Auschwitz Pool

Why oh why was there a pool at Auschwitz?

Nobody seems to have a clear explanation, the SPLC just character assassinates anyone raising the question without clarifying the use and purpose.


A sign within the camp itself states that it's "a fire brigade resivoir built in the shape of a swimming pool"


Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

It was where the Nazis tanned the Jewish skin to make lampshades.

Sooooooo this is the famous pond of ACID!


>central heating built in the form of ovens

Of course. Concentration camps were obviously a Jewish-exclusive vacation resorts.

The Nazi just loved wasting money.

I always assumed it was for guards/officers, probably is seconded as a fire reservoir

but I guess this is too logical and simple

They had a theatre and a library, let the inmates have musical instruments and put on plays. Things didn't get hellish until the war was being pushed back to the West. None of this means they didn't kill any Jews, just that the whole 'network of mechanized extermination death camps of evil' thing doesn't make any sense. Why even feed and house them just so you can kill them all later? The whole narrative is fucking stupid.

It was within the camp itself though, doesn't make sense to have it there

>Why even feed and house them just so you can kill them all later? The whole narrative is fucking stupid.


I will have you know my great great great grandfather DIED in those camps. he fucking DIED! he was 98 years old and dies naturally of a heart attack after the nazi`s spent several hours trying to rescue him. adolf poopler is a fucking monster and i hope he is burning in hell for trying to save the white race. that evil bastid ! he killed! he killed 7 million jews because we wanted to live lives of freedom and we never bothered anyone!

>The whole narrative is fucking stupid.
declaring war on the usa just because japan attacked them while you are not still done with the brits and soviets also is fucking stupid

so it was used by kapos and seconded as fire reservoir

i dunno, I'm just arguing from occams razor line of thought

in a camp this size you need a fire reservoir, why not add a jumping board so the filthy traitors can have some bonuses for betraying their kind, why would the kraut care

Supposedly they drown people and make people swim for hours till they drowned or they'd tie stuff to them and watch them fight to swim. Yknow all those very possible scenarios, but I don't believe any of them because it was actually probably just a pool for the higher up Germans off duty at the time.

NO ONE CARES (((you)))

It even has a diving board so fire fighters can jump in easily!

There's a difference between bad foreign policy decisions and doing the exact opposite of killing people you supposedly want to kill when you have total power over them. They fed, watered, housed, provided basic medical care to, and entertained millions of people for years while supposedly wanting nothing more than to exterminate them. They went out of their way to keep these people alive until the war went so bad they couldn't feed their own people anymore. And then they supposedly wasted time gassing them a half dozen at a time for 2 years instead of, I don't know, just not feeding them anymore. It's fucking ridiculous nonsense.

>and watch them fight to swim
Oh, they must've stuck coins at the bottom of the pool.

Before the war got out of hand, my grandmother was held in Auschwitcz. The Nazi commanders would force the Jews to swim in these pools. Now here is the catch: They would also throw in wild bears.

The last package my grandfather received from my grandmother was a single show and a one sentence letter that said "remember me"

>and make people swim for hours

from before the war jews were supposed to be removed not exterminated

read about Haavara Agreement

after the war started transporting jews abroad, neede to be stopped, so they just concentrated them and removed from society. Maybe starved a bit and made them do some slave work.

After Stalingrad of Kursk, when the higherups realised they will not win, they started killing them off.

rest is jewish lies, numbers are without doubt exaggerated

gays, retards, gypos, political opponents, commies and some parts of jewish and slavic inteligencia were probably killed outright.

Works of Einsatzgruppen make much more sense.

What is the the Sims?

you should read full posts before responding


Yeah killing them in the field makes sense, happens all the time in war. You can't always afford to take prisoners and some of them are threats if you let them go, they will join the other side. I'm sure they had executions in the camps, but the vast majority of the deaths were due to disease and starvation, same things killing civilians outside the camps. Typhus is a war plague, always accompanies war and famine, and makes your body waste away. Bodies of lots of dead German/Polish civilians looked the same as those in the camps. I bet they killed more of the prisoners at the end, honestly better to be shot then to starve to death. I have no sympathy for the Jews because they are so obnoxious about it. If Ukranians were always on TV screeching about the Holomodor and indoctrinating school kids about it people would be sick of them too.

