Why doesnt Europe have mega churches like the rest of the world?

Why doesnt Europe have mega churches like the rest of the world?

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they're retarded and try to act like they're somehow "better" for having decrepit old poorly constructed stone churches

>Why doesnt Europe have mega churches

They educate their children.

Europe has an entire church city.

why would we need a mega church when we have a church every 10 meters lmao

Mega churches aren't Biblical. How is a pastor supposed to have any meaningful relationship with his flock if there's thousands (or even hundreds) of them?

Because they have mega mosques now.

I feel like this whole thread was just made to say this. Sup Forums is fucking pathetic.

stuck in the past

Because we have actual historical churches and don't have to resort to stadiums.

Reminder that Christianity is Dying

We have the Millenium Cross, and we just built a church recently aswell. Catholic christianity is dying.

We don't either

They're Islamic why would they have mega churches

>poorly constructed
Better than anything you've done

Reminder that paganism is dead and will remain so.

isnt islam rising in europe?


Megachurches are disgusting. They are like the McDonalds of churches. Look at that shit. Do they serve beer and popcorn in there too?

Of course. But don't destroy the dreams of 15 year old pagan larpers. They are the useful idiots of the frankfurt school.

There are plenty of assistant pastors

We aren't that gullible.

>americans call this a church
This is what happens when consumerism dominates the culture.

if 1000s of people want to go to a church how else are you going to accommodate them?

lol Celebrity Deathmatch

They can't be both dying at the same time.

This is what Europeans call a church

They're both being replaced by Islam

The church burning pisses me off so much. You want to hug a tree and condemn your soul to eternal hell fire because "muh based Thor." Fine, who fucking cares. But when you put a torch to a thousand year old church to prove how edgy you are it makes me want to bring back the inquisitions and purge you with fire.

Nice. Not about faith anymore, it's who got the pimpest church. Fucking christcucks

>it's who got the pimpest church
They are just new large and state of the art
They are far less extravagant than old european churches


is that gonna be Romanian People's Salvation Cathedral?

fucking noice

They put an ad sign on the Milano cathedral?

I'm not even religious and I think that's disgraceful.

OP, as many ameritards usually do, you confuse "rest of the world" with the United States.
Since I know it is hard for ameritards to actually understand geography, I will forgive you and refer you to pic related masterpiece being built by the based Spanish.

Mega churches are retarded and your christian rock worship style sucks. Catholic for life!


American Protestantism is too far removed from the original church.

Modern architecture is ugly, the European state made have embraced it but not the churches.

It's not that you have nothing to be proud of

Because people want a place of spirituality and faith, not a fucking football field full of amerifats preaching about how much Christ loves them no matter what, and how Israel needs some donations

they prefer mega mosques

Evangelicalism is a solely American phenomena.

looks like a festival for old people

top kek am*rican """culture""" is such garbage

everything is a show to them. they need to be entertained or they lose attention. a nation of ignorant dumbfucks

>Why doesnt Europe have mega churches like the rest of the world?

heh, clever girl

Because they have a history that extends before Jews forcefully spreading Christianity, replacing the native white religions with Jew worship.

Yeah you know it dawg

The Vatican is its own country

Is the american really trying to compare this refurbished Mall
with 1000 year old Cathedrals in Europe ?
Is the slope there so the Sharts can drain into the sewer ?

They have mega mosques instead.

This is awful. You can't even call this a church, looks like a convention center filled to the brim with Ameritards.

a shit tier post from a shit tier country
surprise surprise

Because mega churches aren't supposed to exist


Jesus Christ is a church, you can pray to him anywhere in the world if you shall choose.

>Sup Forums's resident roachie at it again

better a church with a snackbar than a town with an allah ackbar


Somehow my instincts tell me 'Tennessee' and 'Evangelicals'


It's kind of funny how hard it can be for burgers to relate to others. You export your culture far and wide until everyone around the globe knows what your roads look like, what your churches looks like, what food you eat, how different states look like (terrain), how your democracy works (partly), what your cities look like, stereotypes, religion, music, and so on. This applies to the larger European countries as well, as they influence as well. Yet you mock with slurs like "muh based Thor" when most of your countrymen probably would think of the Marvel character and are unable to locate another country on a map.

