
I've been subbed to shoe for awhile now and for her past few vids lately weren't that funny to me, she just comes off as trying to hard nowadays.
But after her most recent video i think she's gone full retarded. I mean i get it, they should be nicer about this fag and trap stuff. What ever.
But these are the same bitches that complain about how unscientific conservative are and say there is no proof in anything they say or base things on their emotions for their own destructive desires.
At this point i think she is just a pretty face with great tits and shitposting jokes. And personally, Her need to protect certain people is getting kinda annoying, It's like it's not even for her own opinion, just a way to show her virtue.
What do you think?You think i'm getting to into it or what?

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She's always been a lolbertarian cuck, my dude. That said, she used to be a contrarin and "one of us". Now that anti-SJW and anti-feminism is becoming mainstream, she's being contrarian.

It hurts, but I'm going to have to let go of her because she was some of babby's first red pills during Gamergate. I suggest you consider doing the same.

She wasn't even my pill.
And you know, i get it, i don't mind that she's pro lgbt or a lib.(I need to weed out the white men that are gay to get straight white men)
But JFC She's going full retard with this gender shit.

>it's another YT celeb thread

Thanks for reminding me to put this shit on filter

She's always been liberal and an overly empathetic woman. Her need to feel empathy overrides her belief in science, like in this instance.

this. well i am just gonna watch her girly channel now

the problem with making videos about politics is you can only make so many before you start parroting the same points over and over. it gets stale really quick.

she has fake tits and a wig

this coal burning bitch has no place on Sup Forums

I subbed to her years ago. I don't think I've ever watched a single vid. I tried watching one or two back when I subbed, but they were never funny or engaging. She literally gets all her hype from the fact that she's an attractive female.

Dude, she doesn't give a fuck about politics at all. The only reason she makes those fucking videos is to make money, she probably has some orbiter write her scripts for her too.

If she was a guy no one would watch her.


fuck this stupid bitch just make porn for us, jesus...

Just like all alt right/alt lite bitches on youtube, she doesn't have any original ideas or things to say and just parrots shit she doesnt even understand. If you watch these sluts, you should probbaly fuck off back to plebbit.


She's a liberaltarian. Just shutup and get muh dick in your mouth.

Fuck this wig wearing coal burner!

Why would you listen to this stupid cunt in the first place?
fuck off redditor

shes always been a subpar presenter of ideas who people pay attention to because shes a woman

>great tits

What did he mean by this?

it's not like she posts any unique thoughts, she makes comedy videos.

but anyway, I agree that she's probably just a contrarian now that she's defending trans shit

I just used to like her because i thought she was funny and was pretty good on the facts
only recently did i begin to see she was a idiot

i dont understand why people watch videos like hers, rebelmedia, lauren southern etc. to me theyre just preaching to the choir. i already agree with most of their views so why should waste time watching a guy tell me what i already know?

>pining after an overly empathetic, emotional pleaing libeal woman
>not dillweed the autistic boybody sperg who spews nazi and ethnic cleansing memes

Did she ever even make any videos on anything? I only know her as Armored Skeptic's girlfriend. And he hasn't done anything of note either except being Sargon's (ex?) friend.

Exposure to those who don't agree and could be swayed.

No shit.

Heard that expression about broken clocks sometimes being right OP?

pol has said since the beginning not to get attached to these people, they are useful but not on your side, not really.

Shoe has always displayed clues that she has no real vision, commitment or mindset for a cultural war.
She is the eternal centrist contrarian without any clear stance who is just above and against anyone.

Her attacks on feminism were useful but she is just as likely to attack you as well and has no strategic consideration or consistency behind her actions because she has no real side because having ideals is too lame for her.

I like rebel and lauren
A little to much of a jew biased but their news and the way they conduct is good.
besides it all canada has anymore

You are not the target audience. People disillusioned with the left and people who are just getting into politics are the target audience.

stupida facking betch

post tits

Just look up her nudes your self

you have to go back

Was this before or after she met Armored Skeptic?


you can't look up her nudes yourself?

shoeonhead looks more boxxy than boxxy does irl.