Auschwitz also had brothels which would be used by Jews to soften them up before getting information out of them. Who says that the pool couldn't have been used by them on a hot summer day in exchange for getting something from them? Kappos would probably have used it as well.

I visited a concentration camp with my class in Austria and they had a football field there, they told us that it was the nazis who played games

>they told us that it was the nazis who played games
Let me guess the ball was jew head?

Get what though?

Sonderkommando had various perks, separate barracks, better food, various goods and worked for credits/camp money which could be used to buy things. The pool could have been part of that.

Sonderkommando did all the dirty work the Nazis didn't want to expend their own people on, burying bodies, stripping them for gold teeth and the like.

That's the best lie they could come up with?

Those 3 stands there are for divers, for racing side by side.

Makes no sense they would make something in the shape of something else to fool people. If that was the case, the ovens would be a "bakery".

It was not designed as a work/internment/death camp anyway.

They were filled with pirhanas and the jewish kids were thrown in there, then their parents were let near it and if they wanted they could jump in to try and save their kid, but if they managed to, they'd have to stay in instead, or else if they got out the ss guard would shoot them both with zyklon b poison coated bullets

3rd generation Holocaust survivor here, AMA

Those "diving board" are planks, like from a pirate ship.

Jews would be blind folder, and made to walk to the end. They would be forced to stand there for 24 hours, and if they could do it, they were spared and went back to working the fields.

If you fell off, you'd fall into the piranha filled water below, see

So the Nazis invented Survivor?


It was to trick Jews into thinking it would be like going to camp.

I had no idea Auschwitz was a Hillary Fun Camp.

I don't know. I'm unfortunately have to work with Germans. They are really good at building systems that are totally worthless.

The pool is actually at the far end of the fenced in area. Why would the officers want it there if they would have to walk past all the Jews while in their swimsuits?

it was a pool for the nazi guards

Maybe so the SS officers could swim?


I like how it is just "probably built in 1944 or whatever"

>Auschwitz Death Camp, where 15,000 to 8,000,000,000 Jews were gassed or something. Buy a book in the gift shop!



The same pool from another angle


Yes, the guards had a swimming pool right in the camp, but no where near the barracks. Sensible.


I guess firemen needed a diving board platform for those hot summer days

FFS I was a true believer of some genocide, but I learn some something more and more with each of these threads. Such blatant lies! Even without their explanation "built in the shape of a swimming pool" I can see it's in the shape of a pool, but fire reservoir? That shit would evaporate.

Fucking kikes

It's was always good fun for the Jews to take their prostitutes for a romantic swim before dinner

Holy shit. This is hillarious.

Kind of a bummer that all the illustrated magazines about the concentration camps are (((lost))).
There are tons. From "völkischer Beobachter" to "illustrierte Presse" and so on.

All from the 30s, all showing ideal prison conditions and no gas chambers.

>Ovens built in the form of central heating

90% about the "facts" rely that people go for their feelings.
I remember how I was taught holocaust in class.
The teacher put photos of corpse piles on the projector and the girls started to cry and then we watched some more holocaust documentaries with sad and creepy music.

Its indoctrination. You switch your brain off once you see piles of corpses and then they go deep and condition you.

Same with the dead refugee children. Its as if the sight of corpses makes most people immediately turn off their brain and go into feral survival mode where you can easier programm them.

That's some good conditioning methods the kikes have. I can't even imagine the level that was taught to German students. Like you said, the teacher just showed the pics and said ""SEE?! DEAD JEEEEEEEWWS!" The cultural Marxists have infested everywhere

Exactly the same back in my school.
Now I just laugh at these images and everyone gets mad at me.


This is a pretty remarkable site and talks about the development of the narrative long before WWII.

>140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust &
The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

Wasn't it for putting the body after taking the skin off to make lampshades?

Or for the officers to swim in the blood of jewish virgin children?

