Where were you when history was recorded?
Where were you when history was recorded?
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he was a bigot dude, who gives a shit. you really shouldn't, you really fucking shouldn't. besides, it's not going to change no matter how MAD and sad you get
leave now, scum
general lee was a fucking racist scumbag, good riddance
Kill all liberals
now cue for every other monument and word and fucking thought that has anything biggoted to be erased and torn down
anyone who advocates for this is a kike and have fun learning about all the black people who "made America" because by the end of this there isn't going to be any statues of white men
He was instrumental in several victories in the Mexican-American war, you dunce caps. The man is a part of American history and you deserve to be thrown out of a helicopter.
>great general 200 years ago fights for his pride
>200 years later his statues are spat on, removed and he's called a bigot by some millennial faggot redditor on an indonesian basket weaving forum
every day we stray further from gods light
What's even the point in stuff like this? Removing the statue doesn't change history, it just destroys the hard work of people before them, but I suppose liberals wouldn't really understand that.
>muh mexican-american war
fuck off, he tried to destroy this country by forcing slavery on the north literally no different than any other military dictator
Your bait is less than adequate, sir.
because there's no trigger warnings in history
t. yrone b.i. gums
>nazi larper shills run to general lees defense
like pottery
>there's no trigger warnings
>there is no trigger warnings
What is "there are no trigger warnings" you dumb abo?!??
You cant refute what I said so you dodge it, nice. Go read a book.
Why are they wearing masks?
Only criminals try to hide their identity.
This is great, they just keep throwing fuel on the fire.
The left are so self-righteous and always claim they're on "the right side of history", yet they're always covering their faces and hiding their identities.
Almost as if on some level they're ashamed of what they're doing.
It was already refuted . You're not doing a very good job convincing people we should erase history just because you are a bigot and can't handle the way things were 200 years ago. Are you a kike or a dumb nigger?
Why would we have monuments dedicated to anti-american losers?
You confederate fucks are morons. Good riddance to your bullshit history.
>The man is a part of American history
Just because someone is part of your history it doesn't mean they deserve honor.
>slippery slope fallacy
Sorry but removing racist confederate monuments has nothing to do with killing off white people.
That's what they get for being racists assholes, thank god the niggers are killing them.
Oh no, Spencer's gonna come at us with tiki torches. I'm so scared.
Why are the authorities down there allowing them to do this?
i wish i spent my time correcting grammar on Sup Forums
We should have done to the South what the USSR did to East Germany
Imprison everyone with any level of responsibility, and redistribute their wealth to the victims of their exploitation.
I'm from California, dipshit. It's plain to see why removing this is a bad idea and will end with you getting thrown from a helicopter.
Good, now remove all racist Confederate symbols from the US and it will all be good.
Exactly, should ban the confederate flag, cringe af anyways.
Mayor's orders.
Elections have consequences.
Vote niggers into office, get a nigger government.
Only people without history want to steal and erase the history of others.
Go be a nigger somewhere else
even i know lee was based as fuck and i'm a godamn swede you liberal swine.
You realize both sides came together as one nation and had a lot of respect for one another and the blood that was shed, right?
Oh wait, so it was ordered? Why the hell are the construction workers wearing masks?
Isn't you wanting the statue down the definition of bigotry?
>Well we've been honoring this undeserving asshole with a statue this long, it would be silly to stop now.
It's not about history it's about honor. Confederates deserve no honor. Now shut the fuck up about things you don't understand.
One day liberals will advocate for the removal of MLK statues because he allegedly abused women and because he did not speak for gay/trans rights.
Go back to whatever shithole country you are from that has to ban symbols because they're too fragile to withstand opposing ideas. We don't do they here.
Kill yourself you meme-spewing faggot.
>Who gives a shit
You more then him if youre willing to invest time resources and manpower into getting it removed
>hurr southern niggers r better than northern ones
Never want to see the above statement ever again
Whitewashing history so the democrats can pretend they werent the party of slavery. They always have been and it hasnt changed. Hillary herself fucking hates minorities. No history of doing a goddamn thing for them.
Guys....I fucking hate this timeline youtube.com
>Supporting hateful symbology and ideologies is good for freedom
topkek you're a fucking retard
I wonder how many people cheering for this would agree it was a horrible crime for the Taliban to blow up those buddha statues.
Probably 100%.