You are doing yourself a disservice when you assume we all keeled down to your jewish god. It were mostly compromises from the church in order to stick to the region, and even then the average peasant were more concerned with the crops.
I am never going to claim to responsible for this , and it is beautiful. But as for your wooden cucksheds I care little overall, and if you believe that you have any right to tell us otherwise luther 2.0 then bring it, for you do not even know us enough to respect us. A society that doesn't take archetypes, myth and symbols seriously will possibly be jumped by them from behind.

they even have a designated Truck alley there
im impressed

Shut up Sweden

Americans can't compete...

Shut the fuck up, Jamaal.

The Church that were burned down was part of our national heritage and a vast majority of Norwegian would shake the burgers hand for what he said.

If I met Varg, I'd punch him straight in his faggot beard for his autism.

Sweden is now kneeling for Islam, so your opinion is not exactly worth much.

Nice blog post, faggot.

the reason American culture dominates is because we are the only nation matters. we are the only nation that has mattered in a long, long time. we are the last nation that will matter.

accept it and get in line with everything America thinks, says and does.


"Sweden is now kneeling for Islam, so your opinion is not exactly worth much."

And you'll do the same, in time.

I never expressed joy or endorsed what he did, all I said is that not everyone align with your stereotypes and preconceptions. Civilized people can exist in the same space and still disagree on certain things.
Everyone calling pagans d&c and 15 year olds are doing so because of stereotypes and Varg. Just because we have lost some of the old traditions we did not necessary replace them with Christianity.

No one goes to church here they're about to close 3 churches and one that stands here 110 years

We took them down, and build mosques instead.

I ain't gonna klick this shit nigger

Because Europe is really quite small in real life, and over run with freeloading moose limbs.
Now you know why it takes 2.54 of their centimeters to equal 1 superior Anglo inch.

Europeans worship the state. It's their God now.

Who's the most based megachurch pastor? Joel Osteen?

My mom loves him. He barley talks about Jesus though. Or hell. Or anything important. He just talks about improving yourself, he's like a self help guy. Barely religious.

I have to agree. They're even blocking those awesome colored windows.

this is why burgers are seen as dumb peasant by europe

>want some food?
Here have a Mcdonald

>want to go to the church?
Lol come to a fucking hall with litteraly nothing that would represent a church

>want to drive?
Muh big murican car

Here buy this rihanna's new album goy

and it goes on and on and on...


The most annoying thing is the New Style Catholic churches they're building. Look like protestant buildings.. bring back Gothic/Roman architecture.

When was the last time yurope produced anything of cultural significance?

Because we have chapels, churches and cathedrals which are far superior to your mega "churches". lel

somewhere near the moment america started takin all over the world with its jewish society, then it's been all shit

You did the French Revolution to yourself
You created postmodernism

Because they've all become godless heathens?

Are you joking?

i may have a garbage culture, but I have never been jealous enough to want to be Turkish. 1000's of people want to get together and listen to feel good xtianity and contemporary christian feel-good music, well that's their choice. At least it distracts them from the harsh reality that subhuman turkroaches like you exist.

Abrahamic Religions are all the same. Islam literally worships the same god Christians and Kikes do. They have the same old Testament, Islam just doesn't view Jesus as the son of god, just another prophet.
They are all the same, none of them belong in Europe.

I forgot to add that it is not up to us (today) to determine what is cultural significant. It is for the future to decide.

This user knows the background of the Desert Adventure Trilogy (with an inofficial sequel for those guys having more than one wife)

>What is the Washington National cathedral

No its all coffee and cookies. But seriously the acoustics suck compared to a traditional cathedral hall


They are called cathedrals you fucking retard.

>episcopal heretics
How many gay marriages have gone on in that Church so far?


Tell that to all the boys who joined youth groups, found Christian women and married young.