Spez finally did it...
/r/the_donald is on lock down
Other urls found in this thread:
Prepare for migrant reddit fucks coming our way.
This is all Sup Forums's fault. Sup Forums brought reddit here and even further ruined this place.
Yep. I literally have never seen the phrase "Based Pedes" used here on Sup Forums until last night when the t_d fags started shitting up the board. Seems quite right now though........a little TOO quite.
> quiet even.... damn brainfart.
hopefully they are watching and learning.
Holy fuck I hate reddit so god damn fucking much
quiet blowhole
They made a temporary new subreddit. Forgot the name though.
Why do you guys hate Reddit so much??
lol Trump supporters need their safe space.
>t_d goes to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums goes to Sup Forums, /his/, and Sup Forums
done with reddit, forever. I don't even bother reading the main subreddits anymore
Sup Forums has everything I need
We must divert them to bant. Spread word that bant is reddit friendly and pol is too racist.
good riddance you niggers need to leave reddit and follow the /path of light/, stop being jew loving faggots
you know shits
Streisand effect has been somewhat common knowledge online for years now. These people are literally asking for it.
Don't you guys also hate reddit?
I don't mind it. I often use the smaller subreddits related to my personal interests.
last week I learnt how to buy drugs over the internet from reddit which was nice.
generally its less of an echochamber than 4chin which has become pretty homogeneous
>implying you edgy fucks didn't migrate from plebbit in the first place
Why not divert them to Eighto-chan?
March against /r/politics
more nigger hate threads then
theirs will be a trial of fire
>generally its less of an echochamber than 4chin which has become pretty homogeneous
Are you really that dense?
Fuck off jidf
reddit is cancer that destroyed every board they came to. Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and they managed to turn Sup Forums from a shuttle to a porn invested shithole. Not to mention those faggots never bother to lurk, which in turn means they never bother to learn board culture. All they do is spam forced memes, destroy the good memes by introducing then to normalfags, and circle jerk with each other in general threads.
Never was a redditor but the few times I checked it out it is laughably controlled. r_the donald was one of the few bastions of contrary thought - with that squelched hopefully more come to Sup Forums and get truly redpilled
We must view the new arrivals as converts
To add to this, don't forget to name the jew.
No /r/the_Donald flood yet?, Guys let's trolls this fuckers to death
Because of the upvoting and lack of anonymity. On Sup Forums a post has no karma or whatever you call it - it just stands on its own. But you're just having a popularity contest.
Wait, you don't like them? I thought that ideological splintering was the domain of the left, since they have some coherent theories to disagree about. Isn't "fuck niggers, burn kikes" the sole basis of your political allegiance? Why don't you like t_d then?
Are you Faking your laugh with a Cock Choking noises retard??
why not?
Jesus fucking Christ...
Thats fake right? Right???
I don't like you sucking around, bothering Sup Forumsocks. I don't like your jerk-off usernames. I don't like your jerk-off faces. I don't like your jerk-off behaviors, and I don't like you, jerk-off. Do I make myself clear?
this was lastnight
there were tons more threads, this is only showing the ones with "_d" in them
The tension between reddit admins and t_d mods have come to a head. Curious to see what the announcement at 9pm will be...
>reddit spacing
the only people saying "based pedes" on Sup Forums are saying it ironically, dipshit.
it's amazing how few people here can tell sarcasm and bait from serious posts
>one of the few bastions of contrary thought
... as long as you didn't ever once name the Jew, of course. :^)
>retard tier
using reddit for news and politics
>brainlet tier
using reddit for memes
>enlightened tier
using reddit for porn
Why would we be ironic? Pedes are based as fuck and honestly t_d is a much more positive and productive place than this teenager infested hell hole.
those who were members can still post & talk on the_donald
Making cheesy movie references to dissuade redditors from shitting up your already cancerous board. Yeah, they definitely hate that. Keep up the good work.
With t_d, we now have significant numbers all in one place to drown out shariablue and other shills. They will lose the grip they were gaining on this place. Consider that.
Oh boy get ready for the deluge of nonstop shit reddit threads.
>Sargon is so based
>Kekistani Unite!
>Based Black guys
>Feminism is actually good
>Hey lets raise money for this cripple
they never really had any grip to begin with. It's good that pol is taking resources away from Sharia Blue... trying to sway pol is like trying to achieve peace in the middle east. You can't
Hey sven, go choke on a kebab and make sure you pay your jizzya tax
They closed themselves.
They already are I'm afraid.
Welcome donald reddits, enjoy your stay. Please assimilate into pol. Stay clear of the leftists trolls, dont feed them. Lots of ppl that say "redditors go away are mainly shills". Welcome home little brother!
because the reddit fucks wont want to go there, it isnt as popular as Sup Forums
they are going to be here for now and the fucking nigger kikes are gonna make this board shit for a few days
I've seen this happen time and time again. Who remembers what happened to subreddit called european? Whole community banned for reporting immigrant news.
