China hate thread?
China is going to take over the world bruv
Just look up Chinese dog breeds, Chow Chow, Shitzu, and Pug.
They are basically bred for retardation, absolutely shit breeds.
Meanwhile, Japan for example breeds smart independant hunting dogs like the Shiba inu, or doge dog.
China is on the verge of a massive collapse which will likely result in millions starving again. Nobody likes working with them, virtually no innovation comes from them, and their legal system is totally fucking goofy.
China & India already have the next generation of einstein's and super soldiers grouping while the west fight over race and gender and you sit jacking offf over
> MEHH white ancestors was great
China must perish.
I never fucking understood that shit
Yeah but they weasel and shill their way into the ivy league, business, and academia in the US. And they can't invent or innovate fuck all.
They are like jews but many times greater in population and less innovative.
>virtually no innovation comes from them
aren't they currently editing human embryos with CRISPR technology?
>aren't they currently editing human embryos with STOLEN technology?
Why are they so bad?
>taking existing technology
>doing unethical shit no one else is willing to do yet
Anyone could do that shit. If china started coming up with culinary recipes for human fetuses would they be innovative in their cuisine?
If you've ever worked in an area related to science you'll know that Chinese institutions plagiarise and falsify everything. Anything they publish is worse than useless.
Tbh you don't even have to work in science to know. Chinese are fake fucks, their science is equal in quality to their cadmium based baby powders.
Yeah, no you are clueless. China is taking over many business in SEA and even with slowed growth BTFOs the entire West combined. It is sustainable as well and is not poisoned by the shit like democracy. Better start learning Mandarin, your new flat owner maybe when they buy all properties.
When will we found something of these threads than this exact picture every time of someone who simply is bad at business, or cherry picked webms from 10 years ago by people who do not know Chinese compensation laws?
t. Thaicuck
Stop letting the Chinamen fuck your wife. You don't want your country under Chinese rule, they turn everything to shit.
>It is sustainable as well and is not poisoned by the shit like democracy
What the actual fuck
>they stole my idea!!!
Are all westerners 6 years old? All inventions are built on other technology and production efficiency is what matters, sorry you are so lazy and low iq
Name something of significance that Chinese have invented in modern time.
>cherry pick
>pic dealing with several different companies in china
Go suck your ladyboys dicks, thaicuck.
i wanna unravel that foot so bad
History lesson:
Thailand's democracy all the way from 1950 to 2015 was a disaster
They had like 20 something coup attempts
>i don't blame them for jumping ship from democracy
Not to mention you have ALL of youtube to see why China will be a failure in the next 50 years. Their level of education is so fucking bad, despite "muh over 9000 IQ" they are literally cheaters and lazy asses who get passed in college because it's good business for a college to have a 100% pass rate. They don't even have to go to classes.
Every electronics product you own
>SEVERAL companies!!
>over many years in a country with 1500000000 people and no regulations
Here you go, thaicuck. computer science teacher talking about his college class.
>They are basically bred for food
google dog meat festival
University isn't useful anywhere though, you always learn the most from mentors at the job
t. I have 0 understanding of the way science processes
And yet you're bitching about "muh cherry pick"? Are you retarded? A cherry pick deals with 1 incident and blows that up out of proportion. Uncuck yourself from that shit country so you can be a 1st world country, maybe.
University is important if you want to have an important job like maybe being an engineer, or fucking doctor or scientist. You know, jobs that help progress a country instead of let it fall backwards?
>inb4 hundreds of gifs/webms of people getting run over on the Chinese streets
Most of the Chinese people do not have driving license, or they just bought it from the officers. Most of the Chinese have car in a very bad shape, car would not pass the tests / inspections,etc. When car crash happennes, it means the police will come, and it means problems for everyone involved. That´s why in those gifs / webms people do not care, because it would cause more bad then good for them.
I really don't understand how people do business in China. I mean, I understand they do but, how do people make profits and protect their interests?
I've heard and read contracts are meaningless in China and cheating is the National pastime.
>make doctors go to school for 10 years
>now half your countries money is for medical
I can have anything treated for 50usd which I don't need because I'm not obese like you
>"good University engineer "
>can't find any job in USA because China makes everything cheaper and better
I prefer the one where they are falling in random holes that appear out of nowhere.
People do business because of how cheap it is. The company heads themselves don't have to deal with the bullshit in China so they don't care about the person having to do business there as long as it gets done.
No, you wrote like this is common because you found 5 webms from 10 years ago of accidents. That is cherry picking.
>Shiba inu
>hunting dog
dear lord you are fucking retarded
The Akita is a hunting dog dumbass, shiba inu is a useless piece of shit meme dog.
Pretty interesting watch. Didn't know the Chinese education system was like that.
I don't see America allowing property owners to protect their land against the interests of large corporations.
How can the Chinese be high IQ?
> farm in the middle of the M62 motoway in Yorkshire
> Original land owner refused to sell his property
> civil engineers plan around it instead of through it
>can only come up with an obese joke
Meanwhile, while you're dying of some rare disease that your chinese doctor never learned about the U.S doctor is treating his patients with very little problems because we actually have education.
>muh overseas engineering outsource meme
There are actually plenty of engineering jobs in the U.S. It just requires you to move to that state where the job is.
>I found 5 webms
I posted 1 picture, which did not even have any cherry picking involved.
