Ask a Mexican that have 10 illegals (now citizens) siblings in America
I got a lot of stories.
Ask a Mexican that have 10 illegals (now citizens) siblings in America
I got a lot of stories.
What are your best stories
are those pot leaves?
tell us some stories about narcos.
Would you have sex with an Argonian?
Have you ever been beheaded?
Basically how my uncles crossed and how they tried to cross.
One uncle In law (I don't know if that's how you call it, the husband of my aunt smuggled drugs for money)
whats the most valuable item u have stolen
I live in one dangerous state but N a narco one recently a mom and baby got killed with a uzi because some guys where dealers and she was in the wrong place wrong time
Only in my Dicks head by your momas lips
Cookies from a store my buddies challenged me I'm not a thief
Do they revolve around harvesting a variety of fruits and vegetables and having large extended family gatherings in local parks?
Why can't Mexicans make their own country better? I always have a hard time sympathizing with Mexicans who flee across the border for "a better life", then proclaim VIVA MEXICO constantly.
>I got a lot of stories.
>be poor
how enlightening
>yes goy being close with your extended family is bad, split up and move far away from each other and never talk to your own flesh and blood
One good story Is a bit how my uncle crossed three times and got caught the first two. Then the third was the good one. He said that Texans are really fucking bad when they catch you they're more rough than new Mexicans or Californians.
Also he said that when he got there there was a line of people of 1 kilometer long.
Not really
I mostly hate that kind too.
My uncles are kind of the same they don't wave flags but they get patriotic when they get here and start saying how America is great and shit. But to be honest they aren't Mexicans they are mexican Americans Chicano shit. Scumbags. My siblings are illiterate BTW my mom was the only person that went to college out of 10 kids everyone else flee to the land of opportunities of cleaning bathrooms
Believe me when a Mexican has Internet isn't considered poor
10 siblings as in brothers and sisters alone? What do they do for money? How is their english speaking?
1. how did they cross?
2. how close have any been of getting caught?
3. do they engage in criminal activities?
4. do they have work?
5. why did they leave?
They work usual picking fruits and doing what I guess most Mexicans do in America minimum wages jobs.
They are 6 brothers and 4 sisters my mom studied college and the others left but they were borned In a Super rural area.
My grandpa still has like 3000 Acres of land here.
One of my uncles haven't visited his mom my grandma for 18 years. Fuck that guy
>having more children than you can afford and fucking up public spaces is desirable
Well then lets hear it then paco.
You down there getting you some of that prime latin ass?
1 you pay a coyote guy that knows the schedule of the border patrol When they turn shifts that when they cross. There are so many people that the border patrol can't catch everyone.
2 most of them got caught atleast one except by one that got into a car engine but got several burns
3 no
4 yes mostly low wages job
5 economic situation rural area with not real opportunities been there and still the same
Burger I could take a plane and be in the US by tomorrow tell me where you live so we can fight.
My gf
What do Mexicans think of mixed White-Native American people? Since Mexico is basically a mix of Meso and Spanish people are they not basically the same thing as you genetically?
You best be strapped nigga. I bet yall get access to some dope ass firearms right?
>new breed of Mexican manlets can fit inside the hood of cars
Nice thread, just bantering.
I like mexicans, learn English, vote right, embrace your privilege.
No they aren't
It really depends on the state chihuahua is kinda white they're even like 100k Amish that live there.
But in Oaxaca or southern Mexico is Negress is more black.
Like indigenous.
And something about Mexicans is that when a white Mexican and a brown Mexican have a child there's a good chance of the kid being white I've met blondes with one of the their parents being brown it's weird
Also I used to be whitest but the sun here and not using sunscreen makes you brown
>illegals (now citizens)
it doesn't work that way, unless you think DACA = citizen or something
>that camera angle
she's 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide with brown nipples
>What's amnesty, what's marriage
actually my great great father was German that's why my uncles are 1.80.
He says he almost choked to death
You get but legally it's not ton shit of work paper psychological tests and drug tests.
She's 5'6
>What's amnesty
Last amnesty was in the mid 1980's, and you claimed they're your siblings. You're either way older than I expected or you're lying.
>what's marriage
Someone here illegally can't become legal through marriage. Unless the California legal system is even more insane and in violation of federal law than I previously thought.
Why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
I'm 22 my mom had me at 40 I know they are citizens don't really know how but they are one voted for Trump
Because IT'S DELICIOUS You fucking moron
I am like that. In the winter everyone assumes I am white but in the summer I become completely bronze and everyone assumes I'm a native.
Is no-one else is going to say it...
I had that toy when I was a kid. It was good growing up in the 70s
Yeah but here the sun is pretty rough on the skin. One vacation some redhead pale qt girl was partying and got drunk and slept in the beach when she waked up was taken to the hospital bitch had no sunscreen.
There you go
Very nice.
But seriously, why don't Mexicans make any attempt to make their own country better?
Yo what happened to pic. Shit was dope!
Mexico is the world's most working nation on earth where triying to independence ourselves from the US. And looking to Latin America. But it's hard with shills from the CIA destabilizing. Corrupt governments in Mexico city everyday there's a protest.
You Talk about the chicanos not Mexicans.
I know people that work 5-10 and Sunday is their day off people are triying to but it's not that easy.
Why do that when free money is a fence hop away?
She browses Sup Forums.
Not pol but if she sees it she's gonna stop letting me cum inside
We just call that uncle in the USA even if not blood relative. Your uncle/aunt's spouse is just also aunt or uncle.
Tell us where they live so we can deport them.
>wrong place and wrong time
Do you mean she got really unlucky or you are unironically refering to living with Mexico at 2017 is enough to get mass shot
Detroit, get your bitch ass out here.
get yourself a girl that begs you to cum inside her dumbass.
>One of my uncles haven't visited his mom my grandma for 18 years. Fuck that guy
Same exact scenario except its my grandfather. Fuck that uncle.
I have my prejudices about your kind, but I'll be damned if I didn't say you have women that'll make your dick cry, Jorge.
>I have a lot of stories
>tells none
Be honest there is no stories you made this thread just to troll Americans and annoy them?
Thanks Mr burger. But if they got a divorce it would be your ex uncle?
Yeah the fuckers didn't gave a fuck they were going to kill a couple that I guess owed them money or have something to do with them and kill them sprayed with a uzi a girl with her baby was passing by and got killed never heard of any of this close to where I live this rarely happens where I live first gunfire I heard since I'm 16 years living here.
My kind. Mexican is not a ethnicity.
No one asked for them.
Made this thread so people can ask how's crossing the border and the process of going to maybe people asking me about Mexico.
>Mexican is not a ethnicity.
then why do you all look alike?
The very first response in the thread asked for one retard.
Mostly lower classes immigrate.
>indigenous =lower classes
I responded.
I got many more one of my aunts married a drug dealer without knowing it, I once found antiques Aztec or Maya artifacts.
Once fucked a indigenous girl (pure indigenous) ask me something specific to respond
His mom bit the head of your dick off? Were you raping her? What the fuck mexibro
I like to rape man don't you understand that my ancestors where raped and raped people
where are they right now?
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Where do you think...
You have to go back.
I never leaved