Luckily I've found Steemit as a better social platform to use. It makes it also easier to reward content contributors and runs on blockchain - meaning it can't be censored and the data will be available as long as one computer has the data!
It's time to fight back.
the reddifugees are coming here and fucking everything up
they need to go back
the only time I went on reddit was for coontown and niggers
you think those dumb fucks will lurk and learn?
they will just shitpost poorly and make this board absolute ass for a few days unless the mods start swinging their banhammers
Europeans there are pro-EU, Americans are anti-Trump
they don't accept "impolite" humor, so there's basically nothing funny there
Why do you think Sup Forums is asking for new janitors ;)
The reddit migration doesn't have to be a terrible thing. What we need to do is make redpill threads every day. That way, they will become converts. We need to look on the bright side and see them as more people to redpill and bring into our movement.
>/mlpol/ will never be turned into a defensive initiative
I love how once the Seth investigation was gathering a ton of steam, the mods coincidentally decided to "go dark" to stick it to those mean old reddit admins....
It's the sub reedit mods acting like 5 year olds and locking it themselves in protest. Fuck those niggers
Only thing I use Reddit for is music, other than that, it's just a shitty site.
I got banned from the subreddit /r/twoxchromosomes with zero explanation the other day
how to fix
>Sup Forums worried about plebbitors flooding the board
>implying that Sup Forums isn't already retarded beyond redemption
The mods on reddit are faggots. A bunch of faceless cowards with no balls. Fuck em.
Would I be considered one? Lol. I literally only used Reddit for T_D. About to delete alien blue if we don't get T_D back. Sorry I'm a normie to Sup Forums.
>last week I learnt how to buy drugs over the internet from reddit which was nice
Rebbit doesn't do this wth are you talking about?
You won't notice a difference, they already took over.
Because the default subs (news, politics, etc.) have been taken over by leftist nigger loving juden kike faggots who regularly censor stories of coloreds committing crime against Whites.
I was actually banned from /r/news simply because I once post on the the_donald (which I have since been banned from because I didn't cry after a filthy juden was mistreated by sand niggers in some eurotrash country.)
Go fight an emu and report back , soldier .
If they had any sense they'd give reddit the finger and move the whole community over to voat.
You guys hate Reddit's policies and rightfully so.
We hate them too because they censor everything we say.
But again, why do you hate Reddit users who come here to speak their mind freely, even if their views are identical to yours?
sit down
be humble
does this have anything to do with it?
They closed it for normies.
To stop spreading Seth Rich story, mb smth else.
>one of the few bastions of contrary thought
Yeah kinda, sorta...
I gotcha senpai. Now fuck off.
They aren't free thinkers. A sheep who agrees with me is little different from a globalist sheep.
Redditors completely lack the one uniting mindset of old Sup Forums which was questioning everything. Now they take everything at face value with no critical thinking. Everything is literal and dead simple to them.
Someone posts "Looks like DRUMPFY is getting impeached! Say hello to Hillary!".
The nu/pol/ instantly believes that this person is being serious and that they aren't a Trump supporter baiting for replies. Then they reply and call him a shill, because they assume anti-Trump shills would make anti-Trump posts for the sake of trying to convince people, rather than operating in subversion and disinformation. Real shills obviously wouldn't make anti-Trump posts, they would seek to mislead idiots in the wrong direction.
nu/pol/ sees an extreme anti-Trump bias in the media and thinks that it means the media is anti-Trump, they would never consider the fact that this bias helps Trump and galvanizes his support base, making the movement stupider and easier to control. To them, it is impossible for Trump and the media to be on the same side, because they listen to what the media says to them even though they claim to oppose it.
nu/pol/ sees instability in the Middle East and says it's the fault of Islam. They don't know or care about the sects of Islam, colonialism, Mosadegh, the Iranian Revolution, the Arab-Israeli wars, the wars of the 2000s and Arab Spring, or anything relevant to the situation, all they see is the current state of the situation and come up with the most half-assed explanation for it to fit their tiny close-minded brains. To nu/pol/, there are no hidden motives, there is no trickery, there is no deception. Everything is a rainbow lala-land where BASED magapedes BTFO the special snowflakes. Some of them literally believe that progressivism is the agenda of the world elite.
there are already threads celebrating the weapons deal with SA and people arguing against Assad.
Everyone who disagrees is a shill and whatever Trump does is BASED and 1337D Chess
How the fuck does making a subreddit private send a message to Reddit?
wow, this is a fucking great post.
>Prepare for migrant reddit fucks coming our way.
Yea we kinda deserve it though. You retards keep meddling in reddit and the_donald and destabilizing that region what the fuck did you expect would happen?
I'm lost, how do I upvote this?
This is the dumbest thing I ever read here.
Also plebbit hides posts that get many downvotes, here it's all equal.
Cant someone just make another subreddit, this one without the block? Like a r donald 2.
But this is a great opportunity to dispense red pills about Jews and other things. There was a time when I had opinions similar to redditors, but now I'm practically 1488.