Actually I'm not dying with any disease because I an not obese.
>back to muh obese jokes
This is how I know you lost.
Wait for it, they will come as in every thread about China. I know you have the collection saved too because you saved that retards posts.
Their childhood education is brutal, but the education that matters the most is a joke.
I don't save those crushed by an elevator pictures.
Chows are masterrace dogs though.
>not denying
Not how I know you are obese though, I know from flag.
>The Shiba Inu dog breed was originally bred to flush birds and small game, and was occasionally used to hunt wild boar.
You are a meme
But you save the car ones of course
Because denying anything on this board is matched with a /soc/ request. Has nothing to do with politics and I'm not getting banned because some ladyboy wants to see my body.
I don't save those either. I save stories, not pictures and webms.
It's okay, just stop your diet, eat more rice and fruit and you can look as good as us
it's called trust faggot
fool me once shame on me I'm gonna tell everybody in town you're a fucking rat that shouldn't be trusted in business
fool me twice the triads gonna get you
>American politics
The narrow window between 3 and 12 years old matters the most when determining success in life
Yes you do
For Chinese it's mostly business friendships, not trust
I'd much rather the government offer me tons for my property then fuck off once I tell them to get bent than get bullied by a bunch of tiny chinamen to the point where I'm living in a glorified box.
Imminent Domain is only practiced in cuck states anyway since no politician wants to have an angry home owner blow their head off if they can help it.
>For Chinese it's mostly business friendships, not trust
that's kinda what I meant
it's a network thing, everybody introduces their business acquaintances to other business acquaintances when needed and reputation gets around and things work that way
which means if you're a foreign white man trying to conduct business in china without knowing anyone you'll certainly get fucked
Nobody likes working with them no. But in the big boy world, people don't work with others because they like to. They do it because it pays. And the Chinese Pay.
First of all, that's cool.
Second, that house will eventually be brought down. I mean, come on : this is China, they already displaced thousands of people to build a dam, do you think they care about a little apartment block ?
>virtually no innovation comes from them
shenzhen is the sillicon valley of hardware
literally this.
Chinese are taking over the responsiblity of continuing western civlization after you white cucks surrender to niggerism.
>offer me tons for my property
Yeah nah the US government doesn't do that cunt. They'll offer you fuck all and if you don't agree they'll evict you anyway and you'll get nothing.
shiba inus are savages
Looks hot af when they walk
It's like anime IRL
There is a piece of private owned land overlooking area 51 that costs the government up to $100 million a year, as they must shut down all classified ops and throw tarps over everything whenever the landowners visit their abandoned mine.
The landowners are assholes about selling, and even charge people to takes pics of Area 51 when they visit. The government offered them 5 million dollars initially for the land, but they refused (greed for more) and so Uncle Sam told them tough shit and the final offer was only $100k.
It's a bizarre story.
Actually, this is what anime IRL looks like. I always thought those hentai anime girls, with tits so big they needed a wheelbarrow to move them, were just weeb fantasy...who knew it was the truth.
>China is on the verge of a massive collapse
Go back writing your next "Current year + 1 Edition" book, Gordon Chang
girl with bound feet can't run away from you duh
>I posted a screenshot of some anonymous faggot fleshing out a popular memes in a long post of anecdotes of unnamed companies and opinions on the internet
>Im an expert on the second largest economy of the world now
The government operates no different to the mafia
More news at 11
Risk reward. I know a guy who does business in china to manufacture car parts. The company in china ALWAYS requests money first, then after you pay there is a 50% chance they walk away with the money and never contact you again, a 25% chance they will make your product but with a million defects and lost money on your end until they finally get it right, and another 25% chance that everything will go perfectly. Even with all of the loss you still save money compared to manufacturing it in the states.
Why are the chinese so heartless?
50 Cent Army Shill confirmed.
"Opium should be regarded as a powerful weapon. It has been employed by imperialists against us, and now we should use it against them. Such warfare can be called chemical warfare by indigenous methods.” MAO TSE-TUNG, 1935.
Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. PhD., Red Cocaine, The Drugging of America and the West, London, Edward Harle Limited, 1990
they are cooking cats alive
nuff said
chinese have less patents coming annually than nordic countries
that is actually very positive
china is a complete shithole with many abuses, censorship, one party system and so on but goddamn they seem to respect property right sometimes! much more so than in "civilized" countries.
Patent applications for new dickcage and dildo shapes and feminists renaming shit that already exists doesnt count.
Pic related
They were never taught, as we are in the west, that the individual has intrinsic value.
What won't they ruin?
They're verbally abused (at least) as kids by adults, and they pass on the abuse to the next generation.
Uneducated, uncivilized peasants.
>can't even spell correctly. Get the fuck out,.
No souls.
gimme dat footpucci
I think I remember hearing some where that if what happens in the video and someone runs over to help the hurt person, the person that tried to help could get sued by the family of the dead.
never gets old.
If the worst of Ancap logic met the worst of communism corruption, you'd get China.
If he's already talking to them directly, why would they bother with the other guy?
If you injure them, you have to foot their medical bills. If it was paid by the state, it'd be a different story.
Shiba inus are shit tier shit dogs.
No wonder the call them "cats of the dog world"
They are equally as stubborn and useless.
There are no property owners in china