Supply and demand, right guys?

supply and demand, right guys?

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i saw one of these as a swastika

I sure wonder where that "demand" comes from


Say what you want, these things are awesome.
Spinning one right now.

if i wanna buy a fucking swastika fidget spinner than i shall desire it and i expect to purchase and get one from a supplier somewhere

Pics? Dunno if I'm actually allowed to Google that here.

Yes and?
I dont want one so I dont have to buy one

Wow imagine being afraid to google something like that

Is this some sort of new fad? What does it do? I haven't seen one in real life.



it spins

also fuck with this guy

Autism has reached new levels.

nigger tier

And? What's the appeal?

Wtf I love fidget skinners now

there is none it just spins, people are easily amused i guess?

>supply and demand, right guys?
Yeah. it isn't about what "you" want, it's what "the people" want. It doesn't matter if it's stupid as fuck as long as it sells.

I would unironically play with one of these if I had one, but I'm also an aspie.

You know how it's fun to click pen constantly, open and close a knife, waggle a pencil and pretend it's rubber?
Basically that.
That's why it's called a fidget spinner, helps stop fidgeting.