How could I know, I only had French (((public))) education.

hmmmm.... activates my almonds

Hello, fellow MAGApedes! This is a reminder that Sup Forums supports nationalism for ALL peoples, including BASED israel. Antisemitism is explicitly forbidden - especially holocaust denial!

If you deny any parts of the holocaust, including:
>babies used as balls for football practice
>drowning pools
>masturbation torture machines
>giant electric chairs
>being gassed in showers with delousing agents behind wooden doors
>being gassed on the spot without the gas chamber
>candy given to kids before going inside gas chambers
>forced sex changes through injection
>portable gas-on-the-go gas chambers in trucks
>jews being turned into lampshades and soap
>the holocaust rollercoaster're a filthy fucking antisemite. And that will absolutely NOT be tolerated on Sup Forums. The holocaust, _IN_ITS_ENTIRETY_ is a 100% factual event that happened. Do NOT deny the holocaust.

With a diving board? Komraden pls...

You don't belong here...

Kek, what is this cringy shit

Reported for hate speech. There are millions of eye witness testimonies. Are you calling this man a liar?


of course (pic related)

>ladder removed
>cant grab onto the sides

Like at least having the walls 5 feet higher than the water would be believable


Top bants kek

nice digits

They would pretend that it was going to be a fun day of swimming, and we would get into the pool in our bathing suits, but once all of us were in the pool, they'd take away the ladder so none of us could escape the pool.
I only managed to survive by using my uncle as a floatation device.

hitler was right hans, he only fucked shit up when he foolishly tried to beat Mother Russia LOL, such a fool

you're savage hans

>a pool in the prisoner section of the camp for the guards
Really made me think

simon can go and fuck himself, just like anne frank (or the zionist motherfucker who wrote anne's bullshit)


>when the Jews on the line for the gas chambers won't stop using the fire reservoir as a pool even though we asked them nicely so we have to build them a diving board

>hate speech
>Sup Forums

everyone knows youre baiting unless you post screencaps

Yeah cos it totally looks like a fucking swimming pool, doesn't it

Don't ask why there is a pool at Auschwitz: ask why there is a chimney there!

They were about to declare war on Germany within a few months anyway. There was really nothing he could've done. Except maybe strategise their approach to Operation Barbarossa a bit more.

Of course it does, there's a fucking diving board.

This. People always indulge in the whole "stupid Hitler invading the USSR" meme, when war was to happen anyway. At least he caught them off-guard.

That's where they drowned the super jews who survived the gassings, the ovens and the masturbation machines you filthy goyim

good post

Now it all makes sense!!!!!! hitler loved the Jews so much he put them all in holiday camps free of charge while the German goys died on the eastern front WHAT A LOVING AND KIND PERSON he also sent gays and political opponents to holiday camps too to add diversity While straight Christian German males died in the millions on the battlefield HE DINI DO NUFFIN

Netenyahu is redpilled on Hitler.

Well of course, its both fiction.

Indeed. Most likely the only thing he could've done to improve his odds would've been to stick to the original invasion plan, which was to strike south and north and encircle Moscow, cutting them off from the resources of Siberia and the Caucasus.

Even then he probably wouldn't have won. You just can't fuck with Russia.

Is there a good source on this? I only have the word of General Otto Remer but I want something more concrete.

To reward wirkers you know nazis were socialist workers party rite?
Arbeit macht free you eork you get free pleasure

I don't have any saved here because I'm not on my PC but it makes sense logically,

Just think about how it was so easy for Germany to invade and take thousands of miles of land in weeks. It was only possible because the Red Army was preparing for offensive operations and completely unequipped strategically and in terms of fortifications to deal with being put on the defensive with zero warning.

There was a swimming pool. I'm convinced. Holocaust never happened. Swimming pool proves it.

If that doesn't do it for you how about gas chambers with wooden doors?

OP there was fire brigade in Aushwitz during war
and it was safety tank. I was there in Febr and guide told me

there was a fucking brass band at auschwitz

If you follow a thing with water and put entrances and a diving board at it it's a swimming pool. It's not "in the shape of a swimming pool" it's a fucking pool.