Reddit scrubbed Seth Rich's post IDing himself as MeGrimlock4. They are facilitating a coverup.
Reddit scrubbed Seth Rich's post IDing himself as MeGrimlock4. They are facilitating a coverup
Why would Reddit do that? They are the good guys :(
Leave and stay leave
this is a LARP, right? you guys can't be serious.
Its legit. Go compare archive with live account page.
no, the whole seth rich thing, you guys are just playing, right?
Maybe seth is doing it. He's really alive.
Or Cunt-Hillary is crying while on xanex saying "delete everything"
No. just fuck off leaf.
His nickname was MeGrimlock4.
Of course they did. Faggots like spez also helped try to cover up Hillary's aid looking for ways to scrub her name off her emails. Keep the archives of Seth's posts and put them in this thread too to spread around. See if anyone can find a screencap of the DNC employee that was making fun of his death after the news broke.
Reddit is 100% controlled social programming and brainwashing marketed towards idiot fucking millennial trash.
obstruction of justice boys
this is the former DNC operative that mocked Seth posthumously
He will be remembered, he will be avenged.
Huge thread on Voat from posters confirming mods shut it down exactly when they found Seth stuff as well
The one man that dismantled the entire psy op operation.
Fuck it has to feel right to be a true american hero.
Reddit admins do realize they can't hide from Trump, right? The WH just announced they are making it thier top priority to find the leakers. This fucking reddit admins are amateurs and they have no clue what the hell they are getting themselves into. They should just come forward and hand over whatever they have to the Feds. Save themselves the obstruction charges.
Leave an don't come back, faggot.
Bump for justice for Seth.
Fuck Spez's corrupt T_D mods.
God, I fuckin hope that little bitch Spez winds up in cuffs.
do they not realize that reddit posts have already been used as evidence for this very case ( when the aid asked how to scrub names off of emails to someone)
why would they do this? idiots...
Was this the guy pol found out was a cannibal? Or was that the twitter dude?
Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook are all domestic terrorist organizations that need to be mercilessly wiped out in one swift and devastating attack. No trial, no jury, just have Mattis bomb the fucking data centers and claim ISIS did the bombing, then you get your pretext to swing dick in the middle east and start the global Christians vs Muslims war and liberate France, Sweden, Germany, London, Minneapolis, Dearborn, etc. Can we get this fucking party started already. Trump needs to stop being a "MUH PR" pussy. If we wanted some faggot to be our president we'd have voted for Jeb or Cruz. Activate the false flag, plant the fucking bombs. Who cares if shitlibs cry about muh social media being gone. Nobody needed it ten years ago, people will survive without it, and something better will rise from the fertile ashes in a matter of weeks.
you have to go back
Isn't it obvious why they would do this? The noise people are making over Seth Rich is making some feel VERY nervous. There's a big house of cards gonna come crashing down if the Seth Rich investigation delves too deep
pretty sure that's murder if they aid in the coverup, not obstruction.
Second this
Remember when they wiped evidence used in an FBI investigation (stonetear) and literally nothing came of it.
The US government has its hands in reddit for sure
Day of rake when?
Can't wait for spez to explain dis to the open DC investigation.
GI Seth
How can an average man help?
I don't have the time to actively investigate.
You can spread the word, Seth was a normal guy like you that wanted to make difference.
Even when he died he only got a bike rack, but right now it's the greatest bike rack in America.
beautiful description
also, anybody with screenshots of seths posts on reddit and other social media platforms please post them
we will cuck the shit out of reddit while also redpilling this giant wave of virtue signaling T_D faggots
Spez booted the mods.
Reddit helped cover-up posts by Clinton's IT guy asking about illegally wiping emails. (Not with a cloth)
This is not a surprise.
hope he's is sitting by the right hand of god
took guys not only to go against party, but to literally know you are gonna get v& for doing what you do next, yet he still did it
Voat Saying Reddit was shut down by compromised T_D mods to hide the truth! They are deleting Seth's info right now. Get the fuck in here!
fucking lurk more
here here
That furry faggot was trying to scrub Obama's name from the Clinton server, not hillarys name.
he was also came up in the visitor logs for the whitehouse around the same time as the murder, im trying to bring them up but its not loading for me. can anyone confirm?
i lost the screenshot from last night
buckle goes the house of cards
mfw I'm a panda4progress
He was a 27 year old guy like you or me, he ate Jimmy Johns Subs and liked sports, He liked politics and Bernie Sanders. And now he is dead. We will keep saying his name.
