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What they say doesn't match up with what they do. They're just saying what they are supposed to.
Thats the exact percentage of non-whites
>forces you to ponder
>yes goy, give up your beautiful white women in exchange for ugly negroids and panface gooks
(((JEW))) research center.
Survey facts proves quite the contrary.
I would say France is the most likely to marriage mix. With a lot of whore and naughty women vs Feminine men
America is a melting pot of all races and cultures.
I am a white man with a black wife and I want all races to mix onto one world, one people, one government.
Where your from is irrelevant and ultimately borders are imaginary on Spaceship earth
Pff caring about opinion of "americans"
>jew research
Yeah no thanks, even if it is true
The world is america friend.
Just as america s a melting pot we have founded the first world culture. Europe is already becoming a blended spciety and will be just like us.
I bet the question was "Do you think cultural barriers get in the way for marriages if they truly love each other?"
I married an Asian
So far it's been kickass
>He couldn't even get a real girlfriend, he had to get a gook!
Top kek, what a fag
it's a regular girlfriend
not a real girlfriend
It's not our fault white women are trashy whores who lack all forms of traditional women skills while Asian women are traditional feminine, cook, clean, and make good wives.
Asian women were just raised in strict homes where they obey their parents, whites aren't anymore. It's our own fault and it can easily change. I understand the whole Asian waifu thing bc I used to be in that category but it's unsustainable. You're just creating a false reality for yourself because you're questioning your own life and you think Asian women are exotic, perfect creatures that will worship you.
>>white women are trashy whores
>posts a hafu pornstar
really made me think
Asian women are a lower tier, period. They will pick and choose the parts of their culture and the parts of your culture they like while ignoring the ones inconvenient to them. Also, miscegenation should be considered child abuse. Your children will grow up with no coherent identity.
My current Asian gf is like what I described. Cute, slim with nice boobs, traditional, etc. Most Asian women are like her while most white women, at least in Canada are trashy whores who can't even cook chicken.
I'm on mobile and it's the only Asian girl pic I have on my phone.
So I should marry a typical white Canadia women empowered feminist who doesn't know how to cook chicken, believes that being masculine is attractive, doesn't clean, and has had sex with 20 men by age 20?
That is because white men breeding with asian women is only half the equation. There is no coordinated effort to create a new identity or to consolidate the Hapa population into a single region where they can dominate the local politics.
If you can't get a conservative white girl to date you you're a failure as a man.
try living in Toronto, the city that birthed both Anita Sarkesian and Sandman.
>conservative white girl
Nice joke
>that flag
cuck talking about cucks
I mean within America. in Canada we have Markham & Thornhill which is literally what I am describing.
she's half british white
nice reference
>different race
what did they mean by this???
all there is is one race, the human race, we are all the same
>believes that being masculine is attractive
Asians believe the same
However a white nerd is still manlier than any asian boy
No, you should marry a white girl from a conservative family who has a good relationship with her parents. Ideally a virgin but very very low dick count is fine. What she thinks her politics are literally don't matter at all. Women always take on the politics of their man almost immediately. What you need to avoid is not actually leftism but those that are batshit insane and whores who have been ruined by too many dicks. Their family is a very good metric on how they will turn out.
This here, my black wife cooks, cleans and is an amazing mother and partner.
White women are trashy whores who think their pussies are made of gold
>we founded the first world culture
That'd be us
>white woman
Pick one.
Wallonia is the worst.
Keep on dreaming, Dipsi.
Tell Po to stop fucking the vacuum cleaner
>white women
>trashy whores
Funny, all the trashy whores I've met were Chinese.
Its actually more likely unless you're talking about a Catholic flip chick or something. Please tell me you aren't dating the lowest tier Asian of all.
I do agree, it's pretty shitty in here. Nuke pls
Learn Dutch my friend
Have you ever met a white women?
I only like east Asians, even filps are better than white women though Imo.
>non-whites support marrying whites
Nope. All future civilizations will be modeled on America and our culture: civic globalism, selling services and easy credit
And guess what percentage of Americans aren't white
These most likely aren't white people saying this in these results, probz niggers
What is considered a whore in China is considered an average white woman in Canada.
she can flip these nuts
Maybe it's just 25 years of jewish brainwashing, but when a white woman is a whore on the internet it disgusts me, but when an asian girl does the same I don't mind it at all
In Canada the only non-whorish white women are literally in cults like Mormonism or LSD.
There are ugly bitches in every race what are you trying to prove?
>not having a superior black gf who worships your white cock
America needs to be nuked immediately
>Abercrombie & Fitch advertisement
Deep down you'll always have that nagging feeling that you are inadequate. I pity the lives of your children.
daily reminder this is the future of the white race
how can little asian boys even compete?
Your country sure cries for our help via NATO.
give it up asian dicklets, your women are in complete submission to the bwc
I wonder how many asian women were impregnated by fertile american bulls during the occupation of japan?
with a good job and commitment to family.
while chang is working for 14 hours a day, his wife will be lusting after local white bulls, unable to resist the allure of the bwc
Picking a porn star as your example wasn't the best decision.
You can't have a Asian gf because your privates will airways be blurred.
Stop acting like a nigger. Race mixing is never good.
that video is the feel I will feel when I got a qt 3.14 nip gf.
It seems really good back to studying japanese !
Social Engineering & Demographic Replacement.
There is no pure race. People have always mixed
Beautiful white women prefer big black cock cuck boi
None of us would be here if there wasn't any race mixing.
Underage b& when?
Learning and wanting to mtfo