
>I cut my dog's dick off and now she's a girl

Trans logic everyone

Other urls found in this thread:


>owner assuming the gender of the dog

this comics are the most cringeworty thing I've ever seen

Most people would just look confused and end the conversation. Who would stand there and argue? Are any of these comics based on something the author has actually experienced? It seems all manufactured out of insecurity.

These have to be a troll, the artist just doesn't ever get it in such a perfect way

Agreed... It's almost like the thing that came up with these is trolling the shit out of people

The difference is that in the first panel, the dog's gender really is female.

The second panel, still has a dick.


I'd argue with the parent if they were abusing their child too.


>Is that your dog?! What a good boy!
>A good girl actually!
>uh... I can see the dog's sheath. It's a boy
>lol, we know, but we think it acts more like a girl, so we call it a girl
>Oh... That's unusual... As a stranger I question your choices, but it's just a dog, so whatever.

I'm trans and think these comics are ridiculous. In /lgbt/ we laugh at this person's comics regularly because they're just insane.

the asian tranny comics are worse because hes even more self aware

put those eyes on the kid

Perfectly exemplifies how I feel after having read these comics. Yet, I cannot look away.


>Acting as though anyone determines a dog's sex/gender via anything other than its genitals

>The dog has a penis, it's male!
>The child has a penis, he's female!

>Are any of these comics based on something the author has actually experienced?

It is real in his head

Thanks for letting us know how important you are.

someone do a better job for me



So you were born from two daddies ?
That's so possible.
I can't believe how possible this is.

Seriously two faggots fucking each others are just gonna make shit-colored cum, but not a kid.

Gotta give him the tongue also

>we determine the gender of the dog corresponding to its chromosomes
>we determine the gender of the kid corresponding to its mood/mental illness

It exists to be a strawman comic. He represents himself as a little girl because he's a pedophile and also because child characters are always divine and correct in comics.

Bosting sabed gomics




the message sent out from this bit is anti-trans though, what a dumbass author

>1 post by this ID
Hide slide threads. Sage.


serious question here
how would we non-violently solve the trans problem
for children it shouldnt be too hard, but how would we reach to older ones?


But what if one of the two men/dads has a vagina? Ever think of that, bigot?

hearty kek - thank you user.

you figure it out

>complains that society reduces them to nothing but their transness
>makes a comic that is NOTHING BUT talking about how he's trans


If these comics dont scream mental illness i dont know what does. Can we bring back eugenics programs?


>when you're a mentally ill faggot and you won't stop breaking everyone's balls about it

>just recognizable anatomy

its clear that the author is fucking in the head, you can see that from either reading the comics or from watching a video of this retard


are geldings the trannies of animals?

This and nice trips.
Also /thread

It isn't even the first time. I can't find it but they have one comic where somebody calmly points out the flaw in their logic and their only response is "NOOO YOU'RE ERASING MY EXISTENCE FUCKING BIGOT"


>she's even a cunt to her boyfriend
This is why nobody likes trannies.



no need. they kill themselves at incredible rates.

seems like no one got it kek

Another user edited this for me

Sounds like you're all highly transphobic and probably racist as well...

Kill it please

For you

>how would we non-violently solve the trans problem
>for children it shouldnt be too hard, but how would we reach to older ones?
Like you said, good education is enough for children, and for the adult ones, they'll kill themselves or die from AIDS anyway.

It's almost a self-solving issue.


You guys help make us important. Thank you.

there are people that are sickened by out and open child abuse and also have a self-righteous desire to be a hero. debating, however, will not work. we need to end this 'trans kid' meme through legislature before more teenagers kill themselves when they realize that they missed out on a major stage of puberty because their parents put them on 'puberty blockers'.


Nothing to do with you, eh, nothing at all?


>his face when he's the first out of all of them to get his dick slobbed on.

He thinks the other kids a fag too but he's playing that long con.

Nice to know that gender-swapping causes children to be crippled, both mentally and physically.


>A good girl actually
>Oh sorry let me fix that for you
>*cuts cock off*

I seriously so confused.

Total psyop


i hope it does 1 final comic right before it kills itself

not all trannies are this insane

>dog is being identified based on genitalia
>human is being identified based on feelings


top fucking kek

dog this IS the eugenics program. you think any of these people are gonna breed? hormones make you sterile and frankly real women (non-pozzed ones at least) are majorly creeped out by trannies, even perfectly passing ones.

Kinda shows how the author feels about dogs

>t. Tranny

>Le based trannies
fuck off back to plebbit and /lgbt/ you disgusting faggot

>Can we bring back eugenics programs?
They're putting themselves out of the gene pool.
It's all good.

I had a chuckle

Can't tell if edit or not?

Better version



Guys, it's funny, because she's not a woman.



I love it when edits are so well done you don't even know if it's an edit or not.

Only is an edit

He has seen the secrets of the world. He cannot go back.

Run you fools, run while you can.

Deus Vult. I cured myself of gender dysphoria by simply realising life is tough enough with my current gender AND

if I can learn how to be the perfect female, why not be the perfect man (Huge Jackedman)? I already got the equipment for it.


Goddamn I love Sup Forums

Bingo, self-resolving issue. Like climate change. Seriously, go google louder with crowder actual climate scientist.


You certainly know your gay subtleties

>Assigned Male is a shitty webcomic about Stephen, an 11-year-old boy who calls himself "Stephie" and thinks he's a girl. It was created by a fat French-Canadian tranny Guillaume "Sophie" Labelle, who seemingly knows nothing at all about how children speak or act, despite claiming to have worked with children before. The comics usually consist of Stephie babbling about "heteronormative oppression" and other stupid Tumblr bullshit in huge walls of text, and little else. It's also known for its odd focus on the genitalia of a young boy, as Stephie repeatedly informs the reader that even though he was born with a penis, he is a girl and doesn't have a "boy's body" (something that is particularly worrying because Labelle works with children).

>Assigned Male is essentially Billy the Heretic written from the opposite end of the political spectrum, as both are political propaganda pieces with shitty art that feature a young boy as the protagonist who is supposed to be "wise beyond his years," but instead just comes across as the author's obvious mouthpiece taking the form of a spoiled brat. There is little meat to the storylines of both comics, and they are first and foremost platforms for the authors to preach their views to the audience. While Assigned Male features slightly better art than Billy the Heretic (by virtue of actually having colors), both are about equal on the shit spectrum.

Can't tell if parody or not


>I cured myself of gender dysphoria
so in other words you're going to start taking hormones when you're 40 and realize repression and trying to act super manly doesn't work