What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Spain. And don't not include Central America.
>What went wrong?
You should be asking that question about your cartel-owned shithole instead of south america.
we doing fine
The lack of Pinochet
It stopped being soanish.
Spains african cities are richer than any latin anerican city
>The lack of Pinochet
We btfo out the cartels so we dont have drug money funding our country like yours :^)
Fuck I remember last month a video came out of anti cartel cops ramming their SUV into a cartel aircraft as it was about to take off near the Brazil/Argentina border.
More communists should've died
Honestly, though, Banana Republics, the CIA, and the War on Drugs.
Went wrong?
The dpanish leaving latin america none of that existed in spanish america
No drugs no crimes no starvation or poverty in spanish america all major unis in wmericasvwas built by spain go look at all colonial architecture, first uni in americas was built in 1551 in lima by spain.
Niggers and socialism.
Spsnish built
Are you spanish?
I am spanish
Built by spen
Fuck napoleonic agents make mexico spain again
>don't not
you've lost your english-speaking privileges, son
Built this
White man erhem excuse me
>Moorish man came across the sea
>Interbreeds with natives
>Portuguese come and kill natives
>Portuguese bring black slaves
>their fetish
>Portuguese mix with slaves
>Argentina, chile, uruguay have a liking of shitty socialists
can you please elaborate?
Moors were just like huns, they are nof part of spanish man
technically correct English... picture doesn't include central America. he said don't not include it.
Not being colonized by Britain. British colonies always ended up better than the colonies of other countries.
that's some god tier deflecting responsibility
these the first one brought over by you
Latin America believes that they can be like Europe, without knowing what it means or if it's a good model. We just see good services portrayed by the media, justice and all that. That leads to corruption, waste and everything we see across Latin américa
No one asks themselves, is this model ok? Can bad people be turn into good people? Is corruption part of the human nature? How do you get rid of corruption? Can corruption be solved by force? Can a person be changed by force? Will people accept being forced to do whatever we say?
Everything will lead to freedom, but people are spooked thanks to communism and poor education, that the word liberalism or usually called neoliberalism, is a plot from the big corporations to exploit the poor masses
Everyone tries to act like the have the answer to all the problems, and that's not true as we have seen, if you're free, you decide what's good and what's bad for you, no one else should use force to make you change, other individuals may persuade you into doing things, and you can do the same, but never use force
Until Latinamérica is free, nothing will change
More communists should've died 2
White people turned out always better than non whites*
Built universities
No you dumb idiot, that was Portugal on Brazil, also don't give us any bullshit thinking about "responsability" we don't rule them, they're not part of some Spanish Commonwealth, they're 100% independent from Spain. They brought it themselves.
How can I annex Cuba to Spain
Actually nevermine its filled with blks
race mixing, non-whites
Nothing went wrong, things are great here.
Universitu la habana built by spain all ubis built by spain
Besides, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders already fought a war to make Cuba separate from Spain. And how they repaid us!
Low IQ Commies and a culture of corruption
I was born in Spanish west indies I dont recognize """cuban""" independence, I am Spanish and will leave USA for ceuta and mellia to establish myself there after education is finished to make sure those cities never become morroccan.
No such thing as independence from nation i am spanish nation not any napoleonic nonsense.
>the drug cartel known as Mexico
Low IQ indigenous people.
Shit people desu. After WW2 Europe was still Europe , if you get my meaning.