And what did all the white people do about it? Fuck all, since they're just weak little cucks. The white race dying can only be a good thing for humanity; it's purging itself of its weakness.
>muh white right wing revival
Not happening.
>adopted as the state flag of a country that had the right of slavery as its national policy.
>fought against the north in a war to ban slavery
>president of the country had slaves
Yep, totally not racist.
George Washington's Mount Vernon and Monticello are next
Why do we have a monument to Crazy Horse? He lost.
There will be more statues. But when you think of how many people this incidents is going to redpill, it's incredible.
It's the literal definition of a leftist.
The confederates were traitorous losers and failures. Good riddance.
What would a nigger know of honor?
>Now shut the fuck up about things you don't understand.
This type of thinking is the real slippery slope
Good, good.
>[rubbing hands intensifies]
>can't refute freedom of speech so just mashes the word "retard" angrily
You don't have a leg to stand on, bigot.
they didn't want to contract racism and bigotry from the statue.
How so? They are both privately owned.
>Let's record ourselves rewriting 150 years of history since the Civil War then wonder why there is so much tension much like something called a Civil War
The wrong side won
If you're serious, you have a problem.
As a Civil War enthusiast and historian, this breaks my heart. You don't have to be a southerner, nazi, racist, or *insert buzzword here* who sympathizes with General Lee or the south to understand why this is wrong. It's history, learning about this stuff is important.
That statue has been around since the 1880s and now, 130 years later they tear it down? It's not right. How long before we do this to everything from history that we "don't like". This whole idea of revisionism is scary stuff.
Fuck you
Privately owned by bigots
>Now shut the fuck up about things you don't understand.
how is any of this hard to understand?
I think we all know which "monuments" need to go next.
>pic related
actually, mount vernon has been owned by a group of old white ladies since 1850.
They have been at it for a very long time
Monuments of tragedies like these should remain, of course.
Definitely. The Holocaust was menacing and very, very loud.
Bigoted old white ladies :^)
the bigots in this case are the ones wanting the statue taken down
I thought the Right was winning the culture war, guys? How did this happen?
He was also, statistically, the greatest American general of all time, a military genius on the same level as Napoleon and Arthur Wellesley.
Go ahead and judge greater men than you, who lived 150 years ago, by your arbitrary standards for whats right. In another 150 years who knows what they'll tear down
The civil at was a tragedy. That's why there are monuments.
Niggers run New Orleans. We should have let them drown.
Because they're liberals who project their own faults onto others. If the roles were reversed, they would dox the workers removing the statue and ruin their lives / murder them. So they assume that the right will do the same because they completely lack any sense of empathy or the ability to comprehend different points of view.
It's progressive to overwrite history you don't like
Fuck "Whig history"
literally all of your ancestors were "bigots", therefore you shouldn't care about history at all
Knowing that you posted this from inside some shite house with a rusty, broken fence and chickens running around shooting shit everywhere gives me a good laugh and tempers the initial rage I felt when reading your comment.
in 150 years, the type of people that moved to tear down these monuments will have erected nothing of importance or value to take their place.
they are destroyers or history and culture, not builders and creators.
Whitey isn't apart of the argument about historical statues, I'd anything. He's fought to protect his homeland, whether it be Virginia, or the United States at Harper's Ferry, and various other wars. Evil bigot Robert E Lee is just a general dedicated to his owns defense. All you defend is one scoop.
This reminds of the scene from that WW2 movie about the special forces unit made up of blacks, jews and women who pulled down that Hitler statue after they killed all those nazis.
To remove a commemoration of history, removes the lessons learned in blood.
Requiring those lessons to be taught again.
Yes, they did.
And now radical leftists are doing everything they can to tear that healed scar open to exploit the new wound for perceived political capital. It is truly the most evil thing I have ever seen in my life.
It was a tragedy the south conceded.
The holohoax never happened, but keep believing goy.
get off your asses or shut the fuck up
If you read about him you'll find he was a great man and was a progressive for him time.
We already know the lessons. The South tried to rebel and failed miserably.
define bigot
They should put a statue dedicated to the millions of brave black soldiers who fought and died for freedom during the Civil War.
We need to remove the holocaust monuments.
How butthurt are you billy joe?
>help your country in a desperate time of need
>later betray your country , tell the new guys you are also planning on leading the country because he does not trust the them to do jack shit
>lose civil war
>is paraded because dipshits don't know their history but see muh general
nuke the south you people are fucking stupid to praise a traitor