There was a pro immigration march today in Milan. 80.000 people. I'm sorry we failed you, Sup Forums.
Italy is doomed
Mayor of Milan with former Ministry of integration Cecile Kyenge
they brought a fucking inflatable boat
roaches welcome
Kill them all
they're here to stay i'm afraid, but hopefully we'll send them your way
lol, even china
You have dared to rise above the hate. Therefore, you have not failed humanity. Thank you.
not only they made this stupid shit after 2 soldiers were knifed the other day in the seme city,but also look what happened in in naples : a 23 yo gambian named Dibba Dawda (lol) was knifing random peoples.
nothing will change my man.
it's full of chinese in Milan, they have a chinatown neighborhood and they run almost all of the sushi joints. Which is ironic. Japan btfo
i don't want my country to become like your shithole.
I'm sorry pastabro. Maybe a little dose of facismo is in order?
italians are white.
i'm against fascism.
Notice the Demographics/Composition of march. (Women & Foreign Males.)
Also, the Colors used & the pre-made signs.
Then you're a fool. There is no legitimate argument to be made against these people invading your country aside from racial.
I thought they were mostly Albanian
he also sparred with Mussolini's granddaughter on national tv. Truly a masterpiece of trash
I was in Rome for a few days earlier this month and I saw very little niggers and middle easterners, I was impressed. Both in the center and the neighborhood I was staying (about 6km south east of the center).
But god damnit were there a lot of ""asians"" — read: pakis, benghalis etc — trying to sell me shit all the time. Not just near tourist attractions but fucking everywhere they come up to you asking "water water cold water still water 1 euro" or some shit. That and selfie sticks and umbrellas. Kill em all.
yes there is, it's cultural. These people know nothing of our history, our traditions, our way of life. Most of them come from countries where there are no rights for women. They come here and the State supports them, they will never learn how to be a functioning member of society. There's a great risk of islamization of these groups of young men. Not everything has to do with race, see the white islamists in Cechenia
Which ones are the immigrants?
there's a big indian/paki/bangladesh community all around Italy. Yes, most of them sell shit on the streets and are really annoying, but in general they're not dangerous. They still need to get a proper job and pay taxes or fucking leave.
>white islamists in Cechenia
Ah yes the "white" mixed mogrels and even with Islam they are more civilized than European or US born blacks.
Give it a rest. Race is 80-90% of the problem. The only reason why you are fooled by "civilized" blacks is because they are mixed with whites and asians.
Dont you get it? Italians will become a minority in their own country. No matter how well behaved the foreigners would be that is a terrible thing to happen.
Do you want your children to be a minority in Asian/African/Arab run society?
italy has a lot of niggers
So pretty much all of Italy.
The cultural argument surrenders the idea that non whites can be italian, if they only would adopt italian ways.
If you think this then you're a fool that deserves to be replaced.
Italy, I thought you were better than this.
that's my main problem with immigration. But what can I do? The anti immigration party is really weak because for years they demonized southern italians for being lazy. They're considered racist xenophobic. I'm forced to vote the center left because the alternative is the Movimento 5 Stelle, a fucking meme party pro immigration who believe in chem trails. Seriously man, I see no options.
not necessarily
it's whether they win elections or not that counts
even japan had a pro immigration march, that translated to... absolutely nothing
soldier on
It's been a shithole since the 90s. Nuke it
t. Ex milanese
The browns and blacks are all smiles now...
But wait until the money runs out...
big cities like Milan do, they arrive there and try to take trains going to Switzerland/France.
>voting PD
Sparati va coglione
99% refugees and 1% israeli
I just don't see the problem in wanting a shared base of values rooted in christianity, rule of law and capitalism. You can adapt to that even if you're not white. I do believe in the protection of the white race, but I won't do anti-racemixing propaganda because you have the freedom to make your own mistakes.
cosa proponi, geniaccio? Se mi rispondi casapound o FN datti fuoco davvero
What a fucking pussy. You deserve to have your throat slit by a black man for not doing anything to defend your homeland.
Voting changes nothing you cowardly piece of shit. People who are not willing to fight for what is theirs will be devoured by people who are willing to fight
You know what you must do Mario.
it's my taxpayer money they're spending, i would be smiling too
>Voting at all
How has voting republican ever helped White Americans in the past 60 years? Their country went from 92% white to 62% white
You are fucking retarded, next time vote lega nord and then proceed to kill yourself.
Vota Lega mongoloide.
Vota Pd e si lamenta sto scemo, se voti PD lo fai perché sai cosa t'aspetta.
and your alternative would be...? No because i had to check your flag to know what fucking """"country""" you were from, and I realized you are the abortion of my north eastern region
For fucks sake learn from USA and then learn from Africa on what happens to a white hated minority.
Entire Europe is turning into USA and USA is turning into Brasil. In 40 years Italy will be 40% non white.
