Has anyone heard about all the drugs that have been laced with lethal substances lately?
(Daily reminder not to do drugs)
But is Fentanyl /ourguy/
>purges degeneracy
>scares kids away from drugs
Has anyone heard about all the drugs that have been laced with lethal substances lately?
(Daily reminder not to do drugs)
But is Fentanyl /ourguy/
>purges degeneracy
>scares kids away from drugs
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Do not eat, smoke, snort, any drug.
This shit is everywhere now. A single grain can kill instantly, or turn you into a zombie that will take it until death.
OD'd 6 times and im still here smdh we NEED carfentanil NOW
have you seen the youtube videos about all this?
Parents who had no idea their kids took this stuff, are discovering them dead, in their bedrooms, bathrooms, living room couches, cars. Being a parent must be hell with this shit floating around. it makes me cry every time.
stick to weed or booze if you are going to be a degenerate
Heroin is branded, and dealers lace it to make their brand appear stronger.
Dealer has weak heroin he needs to sell
Dealer laces 1 or 2 bags with fentanyl
Kid suddenly ODs on heroin with X stamp branding it as that bag is 100x stronger than the other bags he was doing
Word gets out that brand X heroin is strong as fuck
Dealer sells out the rest of his batch that is not laced in a day as all the junkies want the strong shit.
>stick to weed
Weed is harmless compared to opioids, bit a joint can be spiked with fentanyl. One toke from a laced joint = drop dead. watch out.
while that sounds logical. it's not the case. fentanyl and carfentanil are so strong, that getting the doses right is very difficult. the overdoses are probably due to incompetence or maliciousness.
The sad part about all this, is that opioids destroy the brain so much, that addicts don't care if they are going to die. In fact, death is a relief from the constant cycle of abuse. opioids are the end of the road, they make a mockery of humanity and free will.
No one does that.
Fentanyl is literally a marketing tool used by dealers. It is not cheaper than Heroin, it is just stronger and is easy to lace into it. Lacing weed would not help sales, lacing a single bag of heroin does.
woman detected
post tits or gtfo
It is the case. Fentanyl is not a cheaper substitute to heroin, and it is also harder to get. They sell what are known as hot bags amount their shitty drugs so someone will OD, and then word gets out they have the strong shit. It is literally a loss leader.
Love it. Lace every batch with it. Maybe then people will stop snorting that shit.
Obligatory post
Fentanyl wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for prohibition. It's not scaring anyone from doing drugs, don't kid yourself.
>have you heard about this thing that's been killing thousands the last few years and has been all over the news
Nah man tell me
I have always wondered why the drugdealers are trying to kill their customer base.
Are they really that stupid? It seems like its mostly niggers lacing shit
>Has anyone heard about all the drugs that have been laced with lethal substances lately?
The rumor that has existed since drugs have been around? Yes I've heard
You kill one kid, every other kid in the neighborhood comes to buy your shit. Junkies think they are invincible, and want the strong shit that just killed some kid. It is a marketing tool.
Good thing my marijuana is lab tested and from a legal tax paying source.
>Fentanyl is not a cheaper substitute to heroin, and it is also harder to get.
not true, man. fentanyl is cheaper than heroin. a little packet of the stuff is enough for thousands of doses...
All of the shit I ordered from china gets delayed at the border because they need to search packages for this shitty drug.
Fuck all drug users, I hope they all die.
It is not cheaper because it is much harder to get as it is controlled and not illegally manufactured. Heroin is fucking dirt cheap. Like $6 a stamp cheap. Fentanyl is cheap to lace with, but not to all out sell in place of heroin as heroin. They are not selling it as fentanyl, they are selling it as heroin, and a stamp of fentanyl would cost much more than just selling dope.
keep pushing tolerance for your degeneracy, then complain that Trump isn't doing enough to save your life because of your degeneracy
>Heroin is fucking dirt cheap.
its not heroin. it's fentanyl rebranded as heroin.
it's not hard to get, you can order it for very cheap in bulk of the dn
>No prohibition on a weaker opioid and ended up having crack houses everywhere.
>People then were not weak willed sperglords
>After declaring prohibition problem vanished until 1960's when the Jews reintroduced drugs to culture.
My best friend did heroin in college, didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to be judged, ended up ODing and dying alone in his bedroom.
Some speculate Fentanyl was the agent used in this little show of "Peace" by Islamic Fundamentalists
Shit is straight up dangerous
It is still more expensive per weight than heroin. It is not being sold to kids as fentanyl, it is being sold as heroin. And it laced into random bags so people will OD and word on the street will make people think your shit is stronger.
I had a childhood friend who use to sell that shit. Dealers are not idiots, and know that a kid ODing on their batch because it is stronger is the best advertising tool they can get.
reminder that it's your duty to sell copious amounts of crack and heroin laced with fentanyl to members of bamn and antifa