The lives this man may have paid for with his own. Without those emails leaked it could have been a very different story. We could have had Hillary, taking away our rights and doing more evil. We might already be at war with Russia if she was in office.
You live on in Valhalla because true Heroes never die.
How can they do shit like this while simultaneously claiming there's nothing there and we're retarded?
Me Grimlock say for Seth Rich!
Reminder Mods Closed T_D so they could Scrub all Seth Rich info and come back and say how it will now be ban worthy
>all of these coincidences
>I see absolutely nothing wrong
Dox reddit admins. Notify good elements of fbi to investigate them for pedophilia.
>tfw escaped the seth rich is alive timeline
Yeah but there is a big difference between obstruction and accessory to murder.
would it be obstruction or accessory after the fact
This is Sup Forums not reddit, leave.
accessory after the fact
and/or obstruction
Can you guys stop trying to politicize his death? Seth's family has already asked that this disrespectful conspiracy theory be put to rest.
They were deleting the posts of the guy who wiped Clinton's hard drives too on Reddit and SomethingAwful.
what did he mean by this
Did you know kim is suicidal?
if kim has evidence he better get it out pronto
the dude loves to inflate his status by dropping innuendo about how l33t he is though. i don't think he's lying about this but it's tiresome. it's why i unfollowed him on twitter.
> podesta immediately starting huge anti-trump campaign on wapo after news on seth rich break
> clinton's entire media network (huffpo, cnn, wapo) have never even written a single word about seth rich
> the leftist social network reddit immediately removes any traces to seth rich once his account was identified
lads i think we might be onto something here. the deep state is getting nervous as fuck
i've been posting this in the other threads but search for this name on other forums. he might have reused the same handle
particularly the Kingdom of Loathing forums
Yes he was at the white house but he has been invited to a nextgen talk there which is a legitimate reason to be there, even if other suspicious talks happened while he was there he has an ailbi. I think he was the one who made the two tiered website on I, he was the director of science data for the DNC he was smart enough to do it, seth found out and said he was going to take him down and then andrew alerted the dnc. That is my guess. Andrew gets out in may before shit goes down so he isn't implicated. Seth also leaves the DNC in may
Get a new pasta nigger
they're ignorant
he was "merely pretending"
kek somebody fucked up
glad there are archives. what idiots. this is all being ignored though. a coup is being staged
by the way lads, what exactly was thought to be leaked by seth? was is the "russian" dnc "hacks"? the deleted emails?
He meant that he's a horrible attention whore.
plebshit redshit needs to be purged. Let's dox their criminal mods.
FULL Rundown H E R E:
More scrubbing going on detected on Voat
Not a bad idea but they often host their data centers along with other companies, and have 3x redundancies. If you failed you'd probably take out a lot of innocent companies and not get your targets.
Facebook might host their own data centers. Google does.
nigga look in your photos ffs
if only the us government would have left him alone
he would be playing cod cruising on his yacht
It's really disheartening.
Seth Rich, 9-11, pizzagate... Tons of info, inconsistencies, wierd shit and just straight up evidence. Nothin. No traction on normies world.
But "muh Russia" evidence and it's fuckin everywhere.
it's not memeing when we say the left and half of the right are literal sociopaths, devoid of any integrity and logical thinking
>I'm meeting my legal team on Monday. I will issue a statement about #SethRich on Tuesday. Please be patient. This needs to be done properly.
>all of these dark alleyway happenings
>hehe it's a joke right guys?
No, this is real. Don't blink. Be an American and defend the innocent, you fucking leaf.
You're a 27yr old man with a feminine figure just like Seth Rich?
It's depressing that these things can happen so openly without any real consequences. Are humans just destined to always live in oligarchies, no matter how much we try to fight the establishment? Is there an evolutionary explanation for why our species is so fucking submissive?
Go to the last post in this thread: No.126302170
if you want to know the stakes here.
noice. hopefully that fat fuck can stay alive until then.
Idk guys but I'm getting sleepy. Eyes are so heavy now...just need to rest my eyes.