Vota qualsiasi cosa a destra. Se proprio vota quei pirla dei 5 stelle, ma il PD é merda pura
>huur ma la destra é demonizzata!
E chi se ne frega. Se vuoi fermare questo torrent di merda che ci sta investendo, é l'unico modo
It's mostly kangz and whores. No worries.
What about the counter-protest ? Any thing ?
gas the goombas?
>All those niggers
I'd bet any amount of money that rapeugees were paid off to attend this.
I'm not an edgy 12 years old that thinks you can fix this with "le ebin revolution". If you dont vote then dont complain
someone nuke us pls
>Movimento 5 Stelle, a fucking meme party pro immigration
this arrogance,fuck you.
go on and vote pd but pls don't come here crying.
>muh taxpayers money
voto Lega e se va bene prende il 15%.Intanto il PD perde e ci ritroviamo con Di Maio presidente del consiglio. Il giorno dopo il paese va a puttane. Fai due conti deficiente, se voto PD lo faccio col naso tappato, altrimenti me ne sto proprio a casa
I must have struck a nerve. The alternative is forming a pro Italian organisations that can influence the general Italian population into being less brainwashed.
Also my country was first formed at around 550 ad as a Slavic tribal state.
Slavs beat Italians and then Italians stole back the land especially after ww2.
>women and niggers
Italy has been making the wrong choices for too long, sitting here waiting for them to seek refuge in Vatican City
his mom
I don´t get it guys.
Let´s say I am a nigger migrant that gets a free NGO ride to Italy and I get asylum.
Why the fuck would I go and protest for more migration from Africa?
First native italians would get angry because they pay for my new life here while I start to protest and demand more things.
Second the more niggers come here the smaller my chances to find a job for my african abilities. (cleaning toilets, cleaning streets, picking tomatoes and shieet on farms)
So why the fuck protest?
Italy is cucked
Honestly, OP, just fucking kys, already. Italy does not deserve pussies like yourself.
And yet you cant prove me that voting helped American whites at all. Look Trump got elected and nothing changed.
Prove me that voting matters.
>implying niggers can think ahead
they are just doing what they are told
Non vogliono fermare i rifugiati (men che meno l'immigrazione regolare), solo fare in modo che non ci si marci sopra e che non crepino in mare.
I 5 stelle non sono anti immigrazione
not my fault if the mafia+church get money for "saving" nignogs bombed by the us
Fun fact : the majority were white cucks and commies
Also jews in between. Cowardly jews use women and blacks to fight their battles
>You are fucking retarded, next time vote lega nord and then proceed to kill yourself
>Vota Lega mongoloide.
Lega nord is a pro immigration party
Tuffati sugli scogli.
>my country was first formed at around 550 ad as a Slavic tribal state
i can also play the "go back in time" game and say my country was formed in 754 b.c. with Romolo and Remo. Your country was born in 1991, get over it.
where have i seen this before?
oh yeah every western country.
mo money mo programs if you are loud
Your mind has been bought. As long as even one citizen of Italy lives in poverty no non whites should be admitted to your country.
I've meet women from northern Italy that have more balls than you.
Like it or not coward but there will be a revolution in Italy. If not nationalistic it will be done by communist traitors and blacks.
There will be riots similar to French ones that will only increase throughout the years. All until Italy is completely destroyed
Ma tu che cazzo fai, voti il nemico?
Vota lega e convinci i tuoi vecchi a fare altrettanto, e anche i tuoi amici.
Se la lega arriva al 15-20% anche se non governa obbliga il governo a fare qualcosa per i migranti.
Votare il PD è da ritardati. A sto punto non votare.
Prove me that any pro white revolution ever happened or that will likely ever happen. Pro tip: you can't
that woman is priceless. Old cat lady who wants to be called "la presidente" because otherwise she gets triggered
>he fell for the lega meme
i agree with you.
the only way to change things is either a coup or another march on rome.
no other way
>find a job
>implying niggers want to work
They just want to know where da white women at and where to pick up their welfare check
Get over the fact that my people lived in the land for over 1500 years. Saying that Slovenia is a non country and "Italian" is really going back in time.
Ma sei scemo?
E' per il blocco navale.
L'immigrazione si fa tramite legge e basta, altrimenti vai di rimpatrio.
Significa 300k di rimpatri almeno.
Yeah you're fucked, I've seen last summer more niggers and shitskins in Bologna in 2 days than in 15 years here in romania
But a lot of pro non white revolutions happend :D and they will happen in Italy if you do nothing to stop them. Your people will be slaughtered in the streets.
>If not nationalistic it will be done by communist traitors and blacks.
The second option is far more likely honestly
>1 post by this ID
condivido questo paese con gente come te, è una sofferenza sufficiente
>Yellow and Black signs