes self-destructing, Asia will carry the reins. At least there's somebody to carry on the legacy.
Look up marcel kuntz (kek). He's leading the front against post-modernist thought creeping into science
Sad. Genetics are real, in the end it might be that even Hitler was right
The Overlords want nothing but a pure and empy hivemind that will accept whatever new doiblespeak Narrative they SAY is the"new science"... it is Alinskis in action. The Overlords move the goalposts constantly, and whoever falls outside the new parameters must runto keep up. If they complain or refuse, they are immediately exposed and attacked as "racist" "terrorist" or ignorant - or even"religious" (God forbid).
Watson's excommunication resulted not from his ideas - which have always been "controversial" - but from his refusal to parrot back The Narrative in a display of meek governability. He is saying whathealways has said - butnow he will be silenced and shutdown for noncompliance.
Can you elaborate more on this?