Aleksei Makeev was lynched in mexico for saying the same things Sup Forums say openly about mexicans.
My advice, as a mexican: stay on the internet Sup Forums.
Aleksei Makeev was lynched in mexico for saying the same things Sup Forums say openly about mexicans.
My advice, as a mexican: stay on the internet Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
40 mexicans vs 1 russian
A spic gets killed.
>be slavnigger
>chimp out in front of taconiggers
>3rd world animals act like 3rd world animals
Why should we care? We already know you're subhumans.
lol, he was one guy and he took out one of you beaners. AND he ain't even dead. Top fucking zozzle you beaners are a joke
Stay in Mexico, Mexican
I dont even want to go to burgerland you stupid pigchaser.
La verdad es que si los humillo, que les cuesta matarlo rapido o ser mejores personas en vez de comportarse como animales peores que un ruso ebrio?
What went wrong bros?
I'll steal your kidneys and copper and shove them up your ass as a cast a strong gypsy curse you spic nigger :^)
That's not what happened.
A bunch of subhumans chimped out on a crazy man. He was doing the same thing in Russia - nobody lynched him.
And they couldn't even kill him and he did kill one monkey.
So much for slavs being the toughest variety of whitey lol. Pussy-ass niggas, talk shit get lynched.
Or what?
You and 50 of your filthy spic brothers gonna try to ambush me before you get Trayvon'd?
This isnt Mexico, nigger, I Have the right amd the ability to defend myself with lethal force. :^)
Enjoy deportation, criminal scum.
lol, the butthurt has spoken!!!
Go on, try to do that, you will end like your paisano.
>talk shit get lynched.
More like talk shit kill merda
He looks like a shitskin, should have just kept his mouth shut and nobody would have payed any attention to him.
He didn't even die
>Be Slavic
>Get jumped by an whole cartel in a foreign country
>Kill one of the beaners while being completely surrounded
>They only manage to capture you
Kek so much for muh Aztec bloodline Tacos
Come to mexico and speak like that if you have the balls.
You will get lynched.
A bunch of subhumans killed another subhuman, why would I care about your geneticaly inferiors folks ?
What kind of retard would go to that shithole in the first place.
Those Mexicans are fucking lackluster, real fuckers would have paraded his head on a pike.
>Come to mexico
Why would a 1st worlder want to do that, Tenoch? :^)
Mow my lawn, beaner.
40 monkeys vs 1 mentally ill slav = 1 monkey dead.
>Mexicans going out of their way to admit they're just as bad as muslims.
>A bunch of subhumans killed another subhuman
>t. french born algerian.
>say bad things about people
>they murder you
We get it, they're autistic psychopaths with a destructive way of life
They weren't trying to kill him. The police were nearby the whole time. Death is an easy way out for this scumbag
Hello, do you have a head?
Fuckin MERDA
How's that Crimea thing going.
Of course i do memeth.
>implying your kind isn't pale monkeys
Hitler was right about the eastern untermensch.
lucky faggot wasnt dismembered alive after eating his own fingers
We know that you are violent savages. That's why we want the wall.
Kek slav spickilling machine
If you feel sympathy for his soul pray he doesn't ends up in a mexican jail.
>They weren't trying to kill him
>Death is an easy way out for this scumbag
>when you head isn't empty, but you simply had none.
wait, are people still pretending that slavs are white?
I'm sorry, but its a biological and cultural reality that they are clearly asiatics.
Come to mexico, kek kys
Ukrainian men are the worst pieces of shit on Earth. They can't even defend their own land. Definite cowards.
Nope, I'm a pure european, one thing you mexican shit will never be
Is there a video?
>not exactly sure which side looks more inviting
why is south of the border so fucking sad
they hold onto the dumbest "victories"
you are all, sincerely, genetic dead ends.
im waiting for the status of the ukranian, hope he is mangled.
>A spic gets killed.
You read it wrong
He killed a kid , then came the swarm
>kills mexican
>fends of 39 others
>Nope, I'm a pure european
That's exactly what a north african would say.
Then don't cry like a bunch of whiny faggots when Americans beat your beaner ass
Hey Paco,
Leave or mow my lawn.
Alex is a sick man who need help.
if that bear was in mehico north,he was made a lot of meat, blod , and shet
nigga plz
He's dead afaik.
My advice, as an American, is you have to go back
A whole bunch of.
Cause it's AЛEХ TAЙM
How will bean tacos ever recover?
That village its just too clean to be Mexico.
math checks out
>He killed a kid
19 years old kid lol
> come to mexico
Why, to know where the dealer get his shit?
He was, he called the Russians a great people and allied with some of us.
Read more, beaner.
He said the truth. It is precisely the problem of Anglos today that they somehow are incapable of speaking the truth in public.
It is not wrong to tell a nigger to his face that he is genetically inferior.
Your weakness comes from you having accustomed yourselves to somehow coexist niggers, thereby learning to live the nigger way in some respects.
All hail the SchizoSlav
>I dont even want to go to burgerland
...he says from America.
Fucking idiot spic.
Come on schlomo, we have some nice ovens that need to be inspected.
you think the dumb beta insecure losers spewing edgy shit on here are acting the same irl?
Sooooo he basically vindicated the sentiment that Mexico is a violent shithole that no one should visit? K.
A fucking millionaire
Diving instructor
And the worst enemy of globalist jews
>Mexicunts can't win unless they employ street gorilla tactics
abdulla plz
They think they are aztec warriors when they are just little manlets.
>come to mexico
Actually my dealer delivers now so no need.
You first hombre
I'd just like to interject for a moment. There is a controversy about the proper spelling of the word "dox"; some write it with a double x, but that is a mistake.
The digraph "xx" is pronounced like j in Spanish or the "ch" in German "ach". It is used with computers as a replacement for the letter exx, which has a single stroke going down to the right and two parallel strokes going down to the left, because computers generally can't handle that letter. The exx is derived from the Greek letter chi, and pronounced like it; but since that Greek letter looks like our "x", it had to be modified with an added parallel stroke when it was introduced into English.
Thus, we usually have to write the name of the oil company as "Exxon", though its proper spelling is "e exx o n". (Don't make the mistake of pronouncing "Exxon" like "exon"; you will appear unsophisticated.)
The exx also gives us an unambiguous way to phonetically spell the exclamation of disgust, "yexx" or "ixx".
Since the word "dox" is derived from "docs", it should be written with a single "x", as it is pronounced.
Then why would he go to their country
I hope refugees just start pouring into your country
Everyone knows that jews are behind the smuggling of drugs and trafficking of sex slaves all around the world.
So shut the fuck up dirty kike
I can't decide if this man is based, retarded, or both.
Calm down Chaim, take a shower it's very refreshing. We have one of those pulsating massage heads you'd love it.
>mexicans behave exactly like street niggers
What else can you tell us about the proud Mexican people?
Hes geniusly retarded
>LOL look at all these whiteys saying that mexico is a violent piece of shit hellscape, try saying that in Mexico you'll get killed!
Mexican intellectuals everyone.
we need to start lynching people now
So it's Sup Forums
Badum tis.
>as a mexican
chicanos will never be mexican.
Why do you go on vacations? (provided you can afford it)
You constantly have to convince yourself into continuing to live in nigger ways. Why not stop?
How do we bring back the All of Mexico Movement?
You mad tacoboi?
evil racist attacks poor immigrant!!
kill all mexiscums
Nevermind ruskie, he lived, the paramedics saved him and the police escorted him to the hospital, fucking monkeys couldn't even kill him right.
mexican side looks comfy as fuck