>take the red pill
>shocked, upset, shooken up for a while
>keep taking more red pills
>get to a point of extreme depression and disgust over how brainwashed everyone is
>start turning more conservative
>over time, the red pill's effects have changed
>suddenly happier, healthier, have my priorities straightened out
>no longer very upset at the state of the world, though not happy about it either
>realize life is about creating a family, doing your duty here on Earth before your time is up
>nothing makes me happy anymore except giving to others and wanting to help people
>suddenly that last hurdle, giving myself to the world, has ironically in the process of sacrificing myself, I find myself and realize who I am
>suddenly become a Man
>in the end, glad I took the Red Pill
Take the red pill
>Take the redpill, as I have all the answers
>goddamn all these smug liberals taking the moral high ground
Never stop with the cognitive dissonance, Sup Forums
>moral high ground
how can liberals take the moral high ground when they don't have any morals?
Perfectly oblivious
>take the moral high ground on one issue
>moral low ground on all other issues
>mental gymnastics
>"I must be a good person"
All the red pill does is give purpose for those who can hack it. In reality its just truths, and the shock that results from seeing how far from the truth you are is the hardest part of the whole process.
You could say that about anything.
>hurrr how can you be upset at liberals for being arrogant and thinking they're right when you think YOU'RE right
lol spoken like true libcucks
The worst red pill is realizing that the normies and goyim deserve their blue pilled fate. They chose not to learn, not to understand. The Jews are so close to winning it makes me want to puke
>>hurrr how can you be upset at liberals for being arrogant and thinking they're right when you think YOU'RE right
Not the point
Come back when you have some kind of reading comprehension.
>dude it's all truth man, it's all relative, we're all star dust after all
kys my man
Trolling or a massive cuck. Either way you are a fool.
tell me the point then. not sure how you can criticize someone's reading comprehension when you didn't write a point. glad my post hit a nerve though because something is triggering you but you feel smug enough to not say what
you seem very cuxcked tbqh famalam.
The point is you don't understand how arrogant and self-serving the concept of "red pill" is. You can't accept it and then turn around and call liberals smug (which they are). It doesn't make sense.
Irrelevant post
Go clean your room
>You can't accept it and then turn around and call liberals smug (which they are). It doesn't make sense.
I don't think you properly understand the concept of the red pill. it's about finding out truths that were hidden to you that change your view of reality. you can call liberals smug without being smug yourself, because you understand certain truths that they do not or are not willing to listen to. it doesn't make sense to you because your concept of it is incomplete, which is why in your mind it doesn't make sense.
have a nice day
But the "red pill" implies irrefutable truth. It implies it can't be argued against, which is smug in itself.
you can't argue against statistics, which are red pills. just because a fact is not arguable, does not make it smug. you don't even properly understand what smug is. again, your brain has incomplete ideas of concepts. now it makes sense why you were so bothered by my post. learn more and lurk more.
You're in an abnormal mental state
please meditate
Morals are a vessel of White oppression
But I've heard things described as redpilled that conflict with evidence. It's a concept people throw around to hike themselves up, but it doesn't have any discernible boundaries. It seems to be only used to make yourself look better. It doesn't have any real value beyond narcissism.
They already won Desu
Btw i'm not bothered. We're just talking. Calm down, no social skills.
1 hour a day, every day my dude.
Morals are subjective. Is it moral to force arbitrary religious values on everyone? Is it moral to prosecute victimless crime?
yes, when idiots and jews like yourself coopt the term
I don't use it, so you are incorrect.