Honest thoughts on Richard Spencer?

i personally think the guys's a hero. If you'd just listen to his speeches once, you'd learn to appreciate his way with words. He's also done a lot for our movement.

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Filthy collectivist. Embracing indentity politics is the antithesis to western/european/white excellence and the reduction of the exceptional to the average.

The white race will not be saved through starting to competitively suck the state's teat, no matter how organized.

Neither will the restriction of an individuals self-interest result in a worthwhile society - he's trying to expand a wood by felling its trees.
All the rhetoric skill in the world can't change that.

I like him but his connection to Dugin and his comments about the holomodor are questionable

How about his speeches

A failed forced meme from the left. Fuck that fat retard.

Why does he think this haircut looks good?

He looks like a cartoon character.

He looks literally like a caricature of who he's trying to look like. Retard.

More like from the right

>more forced photoshop shit

Boy I've never seen this before.

Well its an SS cut and thats what people wore in the 1940s.

Slide thread. Sage.

hahaha with the coat

yeah just found this one

that button is hanging onto his life

Entertaining halfwit who sometimes makes good points.

Ethnostate is dumb and immoral. You can't take people's property and force them to move without violating the basic tenets of the constitution for starters.

It's photoshopped.

Yeah I saw this same thread yesterday, fucko. Stop shilling, you German kike

Watch it go to 200+

No, that's what he is trying to go for. What he has is a literal little pile of hair on top of his head. It looks like he buzzed his head and someone took a shit on top. That's not an SS cut.
lol, Ok good.

Why did you shop it, what are you trying tomachieve? Shill.

>muh constitution

Let's see what the founders actually thought about race, shall we?


still shit

>responding to shills


Thats what I think. He might not be the most charismatic guy, nor is he a born leader.

But he has done a lot for our movement, he is breaking taboos, he lays some ideological base and the leftist just hate him. Three reasons why I think he is our guy.

Inb4 xxx shekels

Then why does he adopt every single stereotype the left has laid out about right wingers

>he spends 24/7 on Sup Forums an keeps track of every thread

lmao get a life, NEET omega cuck

If you don't respond and post the real images they're getting what they want. Most of the newfags that flood Sup Forums daily have no idea who Spencer is and are easily misled. These kikes realize that.

pic related.

still thicc

Smart guy, fair bantzer, makes things happen, finances them too to a large degree. Single most important man on the alt-right. Leans toward yelling in his speeches a bit too much. I'm happy to say that the Charlottesville event wasn't organized by him - it's nice that other people are picking up the slack, that there's beginning to be less of a single point of failure for the alt-right, now.

We might not agree with everything he says, sttill he does some important work.

still shopped

that jacket IS A MESS

He's more of an ally than an enemy and those who shit on him would likely do the same for anyone who takes our beliefs public instead of just shitposting. Anyone who says anything remotely pol-related in public is labelled controlled opposition.

>muh property

jew detected

He's pretty smart and his core beliefs are pretty good, but he really isn't a good leader. He's prone to doing retarded things in public for the sake of controversy, and he really isn't that great of a speaker. I always cringe when I see him talking about how whites are "children of the sun" or whatever. I wish Jared Taylor was the public face of the alt-right, I feel like he would handle the spotlight better.

What do you mean exactly?

tfw u get punched so hard in the face it turns u into a teen from Tumblr (pic related)

You've turned the constitution into a suicide pact. What good is a constitution if it forces us to give up our rightful countries to foreigners?


Isst die Muslim Schlange, dumme Deutscher. Ich hoffe es gut dir schmeckt.



>his German is about as good as his English

lmao american """""education"""""


He is really high up there on the spectrum. So self absorbed from his white privelege and anime conventions. That his goal in life is LARP as himself as a prominent member in a LARP movement.

>hail trump heil victory
>that obvious SS haircut
>promoting white identity
>walking around in groups with torches
>in favor of ethnostate
>grabbing the term alt-right and identifying yourself as its leader

he's either a plant or retarded beyond measure

That button will kill someone when it gives.

>being so cucked by Anglosphere, you learn the language and then try to argue you're superior because you know both languages.

If my grandkids are speaking fluent Chinese, I failed them.

dudes a dumbass. This german officer has a big head and forhead where this hair cut looks good. On spencers head however it looks terrible.

>being so cucked

You'd know :^)

That's not a real German, guys. That's Ralph Fiennes from Schindler's List. You may know him as Voldemort.

I'm always surprised how few Sup Forumstards know this.

The fact that you cower at leftist framing says everything we need to know about you. You're a pathetic cuck.